Whole Milk Not As TlavorfuP Today As Fifteen Years Ago "The US dairy industry is, “FILLED MILK hamllcis ob marketing a lowei quality tamed their SNF mfoim.ition whole milk today than it was fiom the dany mdustiv But 10 or 15 years ago m terms of the Hind milk mdusliy has Bolids-not-f.it,” .iccotdmg to Na- lai gcly leslncted the addition tional Dairy Situation, a pubh- ol SNF to its low tat milk*- and cation of the lesearch and com- has paid little if any. attention modify activities division of the to i .using the mmimuin SNF American Faun Buie.m Fedeia- standaids foi whole milk the tion. mdustiy's maim sale item In its Fehuiaiy issue, the "Whole milk mav be adilisted bulletin backs up this rathoi foi fat content but not foi roon startling statement by pointing fat constituents Buttei, cheese, out that the flavoi of wdiole o\ updated milk, and ice ciearn milk is impioved by the addi- mav be adjusted in most states tion of sohds-not-fal (SNF). It for both the fat and non-fat further staled that as the aver- content age butterfal level of whole “MILK QUALITY must be milk decreases, the SNF con- constantly stiessed and impiov tent decreases, and that SNF ed if the fluid milk industry is has a greater influence on the to compete effectively with flavor of milk than does fat. lluid milk substitutes The addi- The publication emphasizes tion of SNF to whole milk im that flavor plays a key role in proves the quality, enhances the consumer’s acceptance of a the flavor, and utilizes a dairy product. “In many taste tests, pioduct." it concluded, dairymen have rated a filled milk sample first and whole Red Cross Flag milk second Most filled milk The Red Cross flag is the manufacturers, recognizing the national flag of Switzerland Importance of flavor, market a with the colois tiansposed. It product ranging from 9 4 to 10 was adopted in honor of Switz percent SNP, as compared to an erland, where the first plans for average SNF level of 815 per- the Red CiosS organization were cent for whole milk. drawn up. See The Latest In Farmstead Mechanization DIRECTIONS TO OPEN HOUSE The Nissley and Musser. Farms are located about 2 miles Southeast of Mt Joy on Eby Chicque Road, South of Hy. 230. They can also be reached by taking Prospect Road South off Hy. 230, through Salunga to Eby Chicque Road. 808 BRUBAKER, BADGER DEALER, SALUNGA FICKES SILO COMPANY, NEWVILLE PENNA. POWER & LIGHT, LANCASTER BADGER NORTHLAND INC., KAUKAUNA, WISCONSIN TUESDAY, FREE MARCH 25th, 1969 REFRESHMENTS • Penno. Potato (Continued fiom Page 1) pioduie .i( least 50 peicent ol the potatoes m Pennsylvania, the piogram will become man daloiv kn tin oc \eais Aftei 1 Infe veais a new vote ol tin* gioweis will be needed to con tinue the pi obtain The ollectcd pioduceis would be those who giow 10 oi moie acies ol potatoes lor human consumption At the meeting in the Faim and Home Center it was lepoited that this would covet 90 pci cent of the spuds giown in the state The assessment now recom mended would be one cent pel bundled weight on all potatoes pioduced and sold foi human consumption At the present state pioduction the dollar in come from the piogiam would be about $5O to $55,000 per year A committee of 12 growers would administer the piogram m conjunction with the Secre taiy of Agriculture The money, accoiding to the proposal, may be used only for research, pro tion and despensation of mar keting information No money may be spent without the glow er committee’s appioval A special terminating provi sion is included by law that See Beef Feeding At John Nissley Farm John Nissley buys 750 lb feeder cuttle and finishes them for the prime market on a ration of com silage, gram & concenti ate« See how his mechanized feed system pei mits him to market 400 500 head yearly with a minimum of labor Push buttons have replaced the scoop shovel, and month ly marketing of cattle has enabled him to aveiage out higher returns per head- His efficiency is further pi oof that the farmei feeder can successfully compete with com mercial operators See Dairy Expansion J. Harold Musser's See how Harold Musser and Son met the challenge of growth through mechanization and remodeling them dairy barn. Sixteen new stalls were added along with a 600 gallon bulk tank, pipeline milker, barn cleaner and individual calf stalls. Last year he had installed a mechanized non-auger bunk feeder. His 50 milk cows average al most 15,000 lbs. of milk with 535 butterfat. SPONSORS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 22. l!Xi9- f) says if after the piogiam is in etleet, '12 1 _■ pet cent ol the gioweis with 50 peicent ot the pioduction may request m will mg that (he piogiam be slopp ed the Agiiculluie Seuetan must do so Oi it 10 peicent ot the pioduceis icquesl it the Societal v must call lot a iel cm endtnn (Hhenvise it comes up lor a pioducer vote everv thiee yeai s The contioiling committee i‘ selected by the Secietaiy but only fiom giowcis nominated by the pioduceis themsehes It was stiessed on a question fiom one of the gioweis present that the piogiam has nothing to do with acieago conti ol or land ic tn ement A piogiam ol this type has been m effect foi neatly thiee yeais foi the apple grow'eis and Reitei icported satisfactory re sults. Stiessing that funds for Ag riculture are dwindling. Bark ley said, “When an Agncultuie industry takes the initiative the government looks with more favor to help.” Potato growers weie request ed to become acquainted with the pi ©visions of the piogram and be leady to voice opinions at the May 27 meeting. Find Out How Much MORE MILK Your Cows Can Give PROF6TABLY The new Wayne "More tut Youi* Money' 7 Concept of dairy feeding can show you the Way. Science has proved that there's a correct baU once between body weighty feeding and milk production. The Wayne Concept helps you strike the balance thaf produces the maximum yield you may not be getting nov/. Lead Into Production You ask your cows how much they shoofd be fed. Lead them into peak production rather than letting their pres• ent production tell you how much to feed. Feed FOR production rather than TO production. High level grain feeding is profitable at shown by a summary of DHIA records from Michigan. Let Vs show you how ta opply the new Wayne Con* cept fo cows already In their lactation period . . , how fo use if In conjunction With a silage ration . . . how to balance grain mixture usa With greater production. Stop in soon. msrnsm WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens ROHRER’S MILL R, D. 1, Ronks FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D. 1, Quarrj'ville R.D. 2, Peach Bottom HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn and Bcllaire MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Millersville H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer C. E. SAUDER & SONS R.D. 1, East Earl MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R.D. 2, Columbia HERSHEY BEOS Beinholds PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse