Pa. Forest Department Warns Of Fire Hazards Ir the Spring a young man’s fanc> turns to thoughts ot love but on the less romantic side, the adient of waim wealhei represents for many Pennsyl vanians a time foi a geneial cleanup both inside and out Unfoi tunately too often in the piocess of cleaning up out of doors the piopeity ownei is lineale of the potential hazaid he is creating as he begins bum ing ofi fields, hedgeiovs 01 just plain irash which has accumu lated o\ er the past months Consequently this is as fai as Pennsylvania’s foiests aie coccemed the dangeious time of 'he year when a meie spaik, waited aloft by a steady bieeze car ignite a neighboring field woodlot 01 tract of foiest land For each ton of Beacon's Get one set of these handsome, gift packaged Americana insulated mugs FREE! From now until May 10th, 1969 your Beacon dealer will give you one set of these handsome, practical and durable mugs free with the purchase of any combination of Beacon Swms Feeds totaling one ton purchased at 1 one time. This offer is being made to help introduce you to the improved Beacon Life Cycle Swine feeding program designed to get market pigs from birth to butcher with maximum gams in minimum time. So call your Beacon dealer today Beacon Swine Feeds are palatable, efficient and profitable And the six Americana mugs can be yours for trying just one ton! GEHMAN FEED 0. KENNETH H. JACOB HOOBER MILL, INC. McCRACKEN Intercourse Denver Mauheuu *• B -, G^™ LL EARL SAUDER, INC. & SON New Holland Strasbmg and in minutes what took years to produce may be ieduced to a chained mass of blackened tiee stumps. This year, in paiticular, the danger is extiemely gieat mas much as Pennsylvania is below pai in the amount of piecipita tiou since the beginning of the year The noimal piecipitation foi the Hanisbuig aiea fiom Jan 1 to Mar 18 was 706 inches, ie poils the U S Weathei Buieau but Pennsylvania has only had thus fai, 3 10 inches of min din ing that penod oi a deficiency of 3 96 inches With this fact in mind the Division of Foiest Pi election Department of Foiests and Waters warns piopeity owneis Improved Swine you purchase Ibeacon FEEDS Sectors Where Dog Licenses Lag Subject Of House-To-House Check House-to-house checks to lo cate unlicensed dogs have be gun in various sections of the stale, the Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agi icultui e has an nounced Dog law officeis aic concen trating their effoits in aieas where iccoids show the sale of dog licenses “are not what they should be” accoiding to T Luke Toomej. dnectoi of the Depailment’s Buieau of Dog Law Enfoi cement to be extiemely caieful with fne and reminds them that last Spring, when similar conditions existed, it was necessaiy foi Gove Raymond P Shafei to pioclaim a ban against smoking and outdooi fires in aieas ad joining Pennsylvania's foiest lands ft Feeds BOMBERGER'S STORE Elm ■m ■'t+i •^5 i'V*'-' -.(rJ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 22,1969 In homes where unlicensed dogs are found,, charges are fil ed against the violators, Toom ey said He said the fine and prosecution costs usually total $l9 for the first oftense A lap on a dooi 01 a push on a dooibell usually bungs \ocal evidence that dog is on the pi e mises Toomev said Neighbois aie also a good souice of mfoi mation concerning who owns dogs in a neighboi hood he add cd He said theie haie been in stances in which homeoivneis heided then unlicensed dogs into cais and diove awai until dog law officeis left the neigh boihood “This is an expensive method of trying to evade the dog law ’ Toomey said "Aftei ail a dog licenses costs onlv SI 20 to S 2 20 ’ 19001311 Your Home & Garden Value Store LAST BIG WEEK GREASE GUN SALE *3.88 reg S 4 25 Handles Cartridge or bulk grease. Plow er and Vegetable SEEDS See our complete line of old favorites and newest varieties 1 Only $22-88^, ■ 525.95 ELECTRIC ICE CREAM MAKER —5 Quait Capacin —Cedai Wood Tub —Kefngeiatoi size can Agway Home & Garden Center Manheim Pike and Dillen ille Road The practice of topdressing some of our crops with nitrogen fertiliser early in the spring needs attention at this time Many wheal growers will top diess with 30 to 50 pounds o£ actual nitiogen pei acie and got good mci eases in yields Redcoat wheat has the ability to stand this extia feitih/ei and will icspond piolitably The ap lication should be made aboiP the middle of Mai ch when vege lalive giowth begins Wheat that is to be undei seeded to a legume should not leceive moie than 25 to 30 pounds pei acie ot actual nitiogen Glass pasluies will also lespond well to eailv nitiogen by pioducmg earlier giazmg and moie of it With nnxtuies of glass legume pas lines the use oi a comp'cte fei tilizei is lecommended foi best lesults LIGHT BULBS 7 s 1 ! 00 C||k Inside frosted ’pi to give you better light Less glaie t 60 - 73 and yt 100 Watt reg 25c each Grow your ov. n exotic tuberous BEGONIAS All colors all varieties GLADS All Colors Potting Soil 25= *1.59 Michigan Peat 50 lb Bag Great foi top dress ing and seed start ing. SI .10 lahcaster 394-0541 SYLVAN IA 'm\: H .. !CA N Q ll V I LET 0_ 0 ta \ f-1' J - 2 A | a^S KiaiNir t 11