CAMELLIAS AND CANDLELIGHT set the mood for dinner after dark. Decorate a party table with a pretty set of camellia candle holders. The petals and leaves are crocheted of cotton “Knit-Cro- Sheen.” Pick your colors to suit the occasion. It might be Valen-, tine’s Day, a birthday or a bridal shower. Free instructions are E liable by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the idlework Editor of this newspaper aiong with your request for flet A-226. • We will hold order until weather permits planting • Our new facilities at our Lititz warehouse allow us to receive our shipment early and keep in a modern dormant storage. _ Big Selection SPECIAL PRICES DWAFT FRUIT jj&W TREES Now Only 3.50 • Asparagus Roots 9 Strawberry Plants • Rhubarb Roots 9 Blueberry Plants • Raspberry Plants 9 Grape Plants THIS WEEK ONLY— MICHIGAN PEAT SPECIAL mJ 00* Stauffer's makhzsm. «."1 i A *»* * * - _ _ ’ "* *C& \\ i-, \ ‘i;, * *\ v- ! . " ' 1 4 ?if\ ? 'ii \ i'-,- . _._^_ IA» ' v ORDER KOW Apple Peach 50 lb. Bog 99‘ OF KASSEL HILL © LITITZ RT. 501, % Mile South of Lititz atop Kissel Hill PHONE 626-2028 © LANCASTER Rt. 222. 1, 2 M'le North of Lane. Shopp ing Center PHONE 569-2688 Pear Plum Apricot 10 or more $3.25 ea. 10 bags delivered within 5 miles s lO OO plus tax Gross National Product Up The United Slates Giosa Na- Talk ol an • oveiskill” ot basic tonal Pioduct (GAP) will pi oh domanU because ol lughoi taxes abh mu ease about 6 to 7 pci wanaiPul ~t lates 1968, with a low late ot giowlh f* lc automobile mdustiy is pic in the lattei hall ol the \eai, painv; loi anolliei \eai ol mu says Ray A Mini av. -Vguculluial lc>colc ' sales Consumeis ma\ Economist oi the Coopen alive l° wel h'eii I,lte °f sauny-, anti Extension Sen vice, Univcnsity of continue heavy consunvn oat Mai viand lays The commitment m \ let y ‘ Mi,m will tend to provide a con This slowei annual late oi tinuation ot huge government giowth m the GNP will insult e>penchtuies in that aiea I,cm the likely continuation of . measuies being taken to combat The mcasmes intended to the inflation which was expei- bung about disinflation, will un icnced during 1968, says Muuay fortunately, mciease the late ot unemployment Continuation of the tax sm chaige seems likely and high in- Howevei, on balance, fle teiest lates will piobably con- United States should expeilence tinue through 1969 The un- an mciease in GNP of from 6 usually large settlements on 1968 7 P er cen f 111 1969- Mun ay tax liabilities coupled with an concludes mciease in Social Secuuty taxes , , , aie also expected to cuib con- For eac h man who buys two sumer expenditmes duung new suits pei year, theie aie 6 1969 otheis who aveiage 1 new suit each 10 yeais Howevei, the geneial health of the National economy seems The awkwaid age foi a gal is to suggest fuither economic when she’s too old for Teddy giowth piobably at the 6 to Beais and not old enough foi 7 per cent level dunng 1969 Wolves Pigs and Profits Grow... When You Feed the Red Rose way! Use the complete line of RED ROSE SWINE FEEDS to raise your pigs. Fai rowing Ration for full feeding to sows before and after farrowing, Pig & Sow Pellets meets exact ing nutritional requirements during late gestation, lactation and early growth; Pre-Starter Pellets with sugar concen trates and high antibiotic levels for young pigs; Pig Starter Pellets to supplement the sow’s milk; Pig Grower Pellets for pigs 50 to 100 lbs.: Porkmaker, a complete feed for pigs 100 lbs. to market; and Hog Supplement. . . for feeding with your gram Use these feeds and every one of your pigs will make money for you! Walter Binkley & Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elverson Henry E. Garber R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa. L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Graybiif & Son Refton Strasburg E. Musser Heisey & Son R. D. #2, Mt. Jo>,Pa, Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown A. L. Herr & Bro. Qnau\-uJle Red Rose SWINE FEEDS Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 8,1969 David B. Hurst Bowmansville Martin's Feed Mill, Inc R, D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. Mountville Feed Service Mountville Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Buck Chos. E. Souder & Sons Ten e Hill Amnion E. Shelly Lititz E. P. Spofts, Inc. Honej' Biook H. M. Stauffer & Sons Inc. IVitmer Closing The Lime Gap Somo soils spot ulists s.iv thl need loi inning nopl.ind is pio b'N\ ;i<■ 1 1oi 10d.,v Id \CMIS .IgO \inong the I CM* soi s , n.iiiud ioi tins mow .11 u the lo'losnu I Tin* me d tonnage of 1 l*i I'l l/ ji i’scd bv I nnieis, much ol v'ikii 10.u.s .iii acid residue in the .oil 2 Inci easingly higher crop Jields lemove moie calcium, magnesium, and othei mineials liom the soil 3 With moie nligation moie mineials die leached down thiongh the soil, theieby i .us ing the acidity 4 With the tiend towaid deeper plowing, moie of the acid sub-soils aie hi ought to the surface and add to the soil acidity pioblem Too many fanners let lime play a secondaiy role to fertiliz er in then faim management plans This is attubuted to the tact that the faimei can see the lesults of feitilnation with m tiogen phosphoms and potas sium in a i datively shoit pei iod while the benefits fiom the mineials pnmaiily calcium and magnesium found in lm> mg matenal aie much slower in showing lesults The benefits fiom liming de pend upon the acidity of the soil, the late of application, the fineness of gund, the thorough ness with which it is mixed into the soil, the ciop planted or seeded, etc The forage specia lists of a midwestern state point up the fact that each dollar spent foi lime leturns at least $6 exti a alfalfa yield In another State, 25,000 soil samples reveal ed that 60% of the acreage test ed needed lime, 10% of the acreage needed 5 tons or more of lime pei acie, the next 39% needed at least 3 tons. ' The commonest street name in U S isn’t Mam 01 Broadway its Washington SEE ME AT DAIRY DAY I’d like to tell you about ATLANTIC'S TOTAL SERVICE PROGRAM AND GENETIC POWER PROFIT-MAKER SIRES BrUNTIC BREEDERS JjOQPERRTIVE I'd Soi\ ic A CVIi. Lancastoi 3(59 0411 Akion 55')2a52 Chn-tiana 4424471 East Eail 4454131 Mt. Joy 653 1451 Quauyville 786 7381 Stiasbmg 687 6292 7