Dog Check Started should bo.” according to T. a doorbell usually brings vocal Luke Toomcy. director of the evidence that a dog is on the Ho chocks to lo- Department's Huicau of Dog pi cruises, Toomey said Neigh cate unlicensed dogs have be- Law Enforcement bois aie also a good souicc of gun m various sections of the mfoimalion concerning who slate, the Pennsylvania Dep.nt In ho ™ cs whcic unlicensed o wns ( i ol , s in ~ neighboihood. men* of Agriculture has an dogs aie louiul. chai ges aie fil be added noun- ed. {i w>inst the violatois, Toomey Do.- i™ officers s,ll(l He saitl the line and piosc- "This is an expensive method tr-Itr" them f effoi ts n,™ cl,tlon cos>ts us,l - l)) - v total $l9 foi ° f t'vmg to evade the dog law” 1 u S I 1 r the first offense Toomey said “Aftci all, a dog wheie recoids show the sale of licenses costs only $1 10 to dog licenses aie not what thev A lap on a dooi or a push on $2 10 ” -SO Mark Eshleman Step and see Woody Funk or Mark Eshleman for information anc prices on how you can grow larger crops of corn with Muncy- Chuef Hybrids (the 200 bu co: n) and Chemgro Fertilizers aiKi spreading service FREE CORN BOOK & SEED CORN NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER MUNCY-CHIEF CHAMPION HYBRIDS For Spring 1969 From Chemgro Fertilizer Co., Bait Petersburg or direct from Muncy-Chief Hybrids, Muncy, Pa. write for Free 1970 Corn Bock Catalog and current price list. NEW Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can prepare cows for good production at low cost John B. Kurtz Ph- 354-9251 R D. 3. Ephiata Wenger's Feed Mill Ph- 367-1195 Rheems Woody Funk Or take and give to Chemgro Fertilizer Co., East Petersburg, Pa. or any Muncy-Chief Dealer. MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS ~ MUNCY, PENNSYLVANIA 17756 Please send catalog and corn book Name Address Acres Farmed If you’re not among the many good local dairymen who have started mixing NEW Purina Dairy Conditioner Special with your own grain to build a research proved dry cow ration, it can pay you to check into this low-cost way of feeding dry cows. New Purina Dairy Conditioner is a 16 percent protein ration, fortified with extra Vitamins A and D plus phosphorus to help guard against milk fever. To help you save on dry cow feeding, Purina Research recommends varying feeding levels, depending on cow condi tion and the quality of your roughages. For example, if a cow is in good condi tion and your roughages are of excellent quality, you would feed less Purina dry cow ration than if the cow were in only fair condition and if the roughages were of only fair quality. Using Purina Check-R-Mix* formulas we can build you a low-cost dry cow •Rtf. Trademark—Ralston Purina Co, Inc. CHEMGRO FERTILIZER CO. Now Area Distributors Sales Representatives For CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON Good for a 10,000 kernel Sample of Muncy-Chief Hy brids. Enough for Vz Acre Free. No obligation. Mail to Muncy-Chief Hybrids, Muncy, Pennsylvania. □ Dealer □ Student or Teacher □ Farmer □ Check here if interested in becoming a dealer for Muncy-Chief Seeds West Willow Formers Assn., Inc. Ph- 464-3431 West Willow James High & Sons Ph 354-0301 Gordonville East Petersburg, Pa. - Dealers - MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS Muncy, Pa. Acres to Corn IT'S A FACT! Those searching for the secrets of the future during the Middle Ages turned to the works of astrologer Nostradamus. His book of predictions "Centuries"— intriguad such notables as Cath erine de Medici and King Charles IX of France. • Auction BULLS Choice 26 00-27 10, (Continued fiom Page 2) few 27 75-28 00, Good 2410- SLAUGHTER STEERS —25 75; Utility and Commeicial High-Choico and Prime 1050- 24 50-25 85. several 26 50-27 35 1350 lbs. 30 35-30 85, Choice FEEDER STEERS Choice 1000-1375 ibs 28 75-30 35; high- 900-1100 lbs 26 35-28 25. Good and low-Choice 27 85-29 10, CALVES 79 Vealers steady Good 25 75-28 35, Standard and to 200 higher, most advance on low-Good 23.85-25.75 Good and Choice HEIFERS VEALERS _ choice 48 50- lbS 26 - 50 ' 27 ' 75 ’ 52 00; Good 46 00-49 00, Standard G mio 7s ' 24 m i * ~ , 38.00-45 00; Utility 34 50-39 50; COWS Utility and high- Cull 90 . 120 lbs 28 50-34 50, 70- dressmg Cutter 19 75-2125, few qn lh „= nn 2 „ nn 2135-2185; Cutter 1850-19 75; ° n Canner and low-Cutter 16.35- HOGS 24U - 18 75 Gilts 25-50 lower ration, combining New Purina Dairy Conditioner with your grain. Or, if you’re feeding low-protein roughages, it may pay you to feed Dairy Conditioner “straight”—just as it comes from the bag. More and more successful area dairy* men are proving that good dry cow feed ing pays off in extra cow condition— and extra milk production in the next lactation. For example, 100 to 200 pounds of additional body weight at freshening can pay off in 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of extra milk during the lactation. Drop in soon and get your free copy of the Purina Dry Cow Program folder. We’ll be glad to point out how new Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can help prepare your dry cows for good production at low cost. Ira 6. Landis Ph 394-7912 1912 Creek Hill Rd, Lane. John J. Hess, 11, Inc, Ph 442 4632 Paradise Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 1.1969—11 BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 205 210 lbs 22 75, US 2 230-250 lbs 215 C-2160, US 2-3 200-255 lbs. 20 85-2135 SHEEP 2 No market test. Prices received by Pennsyl vania farmers for their products remained at the same level in Januaiy as in Decembei, ac cording to the State Crop Re porting Seivice The average pi ice for eggs during Januaiy was 47 cents a dozen, up two cents from a month eaiher Broilers were up one cent a pound, steers up 50 cents a hundredweight, and hogs up 60 cents a cwt Gram prices advanced slight ly Corn was up four cents a bushel, wheat five cents and oats two cents Milk prices were down 10 cents a cwt fiom December but up 40 cents from January 1969 TOBACCO MUSLIN W. L. Zimmerman and Sons ancient Greece, anyone fho wanted to know the iture-whethor politician, ilitary leader or priest— insulted the oracle at Del ii. While the god Apollo spoke" through an entran id priestess, members of ;e Greek elite "interpret the answers for the tple. most people ■iously believe le-telling, but find it a great istime. Parker Ouija talking enjoying tre populanty be ives a fun look :ure. 1, z Barrows and SAVE ON Dial 717-768-3131 Ten miles east of Lancaster