Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1969, Image 20
20—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, February 22,1969 Society 21 In March at the Farm Once upon a time, each man ~ and Home Center. Delicious re- did his own withholding on his sler. president, conducted the were served. take home pay, business meeting. It was voted to donate $75 to the Faim and Home Center. It was announced the society will „ , „ sow at the Lancaster General So(iet\ of Farm Women 18 Hospital on Mai eh 6 Miss Lois wet at the home of Mis David Rohioi cntcitamed with music Kohier. 142 Mam St. Landis on the mniimba viile, last Satind.n afternoon ,s Mmtha Gicenwalt was ~ , the speaker of the afternoon Rl.s Leu is Mongol had Hie do Slu , (o , c| hou lpmociel okl vi lions and Mis Eduard Wis- { urs Society 18 will entertain Farm Women SOCIETY 18 GROWING CORN IN 69? • If you are, let us show you how to insure maximum yields the most efficient and economical way with: ANHYDROUS AMMONIA • Rental Equipment or • Custom Applied PLUS BULK BLENDED FERTILIZER • Rental Spreaders or • Custom Applied • Use the program that produced two 1968 State Corn Champs. ORGANIC PUNT FOOD CO. Grofftown Road P.O. Bov 132 Lancaster, Pa. 392-4983 or 392-0374 YOUR COMPLETE SERVICE COMPANY Why f switched my checking account You wouldn't expect a senior citizen who's “sot in his ways” to switch his checking account from a bank he’d used for many years. But that's what I did. Switched to the Key Bank where I don’t have to pay a cent in service charges as long as I keep a minimum ba'ance of $2OO in rny account. At the Key Bank 1 get the advantages of Bancardcheks, too— checks that are cashable anywhere, just like “free” travelers' checks. LANCASTER COUIMTV FARMERS NATIONAL MEMBER F.D.I.C. SOCIETY 3 Society of Farm Women 3 hr!a its meeting at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Paul, Stevens Rl. rear Mt. Airy. Mrs. Paul, hos tess had charge of the devo tions Mrs Hany Palm was the cohostess. Piesident Mrs Willis D Stober presided over the busi ness session On February 24, both afternoon and evening, Cancer dressings will be made at the home of Misses Mary and Ada Royer, Ephrata R 2, near Akron. The Scholarship Fund will be (Continued on Page 21) • Have You Heard? (Continued from Page 19) Keep them clean. Wipe blades and lubricate them as they need it. Don’t use them to cut some thing they weren’t meant to cut Guard the points of the sciss ors and preserve the cutting edge. FREE. A pretty sharp gift for your wife, when you buy Red Rose Swine Feeds. A .A m Feed your swine the Red Rose way... and start collecting a set of Kutmaster kitchen knives with coupons worth 50c found in every bag of Red Rose Pig Pre-Starter Pel lets, Pig Starter Pellets, Pig Grower Pellets and Farrowing Ration. Kutmaster knives, made of Tungsten stain less steel never need sharpening They’re Walter Binkley & Son Brown & Rea, Inc. Elverson Supply Cc. Merry E. ffcrher R. I> J, Hr. 1) -lii' > ’ Pt B np /“'M r- - , ie. 4 3ft ' */“J I S. Sz ton Stjpshmg Refton E. Musses* Helsev & Son R. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Hessfond Bros. Elizabethtown A. L. Herr & Bro. >• * 0 > r~i Lititz Atglen Elverson rjani.t ■! Quarryville A yA • I I s* ~ 1 * I $3l I guaranteed Get one or the whole set, (&• eluding a handsome wood block. Come in today, get details on this special offer. David B. Hurst Bowmansville Mortin's Feed Mill, Inc. R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. Mountville Feed Service Musser Farms, Inc. Musser's Mill Chas. E. Scuder & Sons Ammon E, Shelly Lititz E. P. Spotts, Inc. H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Beds in the Middle Ages were so scarce that people took them with them, when on » Journey. * I / I * fU U !Ui \ I t • 'W i * f > «■ I Mountville Columbia The Duck Tene Hill Honey Brook Inc. Witmer