Manheim FFA Holds Banquet The Manheim Future Farmers ways The Landis Bros . Inc, of America Paient and Son ban- Lancaster, citation was accepted quet was held last Friday eve- by Jay Lloyd Barge and the ning at the High School and Agway Inc Feed, Manheim, featured the presentation of citation was accepted by Howard chapter degrees, honorary de- Swan. grees, citation awards and proj- President of the State Asso ect and contest recognition ciation, Dale Hoover, Lebanon Two local farmers were made County, was the featuied guest Honorary Chaptei members Hoover told the membeis, pai- They aie Claience Keener, Jr, ents and guests present that Manheim R 1 and Mark Nest- wearing the FFA jacket makes leioth, Manheim R 3 And foi the you stand out in a crowd “Be a fust year, citations awards were gentleman when you wear it”, presented to companies who he said, “for you are lepresent helped the chapter in various mg the FFA. Be the best of Although it did not advance lapidly, technology made sub stantial progress in the Middle Ages The windmill, wheelbar row, window glass, candle and paved road were invented in the 12th century, spectacles and the ship’s rudder appeared in MANHEIM STAR FARMERS. Gerald Wolfe (left) the 13th, the grandfather clock Chapter .Star Farmer and Joseph Lefever, Star Green Hand. was devised in the 14th Mark Campbell, Vo-Ag Teacher made the presentations at Mlchlgan has Droduce d well the Chapter Banquet. Not present was Burnell Buchen, Star over 10 billion pounds of copper Red Rose Farmer. L. F. Photo i n the past century will your fertilizer be ... come summer? ORTHO P. L ROHRER & BRO„ INC. Where DISTRIBUTED BY Will it be where the plants need it most 1 * Probably not, if you apply conventional fertilizer this ■spring Come summer, the critical supply may be left “high and dry ” During the heat of summer, roots are most active down in the deeper zones where the moisture supply is more abundant. Trouble is, that may not be where the food is Phosphate, for example, loses much of its effectiveness by becoming locked up through fixation in the soil. But UNIPELS contain two forms of phosphorus (as well as potash and two forms of nitrogen) for continuous plant feeding throughout the growing season. A unique "phospho-nitnc" process makes the phosphate in UNIPELS 100% available, yet makes it resist fixation regardless of how it is applied l Come summer, the phosphorus and other nutrients in UNIPELS are down in the rich moisture zone actually stimulating root growth and proliferation for greater nutrient intake Make sure your fertilizer is where the plants need it most this summer - plowdown UNIPELS this spring. Visit us soon. HONORARY CHAPTER FARMERS roth, Jay Lloyd Barge, Clarence Keener AND CITATION AWARD WINNERS at Jr., and Howard Swan. Also in L. F. Photo the Manheim FFA Banquet last Friday is Dale Hoover, State President and Gerald evening are (left to right) Mark Nestle- Nissley, Chapter President. what you are and no one can ask for anymore,” he concluded. Mark A Campbell, Vo-Ag teacher, named the Chapter Faimer Degiee winneis as fol lows Star Red Rose Farmer, Burnell Buchen, Star Chapter Farmer, Gerald Wolfe and Stai Green hand, Joseph Lefever In othei awaids, Jesse R Ei way, Vo Ag ,Teachei, named Technology s Progress Smoketown, Pa. 397-3539 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 15,1969 SECOND SECTION these top winners Lestei Hei i in Becker, $514 sold and Amos stand, Mechanics, Gerald Niss Sander, $450 sold These boys ley, Livestock, Wilbur Groff, ieceived FFA jackets or the Crop Farming and Nelson Wag- equivalent meichandise ner ’ Dair y Sears Gilt winners Top in the Seed Sales Contest named They are Irvin 8011, were three freshmen boys Ken jerry Hershey and Joe Lefever. neth Groff with $606 sold, Mai Gerald Nissley, presided FABULOUS EARNINGS FORECAST! A SAFE NEW INVESTMENT PLAN SECURED SY LAND HOLDINGS Here is great news about a new investment plan that is now paying a total of 9% on any amount invested. Local investors show extreme confidence! WELL KNOWN INSURANCE MAN JAMES E. MILLEN, JR. INTRODUCES NEW PLAN TO AREA "Invest any amount you wish l '' says James E. Millen, Jr of the MILLEN INSURANCE AGENCY, AKRON, PENNA "Any amount up to 525,000 00 will earn a total of 9% and nearly everyone is eligible to par ticipate. The investment organization, known as UNITED LAND DEBENTURES, is backed up and secured by thousands of acres of valuable land. Because land almost never depreciates, your money earns an unusually high profit." MOST RANKS OFFER S% OR LESS The investment plan has gamed wide spread local attention from FARMERS and BUSINESS PRO FESSIONALS It's an obvious winner* With the costs of living continually rising, 9% earnings on your money gives great advantage to future security. SEND ME A FREE BROCHURE BEFORE OFFER CLOSES ■ UNITED LAND DEBENTURES REP JAMES E MILLEN, JR. AKRON PENNA TELEPHONE t 59 2200 NO OBLIGATION TO INVEST SEND INFORMATION AT ONCE TO: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 17 wer«