Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 22, 1969, Image 23

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.fl-fi.fiJLSL' 1 ILSLQJLI
Society of Faim Women =22
entertained members of Society
#25 at their meeting held at
Covenant United Methodist
Church, Lancaster
The Rev Elwood Mehle, pas
tor of Hellers United Church ol
Christ, Leola, presented a pro
giam of charcoal drawing and
special lighting effects with a
musical background.
Mrs. Scott Nissley, president
of the County Farm Women,
and Mrs John N Hess first vice
piesident of the Countv, were
honored guests Mrs Lloyd Hen
conducted devotions
Mrs Paul Miller, Society 22
These tractors are equipped
with the famous DEUTZ
Air-Cooled diesel engine . . .
Outperforms any water-cooled diesel engine
Options include all the latest features.
Four-wheel drive available.
Hatville Rd., Gordonville R.D. 1, Pa Phone 768-8531
John Kurtz
Ph: 354-9251
R D. 3. Ephrata
'Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph 267-1195
Rh 'ems
piesident, conducted a business
meeting following the piogiam
at which a gift of S 5 was given
to the Eastei Seal campaign
The ne\t mooting will be held
on \pnl 8 at the Kitchen Kettle
Foods Intel course, foi a tour of
the piocessmg plant The busi
ness meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs Claude Wenger.
1804 Pioneer Rd Society 22
membeis \vill be guests of So
ciety IS at 1 30 p m in the Faim
and Home Center on April 12.
Society of Farm Women =8
had then husbands as guests
yvhen the gioup held its banquet
HEIFERS FAST at low cost with..*
More and more local dairymen are proving that a small extra
investment in heifer feeding can pay off when heifers freshen and
begin contributing to the milk check.
And research has proved that heifers which produce well in th»
first lactation continue to be high producers over a longer
milking life than average cows.
NEW Purina* Heifer Chow* has been developed to help you
grow big heifers fast, conveniently and at low cost. New Heifer
Chow is a palatable, coarse 14 per cent protein ration, fortified
with vitamins and minerals to stimulate fast, solid heifer
To build low-cost growth, you need feed only 3 pounds of New
Heifer Chow per'heifer per day if your legume forages are of
good quality. For best results, start your heifers on the Purina
heifer growing program at six months of age until 90 days before
freshening when they’ll be fed on the basis of their condition
and on the quality of your forage.
Drop in soon and pick up a copy of our New Purina Heifer
Growing Program folder. It explains the program to follow fox
fast-growing, early-freihening heifers at low cost.
■Reg. Trademark—Ralston Purina Co
West Willow
Formers Assn., Inc.
Ph- 464-3431
West Willow
James High & Sons
Ph 354-0301
served by the Auxihaiy to the
Mnytown Fae Company, in the
Fire Hall
The Rev Cabin Rex pasloi
of Zion United Chinch of Chnst,
Manetta. was guest speaker The
Lancastei Cleft Palate Clinic
vas the topic and the Re\ Mi
Rex illnstialed his talk He is
the founei chaplain and mem
bei of the staff of the Clinic
Seveial case histones weie ex
Hostesses who used a St
Patnck’s theme for the dinnei,
weie Mis Haiold N T e>, Mis
John Keenei. Mrs Charles and
Mrs Anne Groff Pnzes weie
The next meeting will be held
April 19 at the home of Mis
Abnei Risser. Bambudge R 1
made to the Crippled Childien's
Society of Farm Women 18 Society by Farm Women So
enteitamed Society 21 at a ioint ciet l 13 at a iccent meeting
meeting Satin day at the Faim Members of the gioup will
11 Moneymaking Alfalfas
• DuPuit
• Vernal
• Buffalo
• Ranger
• Cayuga
• Narragansett
8 Moneymaking Clovers
• Certified Pennscott
• Select Pennscott
• Penna. Medium Red
• Midwest Medium Red
• White Blossom Sweet
Fresh seed mixed and inoculated (FREE)
Sove with REIST'S Seeds
Mount Joy, Pa. Ph. 653-4121
Finest Quality Seeds (.Since 1925)
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 22.1069
.incl Homo Center The business
session was conducted bv Mis
Edwaid Wisslei picsident De
votions weic led b> Mis David
it Itohiei
The piogiam leatuiod a talk
on deeoiating eggs and Mis
John N Hess Columbia, mem
bei ol Societj 18 and vice piesi
dent ol Lancastei County Societv
ol Faim Women, displayed
The social hom was In chaige
ot social committee chan man.
Mrs David E Buckvvallei.
Lititz A rummage sale will be
held at the Malta Temple on
Apnl 10 and 11.
A monetai j donation was
• Ha\mor
• Northwest Common
• Northwest Grimm
• Saranac
• Iroquois
• Yellow Blossom Sweet
• Mammoth
• Alsike
Ira B. Landis
Ph; 394-7912
1912 Creek:Hill Rd., Lane.
John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Plr 442-4632
sow at the Lancaster Gcneial
Hospital on Apnl 2 liom 9 30
am to 230 pm A i unimage
sale will be held \pnl 29 30 at
the Malta I'emple
\ bus tup has been sched
uled to Tangiei Island, \a , on
Max 17 Resen alums max bo
made xvilh Mis Eivm Diown,
2110 New Holland Pike
The ne\l meeting will be held
A.piil 11 at the Laucaslei Coun
ty Infoiniat’on Cento: Hemp
stead Road at 730 pm Films
of Lancastei County will be
shown Chan man is Mis John
Society ol Faun Women 3
met lecently in the histoucal
Coleman Chapel along Route
501 neai Buckeiville
Mis Esthei Petticoffei had
ehaige of the devotions and also
seixed as the hostess Mis Wil
lie Stober. piesident, was in
ehaige ol the meeting She in
ti oduced the County Piesident,
Mis Scott Nisslex xrlio xxas the
guest of honoi, and also pie
sented hei with a gill fiom the
Miss Linda Stubei a Society
membei and leccnt giaduate oC
the Goldey Beacom College, ic
cei\ed a giadnation gift
Conti ibutions weie gnen to
the Easter Seal and the Hemo
philia funds foi Lancastei Coun
ty On Apul 15 the membei s
will sew at the Ephiata Com
munity Hospital
The speakei was Mi Gailancl
Gingench Vo-Ag teachei at
Penn Manoi High School His
illustrated lectuie was about
semng as an agucultuial mis
sionaij in Honduias Cential
Amei ic a
The next meeting will be
April 19 at the Salem Luthei an
Church Lincoln, with a lunch
eon at 12 noon at winch time So
ciety 6 will be entei tamed
j (.Continued on Page 311