2 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 1.1969 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review February 27, 1969 CATTLE 2700 Compared to CATTLE 970 Compared to last weeks close. Slaughter Monday, Slaughter Steei s steady Steers weak to 25 lower, in- to 25 lower: Cows steady, in stances 50 lower: Cows steady, stances 50 highei. Bulls fully instances 50 higher. Bulls strong steady. Supply included 10 pei to 50 highei Supply included cent Cows (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 11) FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, February 27, 1969) Midwestern Lhe Cattle Live Hogs Mai"" Potatoes Chicago Chicago New York March 28.60 April May June 28.00 28.25 August 28.05 October November 28.02 December a-asked b-bid n-nominal Trend Cattle are highei. Hogs aie steady and Potatoes are higher AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 AM. FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS'& VEAL-THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2194 It takes new ideas in hybrids to make the most of new intensified corn growing practices. And that means Funk’s new ZEA 1111 Hybrids They outyield old favorites . . stand better under thick planting and heavy fertilization . . . battle pests and bad weather produce quality grain. Superior Silage, Too. For two straight jears Funk’s-G took top awards in Pa. Forage Progress Days. Sec your Hoffman Seed Man or call Ml A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. \ v JB Lc< utcd in the Hea * o i ancns ei County jSj PENNSYLV NIA 1753* MARKET NEWS REPORT 20.17 21.75 21.40 898-22.i1. Auction Only February 26, 1969 2.67 2.92 3.44 2.46 Vintage Auction February 25, 1969 CATTLE 791 —Compared to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers steady to 25 higher; Cows week to 50 lower, instances 75 lower on Utility, Bulls fully steady Supply included 34 percent Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS—Few head high-Choice and Prime 1075-1300 lbs 30 35-31 60, couple 3185-32 00, Choice 975-1350 lbs 2910-30.75, high-Good and low- Choice 28 00-29 00, Good 26 25- 28 25; Standard and low-Good 24 10-26 00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 900-1100 lbs 27 0028 00 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 19 00-21 00, sev eral 2100-22 00, Cutter 18 00- 19 50; Canner and low-Cuttei 16 75-18 10. BULLS Choice 26 00-26 60, Good 2410 2575, Utihty and Commeicial 24 00-25 85, couple 26 25-26 75 CALVES 431 Vealers 1 00- 2 00 higher, with full advance on Standard and Good VEALERS Choice 47 00- 50 50, Good 44 00-47 00, Stand a'd 40 00-45 50, Utility 34 50- 40 00; Cull 90-120 lbs 29 GO -34 50, 70-90 lbs 27 00-30 00 HOGS 211 Barrows and Gilts steady, instances 25 lower BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1- 200-225 lbs 22 60-22 75, US 2 200-240 lbs. 21 50-22 25; US 2- 200-250 lbs 20 75-21 35, US 2 190 lbs 20 50-2100. SHEEP 11 Insufficient volume for a market test If South Dakota were eli minated from United States, it would be smaller than Austra ha. HARVESTORE HOG MEETING For All Interested Hog Farmers WHEN March 4, 1969 12:30 to 3:30 P.M. WHERE Lancaster Stock Yards Pavilion SPEAKERS Bertin Knoblauch, Low Point, 111. Hog Farmer Robert Eichelberger Hog Consultant . Earland Carlson Corn Consultant Hear about feeding high moisture corn to hogs. Sponsors Gay Murray Co. Penn-Jersey Harvestore Pennsylvania Harvestore Tunkhannock, Pa New Holland, Pa York, Pa. BALED SHAVINGS Characteristics i * Southern Pine Shavings * Compressed Bale * Paper Wrapper (3 ply wax coated) Weight 60 Lbs. * Dimensions 12"x16"x32" * Airdried Baled shavings are excellent for nests and floor litter for poultry and as bedding for horses, cattle and all other livestock. Constant supply and competitive prices SHORE LITTER, INC. BOX 1537 SALISBURY, MARYLAND 21801 PHONE 301 742-7161 (Call Collect) New Holland Auction Felmiarv 27, 1969 39 00-46 00. Utility 35 00-40 00: . . Cull 90-120 lbs 29 00-34 00; 70- CATTLE 936-Compared to 85 lbs 250 0.30 00 last Thursday, Slaughter Steers gHEEP 43 —No market test mostly steady. Cows weak to 50 m recent weeks lower, mostly decline on Utility: WOOLED LAMBS Choica Bulls steady to 50 lower Supply , r „ nHnu . d on PaSe 13) included 30 percent Cows (Continued on Page 13) SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Pume 1050- 1325 lbs 30 50-31 50, Choice 950- 1350 lbs 28 75-30 50; high-Good and low-Choice 27 75-29 10; Good 26 25-28 35, Standard and low- Good 24.00-25 75. COWS Utility and high- generally steady, some good to dressing Cutter 19.00-21.50, few low choice weak to 25 lower, 21.60-22 10; Cuttei 18 00-20 00; slaughter heifers steady, cows Canner and low-Cutter 17 00- strong to 50 higher. 18 25. Local receipts 76 percent BULLS Good 23 00-24 85, slaughter steers, 19 percent few Choice 25 60-25 75: Utility heifers and the balance mainly and Commercial 23 25-25 35, cows Overall finish of slaughter couple 26 75-27 10 steers not much different than lo Towei^ 05 Vea^el s S,ei,dy S! ™“I E RS - Choice 48 00- *»“ »■“> 12 ««“■* 50 50, Good 44 00-48 00, Standard (Continued on Page 3) VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers PARADISE, PENNA. Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Paradise, Pa.
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