Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 22, 1969, Image 18
18- Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 22.1909 sa§. Hr Covered Bridges And Deer Are Favorite Knick-Knack Subjects For Mrs. Glenn Morrison By Mrs. Charles McSparran Lancaster Fanning Staff Writer “Let me live in a house by the side of the load and be a fnend to man” as penned by Sam Waltei Foss might well be ap plied to Mis Glenn (Floience) Momson of Mai tic Foige As one enteis the home of Mi and Mrs Momson you at once are aware of some of her hobbies She says, Tm a lovei of covei ed bridges and deei ” In eveiy room aie covered bridges such as calendar towels, pictuies and knick-knacks Even their son David is making them for her with his wood burning set She also has quite a collection of deer They aie displayed on tables among her houseplants om the window sills etc Her friends keep adding to her col lection She also keeps scrap books of intei est to herself and hei family Mrs Momson has done a lot of embroideiy woik such as DON’T BURN HONEY Save money this winter by letting us install a Texaco Jet Flame Booster on your oil burncr.Texaco research and tests in homes prove tins new flame-control de velopment can increase burner efficiency by as much as 42%. You get more heat—use less oil. Giv e us a call for a free an alysis of your oil-heating equipment. No obligation. (FuelChiefl WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Buinei Sales & Service 105 Fair view St MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 FOR THE FARM WIFE AND FAMILY pillow cases and tablecloths It takes a lot of stitches to do a tablecloth but she is woiking on her fifth 01 sixth one She is a veiy intei esting person with her many hobbies and in a few minutes you aie made to feel as though you’ve known her all your life Hei musical talents are put to good use in the Colemanville United Methodist Chuich of which she is a member She sings in the choir and has re cently organized and is direct ing a Junior Choir with Brad Fink as the pianist This young man is also pianist for then Church School Primary Depart ment Florence also teaches a Sunday School class of girls 7- 13 years of age She is a mem ber of the Women’s Society of Christian Sei vice and is serving SPECIAL VALUES COLUMBIAN \7fOr' mm m EXTRA HEAVY DUTY J {JJC ADJUSTABLE ANGLE 5” JAW JL^mM^ GIRLS’ STURDY SCHOOL SHOES $9 OC SIZES 9 3, TWO TONE BROWN Mm • O*3 ALL LEATHER, CREPE SOLE p a ir WE HAVE THE COATS AND CLARK LINE OF SEWING NOTIONS ZIPPERS, THREAD, INVISIBLE ZIPPERS, BIAS TAPES, BINDINGS, ETC. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL TODDLERS’ OA , CORDUROY OVERALLS OUC each BOYS’ SIZES 10-12 rA , corduroy pants 50c each STORE HOURS: 7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Except Wed. & Sat. 7.30 to 5 P.M. Closed Sunday Clothing, Shoes, Houseware, Hardware and General Merchandise GOOD'S STORE R D 1, East Ear 1 Penna Ph 445-6156 1 Mile Noith of Route 23 Along Route 625 on the Sunshine committee sending cards to the sick and remembering the service men with gilts She is also a mem ber of the Admmisti alive Board of the chinch She has uist iccently letned as Piesidenl of Faim Women Society #9 and is now seiving as news leporter She has solv ed as Corresponding Secretary and Recording Secietary in the past She has belonged to the Society 18 yeais They have 34 members fiom the Martic Foige area originally but it now leaches to Mount Nebo, Willow Street, Lancaster and Milleis ville For social functions they have family picnics in the sum mer, entertain othei Societies at the Boys Club which meets at Camp Snyder, Maiticville, and take bus tups in the spring and fall These trips also bring in some money for their treasury Their seivice activities in clude sewing cancer dressings, folding seals foi Heait Haven and Christmas seals, taking fruit juices to Heait Haven in Febiuaiy and making ai tides of clothing foi the Lancastei Needlewoik Guild ingathenng in Novembei In the past they have made seveial quilts foi it They have a unique way to earn money members aie given a calendar with certain days covered with a seal When you open it you must pay a certain fine for a particular thing as designated They must also pay a fine for their birthdays and for not attending meetings They also have white elephant sales, auction off plants at their meetings and have refreshment stands at sales Florence helps in the kitchen for the Parent-Teacher Organi- EMBROIDERING a beautiful table cloth. Mrs. Glenn Morrison ot Martic Forge embroiders to relax and provide a favorite pass time. L F. Photo zation school fair each spring Mrs Morrison was born and county. Because of his integrity raised on a farm near New he quickly built up his business TT „ , - j • u* * Florence attended grade-school Holland, being the daughter of Leacock High Rehihmf 111 'During ‘ Wodd' War **“"1 and Manor Township „„„ TT c , 7 „ * graduating there and attended b °° kS f ° r hel> father and helped which was a long time ambition) ■! i . ~1 . at Martic Forge This’was in with his business until Mr Rem -1942 He bought chickens all (Continued on Page 19) JACOBSEN. 15? Tractor jU for larger lawns Big 3' rotan Powerful 7 H.P. engine takes heavy lawn work in stride. Glides up and down slopes without power loss. Versatile, too—operates a 34" snow thrower, dozer blade, and many pull-type implements such as dump cart, seeder, etc. You can't beat famous Jacobsen quality. • Electric start or recoil start models • 3 speeds forward, 1 reverse e Wide extra flotation and traction rear tires e Float 'n Pivot front axle With 34 „ Mowftr e Parking brake a Air cushion seat Included SEE US AT THE HOME & GARDEN SHOW HALDEMAN'S GARAGE liird-in-Hand, Penna, over the southern end of the For A Limited Time Only $550-00 Phone 393-928 6