Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 22, 1969, Image 2
At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review M.ndi 20, 19G9 C \TTI,E 3000 Comp.uccl to last weeks close. Slaughtei Sleei s ste.idv to 50 highei. with most adxance on high Choice and Pi ime Cows mostly stench Bulls ste.idv to 50 highei Feeti ei Steels 25 50 highei Supph included .m estimated 50 pei cent Slaughtei Steel s 15 pei cent Cows >md Bulls, with the balance mainlv Feedei Steels SI. \ LIGHTER STEERS High Choice and Pntne 1100 1400 lbs 31 50 33 25, Choice 1100 1375 lbs 300031 85. 900 1100 lbs 29 50 31 50 high Good and low Choice 28 50 30 25 Good 26 50 28 75 Standaid and low Good 24 00 26 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 26 10 27 50 Good 700- 900 lbs 24 00 26 00 COWS Utilitv and high diessing Cuttei 19 50 21 50 lew 21 85 22 50 Cuttei 18 25 20 00 Cannei and low Cutter 16 50 18 - 50 BLLLS Choice 25 75 27 60 Good 24 00-26 10 Utility and Commeicial 23 75 26 60, six head 27 25-28 60 FEEDER STEERS Six loads Choice and Pnme 550-580 lbs 35 00 35 50 Choice 500-530 lbs 32 00-33 50, load mixed- Good and Choice 620 lbs 30 50, loui loads Choice and Prime 970-1025 lbs 29 50 30 00 Choice 900 1070 lbs 28 50 29 60, mixed- Good and Choice 870-1075 lbs 27 50 28 75 CALVES 450 Vealers steady to 100 lowei some sales Cull 2 00 lowei VEALERS Choice 48 50- 52 00 few head 53 00-54 00 Good 45 00-50 00, Standaid 39- 00 44 00 Utility 33 00 41 00, Cull 90 120 lbs 29 00-34 00, few 65 85 lbs 24 00 29 00 HOGS 1350 Bauows and Gilts steady to mostly 25 high ei Sows scaice CLOSING SALES BAR ROWS \ND GILTS US 1 210 (Continued on Page 3) Cali your local HOFFMAN SEED MAN FR INK H BUCHER 2160 Main SI, Rothsville, Pa. 626 6504 TESTER ERR 312 S. Mount Joy St, Elizabethtown, Pa 367-7112 JV'.OX II MELLINGER R I). 1 Sti ashing, Pa lON VTKW S. SHIRK 366 E Main St. Bareville, Pa. 656 9302 EDGVR C L'MBLE Pecjuea Ave Gap, Pa. TiIJ.LV. SPECIALIZING IN ALFALFA, ■ ;li ~m CLOVER, pasture, ■ tTtti.w oats, forage A, H.HOFFMANSEEDS, INC. Un*svmt.(L»nc«st«r ■- - - -i' - - MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 1041—Compaied to Monday, Slaughter Stccis steady tu 50 highei, with most adv.mce on high Choice .incl Fume, Cows moslh steady. Bulls steady to 50 higher Supply included 10 pci cent Cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Piime 1100- 1400 lbs 31 50 33 25 Choice 1100 1375 lbs 30 00 31 85, 900- 1100 lbs 29 50 3150 high-Goocl and lon Choice 11001325 lbs 28 75 30 25, 900 1100 lbs 28 50- 29 75 Good 26 50 28 75 Standai d arc! low Good 24 00 26 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good 700 900 lbs 24 00 26 00. couple Choice 26 10 26 25 COWS UtiliU and high (Continued on Page 3) April May June August October November December Febiuary ’7O 29.40 March Apiil a-asked b-bid n-nominal Tiend Cattle aie highei, Hogs and steady and Potatoes are steady VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS. LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A M FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 P M FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10 00 A.M DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12-30 P M FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL—THURSDAY at 12 30 P M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna Abi am W Diffenbach, Manage! Phone (717) 354 2194 687-6546 442 4525 Auction Only March 19. 19G9 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thmsday, Maich 20, 1969) Midwestern Live Cattle Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York 31.00 30.25 30.40 30.20 29.60 29.05 Vintage Auction Match 18, 19G9 CATTLE 910 Compaied to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steois steady to 50 higher, some sales high Choice and Pnme 75 high er, Cows unevenly steady, Bulls fully steady Supply included 24 pei cent Cows SLAUGHTER "STEERS High Choice and Pnme 1100 1350 lbs 31 60 32 60, 5 head 32 • 85 33 50 Choice 950 1375 lbs 29 35 31 50, few 31 50 32 00 high Good and low Choice 28 35 29 75. Good 26 50-29 00, Stand ai d and low Good 23 75-26 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good 675 850 lbs 24 35 26 00, few head Choice 875 1100 lbs 26 00 28 00 COWS Utility and high diessing Cuttei 19 25 21 50, few 21 60 22 50 Cutter 18 35 20 25, (Continued on Page 3) 22.00 23.97 23.32 21.50 Lambs 34 50-35 50. two ~ „ „ .. Ewes 800 CATTLE 1100— Complied to List TlunscUiy, Slaughtei Steei s COWS si long to 25 higher, some sales Match 19, 1969 high Choice and Pnme 50 high- Receipts of 100 cows 5 bulla ei, Cows steady to 50 higher. Jlld 2 heifers sold steady Hol with Utility mainly 50 highei, stem 425700; Guernseys 180- Bulls uneven, Good and Choice 360 othei bieeds 265-385, Bulls fully steady. Utility and Com 130300 Heiteis 118 meicial 50 75 higher Supply included 29 peicent Cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1075 1P75 lbs 32 00 33 75, Choice 1000 1375 lbs 30 00 32 00, few 925-1000 lbs 29 50 31 00 high- Good and low Choice 28 85 30 25, Good 26 75 29 10. Standai d and low Good 24 00 26 10 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good 820 990 lbs 24 60 25 25, couple lots 700-735 lbs 23 25 23 75 few head Choice 26 25- 26 50 COWS Utility and high di essing Cuttei 19 75 22 25, sev eial 22 35 23 00, Cuttei 18 35- 20 35, Canner and low-Cuttex 17 50-18 85 BULLS Choice 26 00-27 00, few 2710-27 60, Good 24 00- 2610; Utility and Commercial 24 35-26 60, aiound 15 head 27 35-28 25 2.88 CALVES 349 Vealeis weak to 1 00 lower. 3.74 VEALERS Choice 48 50- 51 50, Good 44 00-49 00, Stand ard 40 00-45 00, Utility 33 00- 40 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 29 GO -33 50, 65 85 lbs 24 00-29 00 2.43 SHEEP 5 No test of tiends, three Choice 55-75 lbs Spring 2.79 Announcing AEROVENT'S VARI-PACK Variable speed, automated farm ventilation control system Especially designed for dairy, hog, and poultry houses. E. M. Herr Equipment, Inc. New Holland Auction March 20, 19G9 DISTRIBUTED BY R D 1, Willow Street, Pennsylvania 17584 Phone; 717 464-3321 HORSES March 17, 1969 Receipts or 400 Horses sold steady Mules (single) 175-245, (Continued on Page 3) Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with the pievious Friday, slaughter steei s 25 50 highei, heifers stiong to 50 higher Cows fully 50 highei Supply fully 70 peicent slaughtei steeis and 25 peicent heifeis, balance mainly cows. Oveiall finish of slaughter steers this week 11 percent Prime and 76 percent Choice compared with 9 percent Prime and 77 percent Choice last week and 11 percent Prime and 73 peicent Choice last year The avei age cost and weight for the week estimated at 30 25 highest aveiage since December 1952 and 1145 lb compared with 29.- 85 and 1134 lbs last week and 27 90 and 1166 lbs last year. Heifers were mostly Average Good to Low Prime 850-1100 lbs SLAUGHTER STEERS On (Continued on Page 3) Utility