Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 22, 1969, Image 1

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    VOL. 14 NO 17
NESTS. Donald Kreider, Lebanon Rl,
shows ms new nesting system where the
entire litter moves around the house. The
New Egg Gathering
Unit Shown To
New York Visitors
A new-type egg gathering unit
—the first of the kindmPenn- -
"TsylvamY—was shown to "a group
of Netv York State visitors Wed-,
nesday afternoon. Located just
West of Schaefferstown in Leb
anon County at the farm of Mr.
and Mrs Donald Kreider, the
German made “Farmer Auto
matic” system moves the entire
litter with the eggs in it around
the house In the egg room, the
eggs are sJted out of the litter
and one person (in this opera
tion Mrs KieideiJ picks up the
eggs and crates them while the
buckwheat litter diops down
and continues on around the
layer house The 368’ x 40’ house
and egg ream is accommodating
11,500 birds Donald, just back
from Vietnam, installed the unit
March 1 and sajs A is working
\ery wel.
The nu:n advantages given
lor the system is that hens lay
in a normal nest and any broken
eggs or manuie in the nest is
coated mtn the hulls and easily
picked out Between flocks the
800 ft. chain convey ei system
runs tlm nest box btter out on
the floor Coi last cleaning
Jay Irwin. Lancaster County
Associate Agent, arranged the
tour in Lancaster and Lebanon
County, which included Cloister
dale Farms Lititz R 4, Plain and
Fancy Farm. Elizabethtown R 3
livm Mus-er Faun, Mt Joy Rl.
The Farm and Home Centei and
a drive tt"*uigh Lancaster Coun
The 3h membei tom was
headed foi Spread Eagle Faims.
in Schuylkill Count!
Fan Calendar
Monday, March 24
730 pin Lancaslei Count!
Sheep Sleeting Faun and
Home fentei
730 pan Lancastei Count!
PFA Cu.iptei meets Lam
peter-Strasbui g High School
Tuesday, March 25
■(Continued on Page 7)
hens can ride along if they wish Mr and
Mrs. Kreider and 15 mo. destine were one
ot the families visited this w eek by a New
York State Poultry Tour. L. F. Photo
EGGS ARE FILTERED out oi the litter at this point
m the egg room. Donald Kreider, shows how the eggs ap
pear and are easily picked off the system into cases. The
grate protects into the buckwheat litter. As the litter passes
over the grate, the eggs stay on top and the buckwheat
tails down and continues on around the laying house,
L F Photo
_ - _ _ - ......
Local Farmers At Livestock
_ _ .
Conference ill DlliSDUrSf
such as direct maiket-
mg uucass guide and weight
ng, preconditioning, foi-
wait! contiacting, and the lu-
tines maiket aie being discuss
cd wheicvei gioups ol livestock
pioduceis and teedeis gathoi
these days accoiding to A 1 Keat
mg Assistant Dnectoi of the
Ameilean Faim Buieau Fecleia
tion s Rcseaich and Commoditv
Activities Division
“Theie is a growing recogm
tion among stockmen that they
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 22,1969
will need some additional gioup
action to maiket eitectiveh m
the futuie to meet the changes
(Continued 011 tMge 16)
Muskrat exhibit Wins
4-H \Vildlife Club
left Kautiman Millei sv die
Rl won lust pi i/e Wedncsdav
night m the Laneastei County
4H Wildlife Club’s wildlife con
(Continued on Page 8)
Penna. Potato Marketing
Program Explained Here
A pair ot representatives, one
trom a marketing co op and
the other from the Pennsylvan
ia State Depaitmenl were in
Lancaster to explain the new
proposed potato marketing de
velopment progiam to Chestei
and Lancaster Count} potato
glowers They were Raymond
Reitei, Supei visor of Marketing
Piogram, Pa Dept of Agncul
tme and Owen Barkley, Man-
Crossbred Wins
Carcass Show
Two Crossbied entues placed
first and second m the Annual
Lancaster Count} Swine Pio
duceis Carcass Show this week
They were shown by Geoige
Smith, Altoona, in first place
with .9 back fat: 30 7 carcass
length; 5.3 lom eye and 43 6%
ham and Loin and Stautfer
Homestead, East Earl Rl, in
second place with 11 back fat,
31.2 carcass length, 4 0 loin eye
and 43,07 c ham and loin
In the Evaluation Contest,
Mark Nestleioth, Manhenn R 3,
was first with 89 7 points In
this contest the lowest score
Other caicass entnes and then
placings are as follows 3. Real
(Continued on Page 101
4-H Tractor
Round-up Held
The best over-all pioject
awards were piesented to two
Lancaster County 4-H Tiactoi
Club membeis Thursday night
at the Annual Round-up held at
the Farm and Home Centei
The winners are- Lynn Royer
2025 Oiegon Pike and Robeit
Zimmerman, Denver R 1 The
presentations were made bv
Charles Hoober, President oi
the Lancaster County Machi
nery Dealers Association.
Other awaids presented by
(Continued on Page 5)
Holstein Tour
Going To Berks
The Lancaster County Hol
stein Association announced
plans this week, for the Annual
Holstein Tour The tour is
planned foi Berks County with
the fust stop at the Claience II
Maitin Faim Sinking Spun?
with a stanchion tvpe bain The
Mai tins have a tamilv opeiation
A buef visit to the Quakei
Maid Kitchens will be followed
bv a stop at Lou Hel Fai m Inc
ov ned bv Reuben Fields The
opeiation is paitlj stall bain
and paitlv loose housing with a
bunk tcedei and a 24' \ 76 silo
Lunch will be at Shaitlesvdie
In the altcinoon, the tom will
visit Hat old and Wajne Leshei
who have a fiee stall operation
(Continued on Page 5)
$2 00 Per Year
ager ol the Pennsylvania Co
operative Potato Growers Assn.
The piogram is designed to
use the Commodities Act of
1968 passed by the State Legis
latuie pei nutting any group of
Agriculture pioducers to esta
blish a program to provide a
fund lor the advancement of
their own segment of produc
tion Numerous meetings to ex
plain the piogram are being
held thioughout the Common
wealth and on May 27 a pubbc
heanng is set in Harrisburg If
at that time, the vote of those
present is favoiable a referen
dum will be held by mail to all
potato glowers in the state. If
the mail vote shows 664 s per
cent in favor, and these growers
(Continued on Page 9)
Waste Disposal
Meeting Set For
Thurs., March 27
The subject of Sewage Dis
posal is one of increasing gen
et al concern to all segments of
Lancaster Countv. The problem
of waste disposal and the main
taining of pure water supplies
is getting attention fiom all
aieas, both ruiaL and urban
Therefore. the Lancaster
County Extension Service has
scheduled a special meeting on
the subject for Thursday even
ing, March 27, at 7.30 p m m
the Farm and Home Center
The program will include the
following speakers
Milfoid R Heddleson, Soils
Specialist from Penn State Uni
versity, Topic “Soil Aspects of
Sewage Disposal”
N Henry Wooding. Extension
Engineer fiom Penn State Uni
versity, Topic “Proper Design
and Installation of Sewage Sys
Milton Stanley Local Repre
sentative, Penna Department of
Health, Topic “New Sewage
Facility Act”
Opportunity tor questions will
follow each presentation
M M Smith, County Agent m
charge of the meeting said these
subjects should be of particular
interest to township super
vises. contractois septic tank
seivice concerns and local farm
eis who are concerned about
the pioper disposal systems for
then homes and barns
Robert E. Martin
Elected President
Of Local Milk Assn.
Robait E Mai tin was elected
Piesidcnt ol the New Holland
local unit ol Eastern Milk Pro
duteis Coopeiatne Association,
Inc b\ a knee eioup ol larm
ei mombeis assembled beie m
annual session lecenth
Othei olfiteis weie lean Red
cay. Vice Piesident. Mervm
Weavei Secietaij, and Leßoy
Smucker, Tieasurer Named as
(Continued on Page 8)