Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 15, 1969, Image 1
VOLt 14 NO. 16 THE CHAPTER SWEETHEART of the Lampeter-Strasburg FFA was crown ed Thursday afternoon at a school as sembly-program. She is Donna 'Hess. Do- Airs Health & Outlook Items farm income has caught'up-to the average income for the county,” said Dr. C William Pierce, Professor of Agriffithte Economics at Penn State Speaking at the Lancas ter Ce 'Dairy Day Tuesday, at the Farm and Home Center, Pierce said, “The question is not can we do better, it is can we tpantain the 1 present milk prices.* 9 With the subject, “Dairy Out look”, the professor compaired the period 1960 to 1964 with 196 b to 1968 saying we look at what happened in the past to make some judgment on the future. In the first period, Fierce said milk prices fell 18 cents? feed’ concentrates rose 10 cents and the returns on the opeiators labor lost 40 per cent “This was a tough period for d?iry farmers,” he said. De liveries increased 16 .per cent, utilisation -declined, farm num bers fell 20 per cent and cow numbers dropped 7 per cent Milfe output increased in 54 months out of 60 months in the period 1» tae 1964-1968 period milk prices, increased 25 per cent or SI 20; feed concentrate rose only Farm Calendar Monday. March 17 1 30 v ro.—Potato Growers meet ing for Lancaster and Chester A tv Hn „„ rontpr Co, Farm and Home Center Tuesday, March 18 1 p in —Lancaster County Swine Prcducers Live Evaluation Contest, Lancaster Stockyards 7:30 p.m. Lancaster County Faim and Home Board meet, Farm and Home Center. 7.30 p.m. Manheim Young (Continued on Page 8) mg the honors is the 1968 Sweetheart Denise Leidich. Paul Eckman, President is left and John Brackbill, Vice President is on the right. L. F. Photo 2 per cent or 10 cents and the operatois labor returned tripled “The aveiage income inciease to pay other expenses was up $1.07,” he said Listmg reasons for this pros perous period, Pieice said off farm employment opportunities permitted farmeis to get out of farming and the price of cull cows remained higher. ‘ 4 lt is a veiy impoitant thing to con sider the off-farm employment (Contmued on Page 11) Baby Beef & Lamb Club Sell Tobacco Project; Give To Fund The Lancaster County Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef and Lamb Club contributed $717.00 to the Farm and Home Foundation’s Completion Fund Campaign it was announced this week. The contribution has been earned by the 4-H teen-agers through three Farm And Home Fund Is Up To $53,503 In a second general “progress report” issued this week by the Steering Committee for the Farm and Home Foundation’s Completion Fund Campaign, of ficials indicated that a total of $53,503 00 has been produced by the drive’s thiee divisions of volunteer canvassers . , T u cl John H Heir and L H Skromme, co-chairman o± the $1500(M) capltal iunds appe ,i, stated that soliciting has been slower than originally antici pated but that the committee is encouiaged by the response todate The drive leaders said “a substantial volume of solicit mg and reporting lemams, what with the major gifts division (Continued on Page 9) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 15,1969 Lam pete r-Stra sbu rg FFA Honors Sixteen Former Am.' Formers Sixteen American Farmers from former years were honored Thuisday night at the Lampeter- Stiasburg Annual Futuie Farm ers °f America Parent and Son Banquet held at the High School The list of pronominent busi nessmen and faimeis dated back to 1940 stalling with Wilbui Houser on through Melvin Burk hart, 1942, Glenn Herr, 1943, Raymond Witmer, 1945, Mark Bushong, 1948, Carl Herr, 1948, J- Robert Hess, 1950, Ira Welk, 1952; Richard Hess, 1953, Mar (Continued on Page 9) special projects adopted in 1968 for the specific purpose of aiding completion of the new Farm and Home Center. The most ambi tious project centered on raising an acre of tobacco Members of the club planted, cultivated, cut and stripped the tobacco and sold it last week J Harold Frey, Marietta R D 1, one of the group’s advisors, made the acie of ground available Other money-raising projects included a social, last June, and a Parents’ Night “white ele phant” sale in November Sale of the tobacco, last week, (Continued on Page 12) Lancaster County Outlook Meeting Set By Foundation A Lancaster County outlook meeting for the year 1985 was announced this week by the Faim and Home Foundation It is an educational meeting plan ned for Wednesday, Maich 26 at 7 - 30 pm at the Farm and Home Center A panel discussion moderated (Continued on Page 12) Agriculture Kept Economy From Busting, Empie Says “If it wasn’t for Agriculture, our country would have had a bust several yeais ago,” Carl Empie, Chester County Commis sioner said Tuesday night Speaking at the Lancaster Coun- Lancaster Co. Swine Meeting Is March 21 The Lancaster County Swine Breeders have set their Annual Meeting for Friday, March 21, at 630 p m at the Plain and Fancy Restaurant, Bird-in- Hand The speaker will be Dr Hannon Graves, Penn State, who will speak on “Animal Be havior” Tickets may be pur chased from any County direc tor. In conjunction with the an nual meeting a live evaluation contest will be held on Tuesday, March 18, starting at 1 pm. at the Lancaster Stock Yards. Winners in the Evaluation Con test will be announced at the Annual Meeting Any swine breeder who wishes to enter the evaluation contest should contact Jim Hor ton at Masonic Homes Farms in Elizabethtown by Monday, March 17. TUESDAY, WAS PORK DAY for the Senior girls in the Hempfield High School Home Economics Class. The class made pork several different ways as part of their class work. Materials and teaching aids are being provided for schools by the Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council through the Lancaster County Swine Producers to give home economics departments an improved image of pork and to help educate the students. In the L. F. Photo check ing their casserole are: (left to right) Beverly Hershey, Debrah Snader and Fran Bogart. The girls had to turn up the heat to get their dinner finished in time after this photographer finally got out of the kitchen. The teacher is Miss Barbara Gamble. $2.00 Per Year tv Farmers Association Spring Meeting at the Farm and Home Center, the former State Asso ciation vice president said, "Farmers are carrying a much heavier burden of taxes per per son than others because of their land ownership A strong spokesman for agri cultural land preservation, Em pie cited some of his problems as commissioner in Chester County. "The law states that all prop erty assessment must be uni form for all segments of a coun ty and this assessment must be made at the fair market value,” he said. “Farm land market values m Chester county range ficm $6OO to $l,OOO or $2,000 per acre If we assess farm land at that rate there will be no farms left in Chester county m five years. If we don’t assess them" in that way, we are breaking the law.” “It is absolutely necessary to get a constitutional change to tax farm land on its use value rather than on market value We are one of only four states in the country that hasn’t done this. We must have this relief,” Empie said John Weidman was also on the program with a slide presenta tion of his lecent trip to Russia