12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 22,1969 WASHINGTON REPORT Congressman Edwin D. Eshleman MBEI 16th Dlitrlcf-Psnntylvanla nraMrffin In nr column two weeks ago, I bcian j discussion of the dee toial refoim issue At th it lini«., the covciagc was limited to some bickground infoimalion and an analjsis of the dncct election plan as one means foi reusing the electoral college system This column will be do voted to a look at thiee moic rcfoi m proposals and some con clusions I have reached as a re sult of my own research. An electoral formula with many proponents, including President Nixon, is the propor tional plan. It would abandon the electoral college, but retain the electoral vote. Electoral votes would be apportioned on a percentage basis among the presidental candidates in each state in accordance with the number of popular votes receiv ed statewide. For example, in a state with 20 electoral votes, a candidate getting 60% of the popular vote would receive 12 of the 20 possible electoral insS mmmm RED JACKET TOWN f N COUNTRY SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS Water service troubles needn't begin where the water mains end. You can enjoy on ■ the • main pressure no matter where you live with a Red et Town 'n Country sub mersible pump. Don’t put up with water service troubles . . . bring them to us. PRICED AS LOW AS $135.00 BUCK Wayne J Byei s R D #l. Rawlmsville 284 4468 EAST PETERSBURG J & J Plumbing & Heating 898-7174 or 393-5305 LANCASTER Landis Bros, Inc 1305 Manheim Pike Lancaster 393-3906 STRASBURG C Robert Long Rear 103 West Mam St Lancaster 687-7281 INTERCOURSE Noah N. Martin Intercourse 7683531 NEW HOLLAND A. C Plank Co 129 E Main New Holland 354-8822 WILLOW STREET Dombach Bi others Lancastei 393-7658 P. W. STRICKLAND (Distubutorj 31 S. Queen St., Yoik, Pa. Phone 848-2819 tallies The candidate receiving the most clcctoial votes throughout the countiy would become President piovided he attained a ceitam minimal per centage (usually 40%) esta blished in the law. Those who favor the piopor tional plan claim that the popu lar strength of the candidates would be reflected more evenly than under the piesent winner take all system. But distribution of electoral votes by percentage would provide no assurance that the popular will would al ways prevail. In at least two elections since 1860 such a plan would have given the presiden cy to a minority candidate who was defeated under the elector al college system. Another reform proposal that has ben advocated in a good bit of my mail is the district plan. Under this formula, a state would be broken down into electoral districts, following congressional district lines. In addition, each state would have two electors at large. The elec tors would meet and vote, but would be bound to vote as their districts had voted in the popu lar tallies. the people to select between While the district plan is al- the frontrunners in a so one that appears to have the secon< f election. advantage of reflecting the Electoral reform is one of popular vote more accurately those issues where conclusions than the present system, it are difficult to draw and direc- CLEARANCE SALE FANTASTIC HAVE A LOOK U H In a Remington ' saw you’ll :e’s plenty -ug power to spare One reason is Remington’s full Roller-Bearing • design. It’s the best way to build UICU a chain saw. And only Remington | Chain Saws are made that way CnecK our to increase cutting speed and 2, reduce friction, year / Whatever wood cutting job you’ve got to do, AAA Remington has a chain CtTfWV saw powered and tree guarantee And dor ,, t „Sf. w/S“r the longest, strongest guarantee in the chain saw industry. ... outwits, outlasts ’em all GERMAN BROS. SALES & SERVICE 1 Ml. North of Terre Hill on Rt. 897 EAST EARL R. D. 1 PHONE 445-6272 would present somo new prob- tion is difficult to determine. I loms. For instance, the small am one who has great faith in states would achieve greater tllo n t)|iity 0 f the people to de strength; whereas larger states ........ . would tend to split their elector- cide bcst thc ,caders who arc al votes among thc contenders to speak for them. But, since I the state with thiee electoral believe that it is imperative that votes would deliver a bloc of the system be reformed for the voles to one candidate. In 1960 better as soon as possible, my such a pattern would have legislative research has convinc changed the outcome of thc me to take a loulc that off presidcntial election. ers some dcsiiablc progress plus a real chance of winning appioval of 38 states. This brings ns to the final electoral icfoim plan, and the one that I have offered as a means of change, the non-elec tor proposal To be sure, this formula offers no radical re vision, but it does appear to have the advantage of preserv ing Constitutional tradition, and also, has the best chance of ratification by 38 states. The non-elector plan would simply make the present system work automatically. The office of elector would be abolished, leaving us without the possi bility of some individuals vot ing differently from what the public intended. I have proposed another change that, hopefully, could be included in any of the electoral reforms that Congress chooses to consider. A runoff election procedure should replace the opportunity the Congress now has of deciding the outcome of deadlocked presidential con tests. In cases where deadlocks occur, a Constitutional crisis should be avoided by permitting SPRING SAVINGS On All Models Rfmington. 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