Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices of light Upe hens im changed to '.ic highei Demand continues good with bidding veiy competitive foi b.nely ade quate offerings Produce) s con tinue to hold for fuithci pio duction due to satisfactoiy egg prices Considerable volume of fered and booked for pickup just prior to and following Easter. Offerings of heavy hens short of a fair call with most supplies coming from Delmarva arm to fill needs Prices paid (Te Farms - Light Type Hens 8- KPi M 9*4-10c Heavy Type Hens TFEWR. Eostern Shore Exchange Broiler and live fijei prices 2\eiaged 18 44 cents a pound Ibis week Prices i anged from a high of 19 1 cents a pound on Thursday to a low of 18 1 cents a pound on Tuesday and Wed nesday Total sales weie 279,- 300 head down 7,600 from last week’s three day report Feed thicker for higher yields with More AG RICO Planting thicker stands is like inviting more guests to dinner—when you do either, it takes more food. *®"! e/ The eas j est way to supply - ram extra plant food to feed thicker stands is to broadcast more Agrico Plowdown fertilizer before you plow. • Increase Availability of* VITAL nutrients • Roots Feed Easier • Roots Grow Thicker, Deeper' Deep, thick root elp extra plants get the extra ,d—and water — they need to j.ow bigger yields. Broadcast now. It's an important step along the Critical Path to Farm Profit. Order today from Roy W. Zimmerman, Bard's Hardware Hoffman's Nurseries Leacock, Pa. ElizabetHown, Pa. Fowl's Feed Service Lester M. Weaver Brown & Rea, Inc. R. D. #2, Peach Bottom f„ D #i, New Holland Atglen Pa Foqelsville Hatch 11. 10(,f) (I*i ic°s paid dock weights, cent-, pci lb except whole noted) HEN’S, light type Blo'j HEN’S heavy type 10 22 PUL LETS 15-34 mostly 28'2-32' 2 . ROASTERS 12',i. 40 mostly 28- 34. DUCKS 30 35. DRAKES 32- 43 mostly 38-42; GEESE 43. RABBITS 40 57% mostly 48 55: GUINEAS 48-66% mostly 61- 66 VSs , PIGEONS (per pair) 70- 2 35. TOTAL COOPS SOLD 468. • Lancaster (Continued from Page ?) Gilts steady to 50 higher, Sows scarce. CLOSING SALES, BAR ROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 200 230 lbs 22 25-23 00 US 2 200-270 lbs 2125-2175. US 2 190-195 lbs 20 00 20 75 SHEEP 275 Wooled Lambs 100-2 00 higher; Ewes fully steady WOOLED LAMBS Choice 60 100 lbs 30 00-33 00 Good 60 95 lbs 26 00-30 00, Utility 23 00 26 00 few Choice and Pnme 70 90 lbs New Ciop Lambs 35 00 37 00. with couple lots Choice 32 00-35 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Cull Inc. Ephrata, Pa • New Hollond (Continued fiom I’.ute 2) CuUci .nut low Util. t\ 22 50- 24 00 PEEPER S ITERS Choice (,bo 1100 lh' 2.', 50 20 35 (.00(1 000 10)0 lbs 20 2.) 28 Jo C \L\ ES 330 \ e.ilei steady to 1 00 lowei VEALERS Choice 48 50- 52 00, few head 54 00 55 50. Good 43 50 48 50; Standaid 39.00 44 00; Utility 36 00 4100, Cull 90-120 lbs 29 50 34 50, 70 90 lbs. 27 00- 30 00 Receipts of 113 cows and 3 heifers sold steady Holstein 425-755; Other breeds 285-385, Heifers 230 265. Receipts of 428 horses sold strongei Mules (single) 170- 245, (pans) 450-480 Woik horses, (single) 200 285, (pans) Don’t let a few waim days lush you into the s-nden mule the soil is still too wet to woik caution extension hoiticullui ists at The Pennsvlvama State University Woiking wet soil puddles it and when di’ed out it may stay haul all summer stands Plowdown 1 COWS March 12, 1969 HORSES March 10, 1969 Slow It Down Nelson Weaver Liti f z & New Pi evidence Lanc’ctstcd Farming. Saturday, March 15.10R9 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. (QiioUitioii-. Fioin Moml.i' Mauh 10th to Fi id.n, M.n ch 14Ui) Tuts Ucd. Thurs, Frl. Mon WHITE Fey E\ Lame 44 44 4 Fey 44 Fey Mediums 374 Fey Pullels 34 344 Fey. Peeweos 20 BROWN Fey Large Fey. Pullets Fey. Peewees Standards Checks 47 344 20 394 -40 29 Trend: Maiket continues steady to film on Large Medium clearing better in most areas Pullets irregular. Copyright 1969 by Urner Barry Publications 450 650 Riding hoi ses 125 350. Heavyweights 21-21 75, Sows 15- Drmng horses 125-285, Pony 17 Boais 11 75-12 50 Mares 20 30, Geldings 15 25, CALVES Killers Buz8 u z 9> 2 March 10,1969 HOGS Receipts of 93 calves sold March 10. 1969 steady Choice and Pnme 46- Receipts of 786 hogs sold 50 Good and L Choice 41 45 50; steady Retail 22-23 25 Whole- Slandaid 37-40 50, Common 20- sale 21 25-21 75 wuth top 21 85 35 yet y premium mnritlon —For Breeding Flocks —For Birds raised in confinement For Hens Bred For Extra Production WAYNE UNIVERSAL MIXER is the feed for YOU! Extra rich in vitamins, minerals and high quality proteins —Syncro-Zymic too ! Let us grind your own grain with Wayne Universal Mixer for true economy in your poultry feeding. pM3B pWj HERSHEY BROS. Remholds ROHEER’S MILL K. D. 1, Ronks PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise WHITE OAK MILL R D 4, Manheim C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl HEISEY FARM SERVICE FOWL S FEED SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 R. Q. 1, Quarrvville R. I). 2. Peach Bottom H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer 444 45 43 46 46 444 444 454 45 1 j 37 374 374 38 '2 384 33' 2 334 344 344 34-344 20 20 20 20 474 484 334-344 344 20 20 40 404 29 29 47 34i 2 20 394-40 29 GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Millersville DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. 3 484 344 20 404 29 294
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