22—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 22,1969 Six Eggs A Day Provided Stamina For Olympic Athletes Almost a half dozen eggs a trameis know that eggs pi ovule dav weic consumed by each good nutation and help build athlete competing in last fall's the stamina they need for 19th Olympic Games in Mexico giueling competition That is City, repot ts the Januaiy issue why each athlete ate an a\ei age ot Hy-L ine World, a magazine of 5 7 eggs a day published bx H\-Line Poult!j Ceitainlv stamina is also Farms as a sc.uce to poultij- needec , „ school chlldren . men In conti ast the avenge housewncs and people at wolk per capita consumption ot eggs and L m this busv ttorld in the L nited States is 0 9 eggs a day. A total of 815.000 quality H\- Line eggs were eaten bv the The moial is that perhaps the 7.226 athletes during the 16 Olympic athletes know some- days of torrid Olympic competi tlung the aieiage Amencan tion Fifteen nutritionists close could benefit fiom. suggests jy monitored the content and Dr L A Wilhelm, piesident of quality of food served in the six the Poultij and Egg National Olympic Village cafeterias and Board made sure the eggs were pre- Olympic athletes and their P are d in diveise ways Temperature Important Check the condition of the freezer cabinet when buying foods at the store, suggests Harold Neigh. Penn State ex tension consumei economics specialist Cabinet should be clean, free of ice, and packages not stacked above the “fill” line Temperatuie of the cabinet should be zero degiees or be low Pennsylvania’s fiozen food code requires that retailers ad heie to these two requirements The egg supplier was Fabnco de Huevo Garces (“eggs made by the hands of Gaices”). The fnm. founded 20 yeais ago by Si Manuel Giaces, supplies eggs so high in quality that it is the only poultry business grant ed Mexican court approval to sell its eggs above the official ly-set top market price FORD TRACTOR CHECK OUR PARTS ANO SERVICE MONTHLY SPECIALS ALLEN H. MATE, INC 505 E. Main St. # New Holland a q. i . Learning To Manage Money Jr F A Otuaems Consumer education programs q i m are now offered in some school OD6£IK I O systems at the high school level, • i | . says Helen E Bell, Penn State W arWICK Lions extension home management specialist Students learn about competitive prices, marketing, advertising, and product infor mation Thiough this they can get a better picture of the mar ket liom both the buyer’s and the producer's standpoint Two local FFA boys Jesse Balmei, president and James Kalenich, treasui ei. presented an mtei sting talk and slides for membeis of the Waiwxck Town ship Lions Club at a iccent meet ing The boys spoke on a ic cent tup they took to Kansas Citv with a gioup of five local FFA. members and Clair Zerby agricultuial teichei Lowell Forney, club president, piesided over the meeting at tended by 19 members and two guests A Chicken Barbecue will be sponoied by the club on Saturday, March 22, hom 11 a m ta 4 pm at the Lions Hall Ad vanes tickets are being sold at NEW SERIES SAUDER LOADER r Shears, Important Sewing Tool Buying shears carefully, knowing how to use them cor lectlv. and giving them the proper treatment will pay divi dends in the service you get from this cutting tool, says Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson. Penn State extension clothing specialist SI each club membeis or call 626-8508 WITH A 11 J- #f 354-2214