Wilderness Road Daniel Boone and a few com- Wjllijm je„„ ing s Bryan. u, e panions from Fort Watauga, “ sl ivcr-tongued” orator of US blazed the southern route politics, was defeated in almost to the west through the Cumber- every office he sought< In one land Gap and into Kentucky. picsic j c ntial campaign, he This Wilderness Road is now tl . avc led over 18,000 miles and followed by the eastem branch made 600 speeches m 27 dif of the Dixie Highway. feient states. Consistent Loser Clydeth Buch Local Firm Receives Top Dealer Award Farmersville Equipment Com pany, Inc, located at R D 2 Ephrata, Pa, was recently hon- STATE ONE ACM CORN CHAMPION Jesse L. Balmer, Lititz R. D. 4, won the championship of Maturity Group 4 with a yield of 217 bushels per acre growing YW 804 Single Cross (former Griffith SX 666). The yield was the highest in all state groups for the current con tests. Jesse is a member of the Warwick FFA Chapter. ASK ABOUT OUR QUANTITY DISCOUNT AND THE YW fOP-YIELDERS FOR NARROW ROWS, HIGH POPULATION AND HIGH FERTILITY 362...95-105 days to maturity 42A...105-110 days 5X67...110-115 days to maturity to maturity .I YW HYBRIDS ARE YIELD WARRANTED Send for FREE corn booklet Clip and mail this coupon Eastern State Distributing Co. i?. D. 2, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Name Address □ Check here if interested in becoming a dealer j for_YW Hybrids. j Eastern State Distributing Co. Lititz R. D. 2 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 1,1969 —13 01 eel as a member of the 1968 President's Ilonoi Council of Olivci Corpoi alien. Chicago based farm and contractois equipment subsidiaiy of White Motoi Coiporation. Clydeth R Buch, manager of the firm, and his wife, Mary, lepiesented the dealeiship at one of the three consecutive meetings of the Council in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Feb. 16-28. Oliver president James D. Wormley and the manager of Oliver’s sales and seivice branch for this region presented the local dealership with a hand some engraved plaque in recog nition of its achievement. Only 200 Oliver dealers in the entire United States were so honored in 1968, a year of challenge throughout the farm equipment industry This was the third time the local firm received the award during the five yeais it has been established. Selection for membership m the President’s Honoi Council 5X47...110 days to maturity Phone 626-8909 was based on sales volume and collodions in 1968 compaicd to 1967. Womilcy noted that dealeis achieving these goals in 1968 attained outstanding per fonnanccs in all phases ol busi ness management. • New Holland (Continued fiom Page 2) 65-95 lbs. 29.00 30 50, Good 25 50-28.00. COWS February 26, 1969 Receipts of 107 cows and 13 heifers sold steady. Holstein 385-550; Gueinseys 165 325; Other bleeds 265 325, Heifeis 150-195. HORSES February 24, 1969 Receipts of 329 hoises sold steady on work horses and mules and stionger on ndmg horses. Mules (single) 180 450, (pans) 500-950, Work horses (single) 105-350, (pairs) 475-600, Riding hoises 125-295; Driving horses 85-230, Pony (mares) 20 30, (geldings) 15-20, Killers 8-9. HOGS February 24, 1969 Receipts of 1055 hogs sold steady. Retail 22-23, Wholesale 21 25-21.75; Heavyweights 21- 2175. CALVES February 24, 1969 Choice and Prime 45-53, Good and L Choice 39-44 50; Standard 34-38 50; Common 20-33 50. Safety specialists at The Pennsylvania State University urge the use of a red light or reflective material on the rear of tractors, trailers, or other equipment on the road from dusk to dawn- PLENTY HOT VATEB Is what you’ll enjoy with a Texaco Fuel Chief Water Heater. Fully automatic. Pro* duces hot water faster than it’s needed for bath ing, dishwashing, laun* dering—and at a frac tion of the cost of old* fashioned waterheaters. Come in and see them!. Let us analyze your needs. No obligation. [FuelChief] WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Burner Sales & Service 105 Fair view St. MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 Play It Safe