Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 22, 1969, Image 3
Weekly Poultry Report Eostern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Pnccs continue unchanged on light type hens Demand con tinues good for barely adequate io short offerings Occasional Increased offerings noted foi next week. Demand for heavy hens fair. Offeungs baiely ade tjuate to short Prices paid at iarms Light type Hens (JVfe-lOVic, Heavy Type TFEWR. Eastern Shore Exchange Broiler and live fryer prices averaged 1913 cents a pound this week Prices ranged from a high of 20 cents a pound on Monday to a low of 18 cents a pound on Thuisday Total sales were 323,600 head up 44,300 head fiom last week • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) (pairs) 450 610, Riding hoises 35-460, Driving horses 95-310, Pony mares 20-30, Geldings 15- 25, Killeis BV2-9V2 HOGS March 17, 1969 Receipts of 971 hogs sold steady Retail 22 23, Wholesale 21 25-21 75, Heavyweights 19 75- 21, Sows 1415, Boais 12-13 50 CALVES March 17, 1969 US 1 210 220 lbs 23 00-23 25, Receipts of 107 calves sold US 2 200-245 lbs 21 60-22 10, US steady Choice and Prime 43- 2-3 230-270 lbs 20 85-2150 49. Good and L Choice 38-42 50, SHEEP 63 Wooled Lambs Standard 35-37 50, Common stiong to 100 higher, Ewes 23-34 50 steady DEKALB PROFIT PULLET REPORT Age of Birds 78 Weeks 263.5 Eggs with Potential of 24 More Eggs 3.65 Lb. Feed Per Dozen Eggs Livability 89.6% Grade A 91.9% Profit Pullets March 18, 1969 (Puces paid dock weights, cents per lb , except where noted) HENS, light type 8-lOVj, HENS, heavy type 14-23, PUL LETS 28 36, ROASTERS 31- 40, DUCKS 33 39 mostly 33- 35, DRAKES 35-43 mostly 39- 42, GEESE 31-42 mostly 40-42, RABBITS 48-68 mostly 56-65, GUINEAS 46 65 mostly 60 65, PIGEONS (per pair) 60 200 mostly 75-1 10. TOTAL COOPS SOLD 594 • Auction (Continued from Page 2) diessing Cuttei 19 50-21 50, few 2185 22 50, Cuttei 18 25-19 75, Cannei and low-Cuttei 17 00- 18 00 BULLS Choice 26 60 27 60 Good 24 00 26 10, Utility and Commeicial 24 50 26 60, six head 27 25 28 60 FEEDER STEERS Choice 9001070 lbs 28 75 29 60, mixed Good and Choice 870 1000 lbs 27 75 28 50 CALVES 89—Vealeis steady to 100 lowei, some sales Cull 2 00 lowei VEALERS Choice 48 50- 51 00. Good 45 00-49 50, Standaid 39 00 43 50, Utility 33 00-40 00, Cull 90 120 lbs 29 00-33 00, few 65 85 lbs 25 00-29 00 HOGS 299—Bauows and Gilts fully steady BARROWS AND GILTS -x -jc -x AARON S. CLICK R. D. 2, Quarryville For Your Quality DeKalb Pullets See Soles Representative THOMAS MUMMA MELHORN HATCHERY 40 Donegal Springs Road, Mount Joy, Pa Foqelsville Ph. 367-2683 Phone 653-1102 • Vintage (Continued fiom Paso 2) Canner and low Cuttei 16 50 18 - 50 BULLS Good 23 75-25 85, couple Choice 26 25, Utility and Comineicial 24 00 26 00, few 26 10 26 60, couple 27 35 28 60 CALVES 386 ■ steady to 2 00 lower VEALERS Choice 49 00- 50 50, Good 43 50-49 00, Stand ard 38 50 43 00, Utility 34 00-38 - 50 Cull 90-120 lbs 29 00-34 50, 65-85 lbs 23 00-30 00 HOGS 415 Banows and Gilts steady to 25 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 200-230 lbs 22 10-22 75 US 2 195-245 lbs 21 25-2185 US 2-3 200-250 lbs 20 50-21 10 US 1-2 170-190 lbs 19 60-20 25 Couple lots 168 lbs 18.50-18 75 SHEEP 95 Small supply Wooled Lambs mostly steady, This was the fust available sup ply of Spung Lambs SPRING LAMBS Choice 70-85 lbs 38 00 41 00 50-70 lb 39 50 42 00, 30-40 lbs 40 00-47 50, Good 50 85 lbs 32 00 38 00 WOOLED LAMBS Good and Choice 70 90 lbs 28 00 32 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utili ty and Good 7 00 10 00, few 95 120 lbs 13 50-18 50 • Lancaster (Continued from Page 2) 220 lbs 23 00 23 25 US 2 200-245 lbs 21 60 22 10 US 2 3 230-270 lbs 20 85-2150 SHEEP 300 Wooled Lambs strong to 100 higher, Ewes steady WOOLED LAMBS Choice 65-95 lbs 30 00 34 00, Good 60 95 lbs 26 00-30 00, Utility 23 25-26 SURING LAMBS Choice 60-80 lbs 34 00 36 00, few lots Choice and Pume 60 70 lbs 36 00-37 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Utili ty and Good 6 00-11 00 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. f Quotations Fiom Moiulav, Maich 17th to Fnda\, IMaich 21st) WHITE Fcv E\ Laige 46 *j 46 4 47 Fey Laige 46 46 Fey Mediums 38 38'a Fey Pullets 34 33 > 2 34 Fey Pecwees 20 20 Vealei s BROWN Fey Large 48 ’2 Fey Mediums Fey Pullets 34 J 2 34*2 Fey Peewees 20 20 Standards Checks 40 V 2 40 ¥2 29 29 v 2 29 29 ¥2 Trend Maiket showing stionger tone on Fancy Laige White. Smaller sizes megular • Chicago (Continued tiom Page 2) Wednesday, Piime 1200 1350 lbs Yield Guide 3 and 4 33 50 34 00 load 1360 lbs 34 50 the highest since May 1959 Mixed High Choice and Pume 1100- 1375 lbs 31 75-33 50 Choice 950- 1350 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 29 - 75 32 00 Mixed High Good and Choice 28 75-29 75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday Mixed High Choice and Pume 950-1100 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 29 50 30 25, lattei highest since Novembei 1962 Choice 850 1050 lbs Yield JbjyW * I SEND ME A FREE BROCHURE " " ' | BEFORE OFFER CLOSES » { UNITED LAND DEBENTURES REP JAMES E MILLEN, JR. J | AKRON PENNA TELEPHONE «59 2200 ,| j NO OBLIGATION TO INVEST SEND INFORMATION AT ONCE TO: jj I . 0 I NAME ■ ADDRESS CITY Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 22. 1969 Mon. Tues 48*2 Copyiight 1969 by Urner Barry Publications FABULOUS EARNINGS FORECAST! A SAFE NEW INVESTMENT PLAN SECURED BY LAND HOLDINGS Here is great news about a new investment plan that ts now paying a total of 9% on any amount invested. Local investors show extreme confidence 1 WELL KNOWN INSURANCE MAN JAMES E. MILLEN, JR. INTRODUCES NEW PLAN TO AREA "Invest any amount you wish l " says James E Millen, Jr of the MILLEN INSURANCE AGENCY AKRON. PENNA Any amount up to $25 000 00 will earn a total of 9% and nearly everyone is eligible to par* ticipate The investment organization, known as UNITED LAND DEBENTURES is backed up and secured by thousands of acres of valuable land. Because land almost never depreciates, your money earns an unusually high profit ' MOST BANKS OFFER 5% OR LESS The investment plan has gained wide spread local attention from FARMERS and BUSINESS PRO FESSIONALS It s an obvious winner l With the costs of living continually rising, 9% earnings on your money gives great advantage to future security. Thu is, Med 47 47 46L 39 34 20 47>2 48 47 40 33 '2 20 48 ‘2 40 34 20 48*j 41V2 291/2 30 29 tv 30 Snacks For Ch—dren Snacks m themselves aic not bad but the kinds of toods childien choose mn\ be le minds Mis Rutnalee Can oil, Penn State extension foods and nutntion specialist Snacks should piovide pait of the nutn tional needs of the day and aie best planned ioi midmoming 01 midafteinoon and not lust befoie a meal Grade 2 to 4 28 50 29 50 Mixed Good and Choice 27 50-28 50 BULLS Thioughout the peuod, Utility and Commercial 22 00-25 50 STATE 3 Fri. 47 48 47 40 34 35 20 48 '2 40 34 20 42 29 'h 30 Vv