Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 08, 1969, Image 23

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    ETrryyyv* ym'vthrn:mrrrßTrronrra ! en , She wiu speak on her
* «1 il V(• 1 u
Society of Farm Women 1,
lititz, met Saturday at the home
of Mrs. Martin Moore, Lititz Rl,
with Mrs. George Zahn as co
'Mrs. Scott Carman, president,
was in charge. Devotions were
led by Mrs. Neil Clark. Mrs.
GraybiU Hollinger, vice presi
dent, reported on the executive
hoard meeting.
Halfway House is the County
Project this year. The ways and
means committee announced a
food table will be held at the
sale of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Bejamin Sheaffer, Lititz R 2, on
Saturday, April 19.
Seventy members and friends
made reservations for the pas
sion play to be held at the
Downmgtown Hopewell Metho
dist Church on June 28.
2 Lgi
Pan-Jet Convection Tube Ventilation System
Increase production with a'Jamesway control and maintain more uniform temper*'
farm-designed ventilation system inyour lure and humidity.
building. Let ua show you how It provides eon-
Our Fan-Jet system automatically sup* tlnuous air circulation with or without a
plies fresh air as needed, distributes it supply of outside air for better bird er
uniformly without cold drafts. It helps te animal health.
1305 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, Pa. 17601
Phone 393-3906
John B. Kurtz
Ph; 354-9251
R. D. 3, Ephrata
Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph- 367-1195
A donation was given to the
Easter Seal -Fund. A commit
tee was appointed to draw up by
laws. for the individual societies.
They are Mrs. Abram Bollinger,
Mrs.. Roy, Ballinger, Mrs. Willis
Speaker fpj l the meeting was
Mrs. Alfred Birianian, Philadel
phia, who spoke on life in Ger
many at the time of World War
Members held a previous
meeting to make bed pads for
the Luther Acres Home. The
next meeting will be Saturday,
March 29, at 12:30 p.m. Lunch
eon will be served from a cov
ered dish. Each person will
bring their own place setting.
The meeting will be at the
Lititz Recreation Center. Meb
bers of Society 4 will be enter
tained. Speaker will be Mrs
Alfred Bartholomew, Lancas-
Handwriting analysis occupied
the thinking of many Farm
Women last week.
Mrs. E. Viola Smith, Lancas
ter, and a member of Society of
Farm Women I, analyzed the
writings of members of Society
23 meeting in the home of Mrs.
Howard Martin, Lancaster R 2,
and members of Society 28
meeting in the home of Mrs.
Vincent Hoover, New Provi
dence Mrs. Ira Welk was co
Mrs. Smith, a certified Grapho
Analytical Psychologist, one of
a few in this area, emphasized
to both groups that graphoan
alvsis is a science and has no
association with fortune telling
or superstition
In her discussion, she guided
each group towaid a personal
self analysis of handwriting She
pointed out that the hand por
trays what the brain suggests
HEIFERS FAST at low cost with...
More and more local dairymen are proving that a small extra
Investment in heifer feeding can pay off when heifers freshen and
begin contributing to the milk check.
And research has proved that heifers which produce well in th»
first lactation continue to be high producers over a longer
iwillting life than average cows.
NEW Purina* Heifer Chow* has been developed to help you
grow big heifers fast, conveniently and at low cost. New Heifer
Chow is a palatable, coarse 14 per cent protein ration, fortified
with vitamins and minerals to stimulate fast, solid heifer growtli.
To build low-cost growth, you need feed only 3 pounds of New
Heifer Chow per heifer per day if your legume forages are of
good quality. For best results, start your heifers on the Purina
heifer growing program at six months of age until 90 days before
freshening when they’ll be fed on the basis of their condition
and on the quality of your forage.
Drop in soon and pick up a copy of our New Purina Heifer
Growing Program folder. It explains the program to follow tot
fast-growing, early-freshening heifers at low cost.
•Rtf. TradtmtrK— Ralston Purina Co
Wesf Willow
Farmers Assn., Inc.
Ph; 464-3431
West Willow
James High & Sons
Ph: 354-0301
Ira B. Landis
Ph: 394-7912
1912 Creek Hill Rd., Lane.
John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday., March 8,1969
icgardless of the type instru
merit used to make the letter.
She explained that slant, size,
piessure, how the “I” is dotted
or when a “t” is crosed can re
veal attitudes of the inner per
Mrs. Smith cited several ex
amples where the use of gra
phoanalysis in the fields of law,
industry, medicine and psychia
try helped persons through prob
lems of life.
Mrs. Roy Book was in charge
of Society 28 business meeting.
Mrs. Fred Ebersole led devo
tions. The group approved a
gift of <?25 to Halfway House
through the Lancaster County
Faim Women Project.
The next meeting of Society
28 will be held in the home of
Mrs J. Robert Hess, Strasburg
Rl, when an interior decorator
will present the program.
Society of Farm Women #27
held their February workday
lecently at the home of Mrs
Cassell Mumma, Mt. Joy R#l
Pa with Mrs. Wilbur Erb seiv
mg as cohostess.
The project for the day was
sewing disposable bed pads for
the Visiting Nurses Association
During the business lunch, Mrs
Arthur Wenger president, in
itiated new member, Mrs Les
tei Good of Columbia R#l Pa.
Members were reminded to
make their reservations for the
•‘Shopping Day” bus trip on
March 25, 1969, with Mrs. Gary
Thompson, treasurer.
Members were also instructed
to bring baked goods and home
made specialties to Two Guys
between 10:00 a.m-10:30 am on
Saturday, March 29, 1969 for our
food sale.
Society of Farm Women 10
met in the home of Mrs. Cyrus
Ness, 1506 Esbenshade Rd., Sat
urday, with Mrs Morris Miller
as co-hostess. Vice president,
Mrs. Miller, was in charge.
Devotions were by Mrs Elam
Buckwalter. Mrs Charles Shank
and Miss Ida B. Kunkle reported
Ph- 442-4632
on the state convention. Mrs.
Charles Shaw of the National
Story Tellers League presented
the program.
The Society will be entertain
ed by Society 7 at the Leacock
Presbyterian Church, Paradise,
at 1 p.m. on March 8. The next
meeting will be held at the Host
Motel on April 5. Hostesses will
be Mrs. Raymond Buckwalter
and Mrs. Elam Buckwalter.
During the business meeting
conducted by Mrs J Clayton
Charles, Society 23 president,
plans were made for a refresh
ment stand at the house
hold sale on March 29 at
the home of Mrs Harold Hoak,
Cential Manor Road, Washing
ton Boro R 1
Mrs. Paul Keagy, ways and
means chairman, is in charge.
The pui chase of a 20 quart soup
pot was appioved for use by this
Mrs Andrew Nissley was re
quested to set plans for a
tetanus clinic conducted tuan
nually by the Society The clinic
is tentatively scheduled for later
tms month.
Plans were completed for
Men’s Night to be held at Mea
dow Hills Dining House on
March 22 at 630 p m Garland
E. Ginger ich, an aguculture
missionary to Honduras, will be
guest speaker.
A gift of $lO was authoiized
to be sent to the Farm and
Home Building Completion
Fund. Also, a $lO gift will be
sent to the Mennonite Central
Committee in memory of Ralph
Brenneman, recently deceased
father of two society members.
Mrs. Charles Frey and Mrs. Paul
Societies 23 and 22 will visit
Conestoga View on Thursday,
March 20,' providing gifts and
refreshments. The next meet
ing will be held on March 27 in
the home of Mrs. J. Robert
Miller, Charlestown Road, Wash
ington Boro R 1 Mrs Barbara
Valavanes will present a pro
gram on Greece.
Robert Millard, speech pa
thologist, showed a film and
discussed the work of the Lan
caster Cleft Palate Clinic at a
meeting of Society of Faim
Women 4 at the Clinic
A tour of the building with
explanation of the use of facil
ities and equipment followed
Mrs Paul Kauffman piesided at
a brief business meeting.
Society 1 will entertain So
ciety 4 at a luncheon in the
Lititz Community Center on
March 29
Mrs Carl Siegiist, special
activities chan man, reported
plans foi a miscellaneous auction
to be held May 24, a bus tup
to Ocean City, NJ, on July 16,
and a tup to Philadelphia on
Dec 6
She also spoke of tentative
plans to visit an apple cannning
plant in October asking the
group at large to suggest another
factory that might be visited in
tne Biglerville area in order to
lound out a day long activity
The next meeting will be held
on March 22 at Zion Lutheran
Church Landisville, at 1 30 p m.
when Society 7 will be guests.
The Rev. H. James Meyers will
be guest speaker, using “Moun
tain Climbing” as his topic Re
freshments will be seived fol
lowing the program.
Farm Women 6 met on Satur
day at the home of Misses Stella
and Leha Coble, Ehbabethtown
R 3. The president, Mrs. Martha
Eshelman, presided. The devo-