Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1969, Image 4

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. February 22.1969
From Where We Stand ...
Plan Your Production
In Reverse
Well another collapse in the egg mar
ket appears to be coming. According to re
ports this week, the egg-type chicks hatch
ed in December were up 25 percent from
last year and that followed a November
boost of 27 percent. At present eggs in in
cubators are up 13 percent. Reliable sources
fear that if the current hatching race con
tinues, the market could be broken before
Doubtless the price of eggs during re
cent months has encouraged growers to
place more chicks than they had planned to
place. We guess poultrymen’s memories
are short everyone forgetting the not-so
!ong-ago depressed egg prices where it was
costing money just to have the privilege of
gathering eggs.
We know there have been production
cycles ever since man produced in surplus
of his own needs and tried to dispose of his
oversupply to his neighbors. By now, it
seems to be the normal trend.
But the problem is that production be
gun during peak prices is not ready for
market until the price situation has time to
drastically change. Because everyone else
follows the trend it is easy to do it too. But
the real courage is seen when a producer
will buck the trend and has the foresight to
see the situation as it will be rather than
as it is.
We fear production cycles will continue,
though we wish we could believe otherwise.
And those who produce more eggs without
regard to what they may get for them or
where they will find a market for them will
continue to push the cycles higher and high
So, why not buck the cycle rather than
joining it. Why not make it work for you.
Why not plan your production in reverse
from the way everybody is doing it. It will
be better than selling large eggs for 25 cents
a dozen. At least that’s the way it looks from
where we stand.
No Way To Get The
Job Done
The National Future Farmers Of
America week, ends today and we com
ment on the recent development m Wash
ington where the U. S Office of Education
downgraded Vo-Ag education by reducing
it to a part-time job and kicked the FFA out
of its quarters in a Federal office building.
Under a “re-organization’’ announced De
cember 27, the Chief of Agricultural Ser
vices has been reduced to a program offi
cer. and has been allocated only
responsibilities for agricultural education
The repercussions have been felt down
through the organization.
Farm News This Week
Crossbreeding And Sow
Confinement Discussed Page 1
Report Shows $35,554 In On
F & H Drive Page 1
State-Wide Poultry Symposium
Brings Specialists To Local Area Page I
Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly
P. 0. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa 17543
Office: 22 E Mam St, Lititz, Pa 17543
Phone. Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2191
Everett R Newswanger, Editor
Robert G. Campbell, Advertising Director
Subscription price: $2 per year in Lancaster
County, $3 elsewhere
Established November 4,1955
Published every Saturday by Lancaster
Farming, Lititz, Pa.
Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa.
Member of Newspaper Faim Editors Assn.
We think this action is of grave concern
to all farmers. Certainly, the number of
people served by this organization is de
creasing. But as the number decreases the
need for the men and boys in agriculture to
be better trained increases. Agriculture is
becoming more complex. A farmer today
can't just hide behind his barn door and let
the rest of the world fly by. He must have
the ability to deal with the public if that
public be his urban neighbors or those who
buy his products. We know, our nation needs
more than ever an adequate number of
knowledgeable agriculturally trained peo
ple. And down-grading the Vo-Ag program
is no way to get this job done. At least that’s
the way it looks from where we stand.
The True Facts?
An advertisement for Mazola brand
cooking oils and margarine appears in the
February issues of a number of consumer
magazines. It reads as follows:
“At 6:04 last night, Mrs. Walter Russell
started polyunsaturating her entire family
. . . with a big assist from Mazola. For
years, millions of Americans have been
eating a diet that is improperly balanced
in terms of fats. Mrs. Walter Russell is no
exception. Today, however, she’s doing
what medical authorities are suggesting.
She’s serving her family a balanced diet,
one which includes cutting dowm on total
calories and fat calories, and replacing solid
fats with the more highly polyunsaturated
vegetable oils. Since Mazola 100% Corn Oil
is highest in polyunsaturates of all leading
brands, Mazola is the only brand for Mrs.
Russell. It’s the logical choice for you, too,
for all your cooking and salad making
needs. No matter how many generations
there are in your home, there’s one thing
you can all enjoy doing together. Polyun
saturating. P. S. She’s got Mazola Mar
garine in on the act, too. It’s made with
liquid Mazola Corn Oil.”
There’s not a clear misstatement of
fact in that ad copy. We want you to know
that. But combine all the inferences “Im
properly balanced in terms of fat,” “what
medical authorities are suggesting,” “re
placing solid fats,” “polyunsaturating”
and the conclusion is clear enough: There’s
something unsafe about solid fats!
What happens when 60 million other
"Mrs. Russells” read such an ad? The
noose tightens just a little more, because
the Mrs. Russells all know that meat and
eggs and dairy products are a source of
‘‘solid’’ fats. And ever the more firmly im
planted in the ladies’ minds are the “facts”
that saturated fats are bad. We know the
"facts” are unproven . . . that the “scienti
fic conclusions” of the ad are commercial
ly-contmed But how is the typical home
maker concerned about the health of her
family to know ? If she reads it, she more
than likely will behe\e it.
Across The Fence Row
’Son,” a father told his growing boy,
■ just remember one thing: I know a lot
more about being y oung than j ou do about
being old.'’
A thing is still foolish, e\ en if 25 million
people to say (watch eat, wear) it.
Local Weather Forecast
(From the U. S. Weather Bureau at the
Harrisburg state Airport)
The five day forecast for the period
Saturday through next Wednesday calls for
temperatures to average above normal with
daytime highs in the mid 40’s and overnight
lows 20 to 30. Small day to day change is
expected. The normal high-low is 44-25.
Precipitation may total one-fourth to
one-half inch water equivalent as snow or
rain Monday or Tuesday.
do away with that which was not]
vital In religion. The scribes and'
pharisees were masters of a
very complicated and legalistic
approach to Judaism. Behind It
had been a sincere desire to In
terpret and apply the laws of
Moses to very specific situations
of everyday life. This way, ll was
reasoned, men would always
know what God wanted of them.
So it was not that these legalistic
interpretations had no value at
all, but that they obscured the
real meaning of Judaism. They
became a cheap substitute foe the
vital faith of Israel
la4frwinS Scriplurr Mark 7 1 throu|h I 26. BCIIMth tH» layßfS
d«v*k*mi ««*din(; 2 Corinthionss 17 through Some years ago LIFE maga
t io. z ine sent a photographer to the
. v.i, T,,- school of San Roco In Venice,
Every once in a Luther Italy> t 0 p h oto gra ph the beautiful
Burbank * d . Tintoretto murals of the nativity.
SoChoiC” K was Several times he photographed
dollar it w the murals, but each time the
hundr«LdoUar prints were disappointing. Upon
vm “ examining the ratals closely, he
bills. He did something, h °wever, d we re overlaid with
■MM In vSent Into centuries of varnish, dust, and acs-
Th a bonfire cumulated dirt. The original
W * 9 Vo b four colors could not shine through
■ Andrei ninetv- layers. At last he decided to
Sine d chernr use polaroid light to penetrate the
Wdl M Slants out of A® and let colors ,hine
U hundred through in all their glory.
Tbnt t h d te a similar fashion, our
f r ° g n; several Sh’wfiie^of'
Rev. Althouse aiousand ro« t^e
S e of a acSg g r foat met
his specifications; or again per- a ®f wh«t reaUv «-
market for at least fifty cents each, superflous acc euon.
Burbank saved only a small inner realities
mfvwbat wasvUal “ wanted gcribeg andPhariiees became
only what was vital. jje tij rea t erie< j to remove toe
A Cluttered market layers of legalism that obscured
Perhaps there are tones when “X toa?i°t
the Church might consider such Slllrion*
a bonfire. There is much that has
become identified with Christi- SSSmmw
vital. These we practices, tradi ap p earanceB< j MUB > approach.on
b f on^,,r C .c wS* the Other hand, saw evil moti
structures that vationB a , sourceG {«ct*.
ffllS4« .pprotcliidUd upo»
not need. They have .ome value, upon the of in. licrt.
SrtS SESSft " * lw * r * '“’ l
cause %e was interested only in compauwe.
what was vital and essential He - (iu*4 *n mSdim cwr«hi*j Sy «h» WvMm -
knew that the value of the quality
article is obscured when we c*miminityfr«iS«vKt)
clutter the market with items of
Leuon for February 23,1969
lesser quality. Thus for the sake
of that which was of true value,
he was willing to get rid of the
cheap alternatives.
One of the reasons that the
scribes and Pharisees were so
violently opposed 1
that he, like Burt'
Lancaster Farming Ads Pay
To Creep-Feed Eaily Lambs
The Easter marker is one of
the best times of the year to
market early spnng lambs;
shepherds are uiged to install a
creep feeder in the barn so the
lambs may have free access to
a gram mixture this extia grain
should give gi eater pounds to
sell at the highest pi ices of the
To Be Careful Of Sales
Many farm sales are being
held at this time of the year;
livestock purchased at a sale
should be segregated from the
herd for a least 30 days in order
to prevent disease infection.
Farmers attending sales should
not wear the same shoes or
boots back into their own barns
without thoroughly cleaning and
' f "=us was
’nted to
By Max Smith
Lancaster County Agent
disinfecting Don’t be guilty of
bringing disease into your own
herd or flock. Strict sanitation
is very important.
To Beware Of Strangers
During the spring months
farmers, as well as many other
home-owners, are confronted by
many salesmen selling all types
of bargains. If the salesman is
a local man supported by a re
putable concern or organization,
he may have something worth
while. However, if he is a
stranger promoting a special
bargain and demanding pay
ment in cash, beware of this
kind of transaction. Be sure you
know with whom you are deal