• Form Womon (Continued from Page 20) member* of the Society have Mgned up to work at the "Snack Bar" at the Ephrata Community continued in 1069 the same as it Hospital the fourth Friday of was in 1968, Mrs, Robert Greg- each month and will work the ory is the committee chairman, full all day shifts. A contribution wa* given to the A lour of Harrisburg has Farm and Home Center. Four been planned for March 17. The £millllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllil||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||U|||||L | CUSTOM SPRAYING | | HIGH PRESSURE WASHING | E and = | DISINFECTING | E in all types of poultry houses. E | MAYNARD L BEITZEL | E Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227 | giiiiiiiimniiiimiiiiiuiimmiiuniiniiiiiiiiminniiiniinnimiiiuiuiu^ BALED SHAVINGS Characteristics: * Southern Pine Shavings * Compressed Bale * Paper Wrapper (3 ply wax coated) * Weight 60 Lbs. * Dimensions 12" x 16" x 32" * Airdried Baled shavings are excellent for nests and floor lifter for poultry and as bedding for horses, cattle and all other livestock. ' Constant supply and competitive prices SHORE LITTER, INC BOX 1537 SALISBURY, MARYLAND 21801 PHONE 301 742-7161 (Cail Collect) group will visit the William Penn museum after which they will lour the state Capitol as the guests of Representative Harry H Grlng. Mrs. John Edawcls introduced the speaker, John S. Carman. He spoke on the History of the Famous Mt Zion Cemetery and the famous Monument erected in 1901-02 in commeration of the soldiers of the Revolutionary War killed in the Battle of Brandywine in 1777. Mt. Zion cemetery is located in Ephrata and joins land of the Cloister and Ephrata Union School. The society also held a Valen tine party. Members brought their old Valentines, some dat ing back to 1860 and many in the early 1900’s Beautiful crea tions, were displayed, some handmade. The next meeting will be held on March 15 in the Famous Cole man Chapel, Brickerville Mrs Esther Petticoffer will be the hostess. SOCIETY 2 Society of Farm Women 2 met at the home of Mis Earl B Petticoffer, Lititz, with Mis Nathan Oberholtzer, Manheim, as co-hostess Mrs. Jay Witmer was in charge of devotions Mrs Ab ner Biandt and Mis Jay Wit mer, delegates, gave reports of the State Convention. Members are making up pages fm a scrapbook to be given to a convalescent. Donation of money was given to a local fam iiy The next meeting will be held in the home of Mrs Warren Kline, 109 Fruitville Pike, on March 8. SOCIETY 14 Society of Farm Women 14 met at the home of Mrs Ar thur Groff, 1254 Lime Valley Rd, last Wednesday Devotions were by Miss Mary Mellinger The ladies sewed 146 cancer pads The program featured the reading of the local bylaws, convention leports and resolu tions, Mis Ira Herr, Gap, joined the Society Twenty dollais was donated to Chnst Home, Paiadise The next meeting will be Maich 12 at 130 pm at the Hellenic Githodox Chuich, Heishey Ave Sneakei will be the Rev Alexan der Veroms His topic will be ‘ The Eastern Oithodox Church ” A lour of the Chuich will be taken and donation will be given for Greek pastues seived by the women of the Church. SOCIETY 27 Society of Faim Women #27 met recently at the home of Mis James Brubaker with Mrs. (Continued on Page 22) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 22,1969—21 For Full Market Reports Read LANCASTER FARMING ROHRER’S CAN SUPPIY THESE Top Recommended VARIETIES • Cert. Cayuga Alfalfa • Pennsylvania Red • Cert. Saranac Alfalfa Clover • Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa • Pennlate Orchard • Cert. “Alfa” Alfalfa Grass • Cert. Vernal Alfalfa • Viking Trefoil • Cert. Irquois Alfalfa O Climax Timothy • Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa • Cert. Russel Oats • Cert. Pennscott Red ® Cert. Orbit Oats Clover • Cert. Garry Oats Cert. Maine Grown Seed Potatoes Dekalb Corn SUDAX ' Alfalfa & Red Clover available Pre-inoculated Send For Free Catalog SMOKETOWN Ph. Lane. 397-3539 ff=T I Km BEHLEN WUkM TOWN and COUNTRY low-cost all-steel building for aii-around uses Built of 3" corrugated steel (with tremendous strength), the all-new Behlen Flat-Top fills town and rural needs for an all purpose, low-cost building. The attractive weather tight Flat Top makes an ideal implement shelter, store, machine shop, office, milk* ing parlor, draft-proof farrowing house, meeting hall, etc. COME IN AND SEE the new Flat Top. Each building unit is approximately 35 feet by 21 feet. With either a 10 foot or 14 foot wall. Several emits may be erected together to form one large building. Easily expanded at any time. Wide selection of doors and, window styles available. The Price is Right af.,» FREY BROS. FOR PRICES, CONTACT: Fred Frey, Mgr. R. D. #2, Quarryville, Pa. 17566 786-2235 (717) V'W-'A- «