Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1969, Image 15
CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 TO PLACE YOUR Sewing Machines 3968 SINGER ZIG ZAG Monograms, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes, Sewing Machine, slightly used. No attachments needed. 5-year iParts & Service Guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $52.50 or ip ay payments of $5.25 per mo. Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr. "til B P.M. If toll, call collect. Lancaster 392-4341 UNCLAIMED LAY AWAY A NEW 1968 ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine—mus 1 be sold. Built-in controls, does every thing. 5-Year Parts & Service Guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $32 30 or pay payments of $4 60 per mo Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr. ’til 9 PM. If toll, call collect. Lancaster 392-4341 Miscellaneous For Sale—Dry wood shavings and sawdust mixed Bulk-Dump ed. Local $14.00 per ton, 6 ton lots. H ZOOK 220 Lampeter Road Phone 394-5412. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton. Can be delivered in bulk loads of 10-12 tons. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. Plants 600 Assorted Sweet Onion Plants with, free planting guide $3.60 postpaid. TONCO, “home of the sweet onion,” Farmersville, Tex as 75031. town and Garden Used Lawn & Garden Equip- ment; 12 hp Jacobson L&G Tractor; 7 hp. Yardman L&G Tractor, 6 h p Sears Riding Mower; Set of 7 used Gang Mowers; 18” Springfield Snow Thrower; Used Air Compressor. WENGER IMPL INC. The Buck Ph: 2844141 Moil Box Market For Sale—New adjustable goose neck 14’-16’ $75 00; large set slightly used 3 ply waterless cookware only $85.00; New Even-FIo silage distributor $40.00 and used distributor $3OOO. Phone 215-445-6409 For Sale—A.R. Wood gas brood ers, 5 qt. glass fountains with bottoms, 5 ft. broiler feeders. Everything in excellent condi tion; Also beautiful Collie Pup pies Phone 687-6010 or 687- 7004 For Sale —1951 Chev Walk-in truck with Boyertown body and Bally refrigerator case. 11 ft double-duty McCray Kold-Flo case, like new; butcher kettles Phone 284-4612 For Sale —Service age bull sired by Milk and Honey Ivanhoe Dam who has milked 85-90 lbs Christ B. Stoltzfoos, East of Green Tree on Valley 'Road. For Sale—2 electric motors, Va horsepower and 14 horsepower, John K. Stoltzfoos, R D. #2, Holtwood, between Truce and Rawluisville For Sale—l 2 A.R. Wood brooder stoves with flash tube lighting. Phone 898-8358. For Sale Ford 3000 tractor with 8 speed and PS, less than 300 hours. Phone 898-8200. For Sale—White German Shep herd pups, 6 weeks old, Register ed. Phone 626-7076. Farm Equipment USED TRACTORS Case 700 Diesel Case 400 Gas Case 630 Diesel Case 1200—Sold See us for your new Case Trac toi. Also many used spreaders in stock. KINZER EQUIP. CO. Kinzers, Pa, Farmall 504 Gas Tractor; Used Hawk Built 145 Spreader COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence, Pa. Ph; 786-7351 Used Allis Chalmers B with Cultivators FARMERSVILLE EQUIP. CO. Ephrata Ph. 354-9221 Ohvei 880 Diesel Tratcor. M M WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa Ph 656-7702 Dairy Equipment Two 400 gal. Used Girton hulk tanks; 300 gal. Mojonmer hulk milk tank, 350 gal. Esco bulk tank. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kmzers, Pa. Livestock For Sale For Sale Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass championship blood tines. Willow Glen Farm, R.D. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Ph. AC 717-786- 2562. Help Wanted ~Need 200 women in our 11 coun ties to become Tupperware Demonstrators No experience or investment needed. $l5 to $35 average earning per eve nings. Become a manager, re ceive a new car to drive, by recruiting others. Write P. O. Box 168, Orwigsburg, Pa. 17961 r Phone. 366-3211. Young married couple for dairy or general farm work, which ever preferred Rent and elec tric free, plus good wages Call or write 215-286-5239. Leßoy S. Hoover, Morgantown, Pa. 19543. Department Manager at pro duce auction, general clean-up and maintenance, full-time, house available if needed Write Box 266 C, c/o Lancaster Farm ing, Lititz, Pa. Married man for modern dairy farm, house & privileges, good wages. GOSHENVIEW FARMS West Chester, Pa Ph: 215 696-8259 Tree Service Custom chain sawing, trees, logs, poles, etc. J. LANDIS BOWERS Columbia Rl, Pa. Phone 717-285-5649 Real Estate FARM North of Manheim you will find this 60 acre farm with a large house and % acre pond. The gravel soil is highly productive and level except for a gentle southern slope. Ideal steer farm. MANHEIM REALTY Ph, 665-2401 Ph. 397-8174 For Rent—Modern dairy farm in Solanco area. Rent or shares. Will supply machinery for young farmer with references. Write Box 266 D, c/o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. FARM FOR SALE—Two barns, two horses, farm pond, Juniata Countv Phone McAlisterville 463-2*31, Farm Equipment FARM MACHINERY SALE (5 Farms Sold) SAT., MAR. 1, at 10:00 a.m. 2 CASE 931 CK Diesel Tract. & Attch., Case 530 Diesel, Gleaner C 2 COMBINE Diesel w/cab, (4 row 30” head), Haugh Payload er, 2 sets Case 6x16 plows, JD 8 row rear cult, JD 8 row plant er, Pulvi-Mulcher, Choppers, cutters, Sprayers, discs, Spread er, 3 Farm Hand Wagons, etc., etc. Ph: 442-4186 3 Trucks, 66 Chrysler 9p Sta. Wagon A/C-p/b-p/s etc. SHOP EQUIP, 37’ Bay Boat, Penguin said, 14’ boat & motoi, etc, etc—Phis Freezeis - Refri gerator a some Household PLUS AC Dl9 Diesel Tiacloi. 5 bottom plows, Ohvei 880 Die sel, JD £55 combine vv/235 head, and much else SHERLOCK D. HACKLEY of Long Point Faun, Oxford, Md. Sale Location: at Cook’s Hope Farm, EASTON, MD. Harry Rudnick & Sons, Inc. Sales Manageis of Galena, Md . . . phone 301-648 5100 Farm Tractors 706 Diesel 700 horns $5250 656 Hydrostatic 690 hrs $5650 XT 190 Albs Chalmers 430 hrs $4900 Many others Curry Supply Co Curryville, Penna 814-793-2829 Allis Chalmers B tractor w/plow & cultivator, Minneapolis 3 bot tom trip plow, used wheel horse ti actor ALLEN H. MATZ, INC New Holland 354-2214 Alias Chalmers Hay Conditioner; John Deere 3 pt Hook-up Coin Planter, 2-row, Allis Chalmers Snap-Coupler Corn Planters ROY H BUCK, INC Ephrata, Pa Ph: 859-2441 Don’t forget to register for Free IH Hydrostatic 544 Trac tor Feb 24 thru 28 at C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Pa. Ph. 768-8231 Used Myers Air Blast Row-Crop Sprayers. Reconditioned and guaranteed. LESTER A. SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph. 687-6712 LOOK Into This! A hospital insurance pol icy written by Ohio Casualty that pays up to $l,OOO A MONTH while you or a member of your family is hospitalized . . ... in addition to any other hospital insurance you may be carrying. And that isn’t all. This policy is GUARAN TEED RENEWABLE TO AGE 65. For full facts, give us a ring. u V/. MUSSER ;.... 1951 Larch .Avenue ' iEASjT- PETERSBURG; PA V Phone 569-2876 : =, , --T15&0 L Insurance Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 22,1969 Farm Equipment New and Used Ford Tractors 6000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 800 and 900. John Deere 4010, 3020. 720, 435, 1010 and 420. Farmall 560, 460, 400, 300, 200, Cub and Super A. Massey Ferguson ~ 85, 65, 35 and 50. Large se lection of crawler asd wheel Tractors to choose from. Tractor and Horse Drawn Spreaders. 4 Row Corn Planters, 4 Row Cul tivators, Cultipackers and Culti mulchers. C. E. KEENER 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Phone 569-9861 Fickes Silos and Badger Feeding Equipment. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph 786-3630 Poultry & Supplies For Sale Complete equip ment foi 10,000 cage layeis in eluding 5000 Pockman double deck cages Hen-o-matic elec, tuc cage feedei, 1 year old egg room cooler, 5 laige venti lating fan with automatic con tiols Egg washer New Vine land proportionei also com plete manuie removal equip ment (Will sacrifice) going out of business Contact Reich Poulty Farms, Inc, Rl, Marietta Phone 426-3411. KimberChilcs and Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sei Link, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakertown. Pa. Ph 215-536-315.'- Heavy breed layer contracts available. Ex cellent Income opportunity. 1,500 to 6,000 size flocks available. No capital required, we pay all supplies. Write or Call .... INDIAN RIVER POULTRY FARM 2505 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 569-0456 MUSSERS' M-327 Chick Sales over the past 3 years were re-ordered by 90% of the same customers 95% of our matured pullet sales. Thanks for Booking your Musser M-327 Chick orders well in advance from our 1969 settings. Musser Leghorn Farms Ph; 653-4911 HAVING EXCESSIVE LEUKOSIS MORTALITY? TRY ANTHONY WHITE LEGHORNS YOU'LL BE PLEASED WITH THEIR PERFORMANCE GEO. M. ANTHONY & SONS POULTRY FARM, INC. Strausstown. Pa. 19559 Tel. 2i:-488-P2ll Poultry & Equipment DEKALB CHIX For more Poultry Profits, order your DeKalb chix now, from DeKalb York Hatchery Box 265 Hellam, Penna. 17406 Phone: (717) 255-7741 Richard R. Ferry Ph. 397-0035 gpnayMf Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. SHAVER LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. 15