Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1969, Image 8
B—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, February 22, 1969 SENIOR BOYS at Ephrata High School get practical experience in repairing and trouble shooting of engines. John Merkey, (left) and Earl Stauffer have a motor apart for repairs. L. F. Photo • Herd Health best all around silage has 65 to (Continued from Page 1) ™P" cent moistuie contents >” With the new forage testing abilities, Ace also expressed concern that much of the pro tein (60 per cent) available in corn silage is in the same form as Urea used in gram feeds Urea is fine to feed to cows, but you can get too much of it You must take into considera tion the total ration (forage and short-feed) when deciding how much to use,” he said A higher silage program multiplies youi vitamin defi ciency according to the specia list “And vitamins play a more important role in held health then we suspect,” he said. Ace also said that just be cause you have low moisture silage doesn’t mean you don’t have problems With dry forage placed m the silo, he reported you get a heating action instead of bacteria change This effects digestable protein. The forage test may still re turn saying you have 12 per cent protein, but the heat may lower the part of the protein content the cow can use “The Sam Guss repoited on the Bangs and Tuberculosis situa tion in Pennsylvania A situa tion has arisen where herds are needing to be quarantined be cause heifers have been vacci nated too late and testing ic actwn is resulting when these animals are blood tested. “Don’t vaccinate heifers that are one day over six months old,” he said “I pushed hard for vac cinations back when we needed it, but now we don’t know where we stand because of late vaccinated heifers ” On the TB situation Guss said, “We have made a complete cycle When TB was senous 20 to 30 yeai s ago, we found infect ed herds in dark bains eating and drinking out of the sanr troughs Then we went to nice barns with individual troughs and water bowls and now we are back to putting cows in holding pens so they can’t get away from each other for sever al hours a day and feeding them out of the same feed and water troughs ” “The picture is not as bright m cp a runs for an eight week period that will prepare him for hi» 9 (Continued fiom Pice 11 (March 24 to Mav 16). Cooperat- i o le as an adult leader in AgH _ <s ing business include: farm ma- culture, As the FFA motto says, “Agri-Business Training chinery dealers, landscape the young men in Agriculture at “Sff Xl "’Sin. repair shop,, Ephraia High Sahool a„ op classes in the moimng and after garden centers, feed mills, and portunity an opportunity to lunch report to the local busi- g o lf courses. learn, an opportunity ta do, an ness job. The on-job training student here obviously oppotrumly to earn, ari an op provides further oppoitumty to The student «eie ooviousiy “learn by doing”. The program has the chance to develop skills P y - • MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT. The Junior FFA boys at Ephrata High School work on farm machinery as part of their shop and class work in the school’s as we would like ” he said, arian and the farmer they come rules that have been ir. effect.” utt ~, , . ’ . „ from ” “We really haven’t done “You will be requested to tell Health charts are not worth j Qb Qn the individual herd where every animal .r your the paper they are written on blood testing plan and this year herd came from and where unless you know the vetenn- they are going to enforce the every animal went.” BUYER'S CHOICE nos Choose your deal from a complete line of Cub Cadet tractors—7, 10 and 12 hp gear drive—or 10 and 12 hp hydro static drive. All Cub Cadet tractors fea ture direct drive from engine to axle no belts to slip, snap or burn. Hurry! Offer good for a limited time only. S. M. Manufacturing Co. Inc. R. D. 4, Lititz, Penna. CADET TIME m. Pprr 38-inch I lICC ROTARY MOWER with purchase of an INTERNATIONAL® CUB CADET TRACTOR rnrr 42-inch front blade inCC and N 0.2 TRAILER with purchase of an INTERNATIONAL® CUB CADET TRACTOR AVINGS of $160.00 with the purchase of an INTERNATIONAL® CUB CADET TRACTOR and a 36-inch snow thrower Vo-Ag program. In the Lancastei Farm ing Photo above, Clayton Zeiset, (le-'t) and Eugene Nolt work on a hay balei. Buy a new 6hp International® .n. Cadet 60 riding mower— (f-'—*J-J n the best ever built— getl FREE 36-INCH FRONT BLADE Phone 717-626-8585