Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 22, 1969, Image 12

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. February 22.1969
• State-Wide
(Continued fiom Page 1)
the higher pioducing biids in
the flock inthei Hum the avci
age pioduction
Kenneth Goodwin, Head
Poultiv Science Depaitment,
had the subject. Goals of the Pu
tin e Pullet Costs. He said the
clink is the most impoitant
facloi in any poultry opeiation
and lepiesents 25 peicent of
the cost of the pullet “You can’t
affoid to have anything less
than the best chick you can
get," he said Looking to the
futuie, Goodwin said the pos
sibilities aie good that progiess
in bleeding to develop disease
resistance will continue and re
duction in hen size will be de
veloped so less feed is needed
to maintain the buds
Floyd Hicks, Extension Poul
tiy Specialist spoke on the sub
ject Labor and Other Critical
Cost Factors. He said, “Poultry
men must be more aware of the
color of the ink to the fraction
of the cent By far the most
common reason for failure in
the poultry industry is the fail
uie to keep adequate records
Records must include both cash
cost and non-cash costs Such
things as equipment, deprecia
tion, electricity, taxes, tele
phone, and insurance must be
figured as well as feed and
labor cost.
Hicks said a fair wage must
be figured m the cost of the
operator The manager is most
impoi tant and must be research
conscious He must know what
is happening on a daily basis
and what others are doing “The
timeliness of a decision is many
times more important than the
decision,” he said.
The final speaker in the
morning program was Kermit
Birth, Extension Poultry Mar
keting Specialist, with the sub
ject, Marketing Cost, Plain or
Bnth listed seven items to
consider in maiketing 1, Pro
duct—what you have to sell, 2,
Quantity—does it supply the
needs, 3, Form—the package,
4, Place—Where you reach the
consume!, 5, Light—the image
in the minds of the consumer,
6, Time—when the consumer
wants the product, and 7, Puce
-—if the price is too low there is
no loom for pi of it.
■‘The net is the most impor
tant thing,” he said “And that
may not be closely related to
cost Laigei sales do not always
mean increased piofits Income
New Breed Of Sheep
A news release came to my
desk the other day ielating to
a new bleed of sheep that has
been intioduced into this coun
tiy fiom lieland, they aie nam
ed Finnish Landiace and are
now in quaiantine accoiding to
health legulations This new
bleed of sheep will be distubut
ed to seveial of the fedeial ie
seaich stations foi ciossbieed
ing woik In their native coun
ts these ewes geneially pro
duce liom 2 to 4 lambs per
piegnancj it is hopeful they
will inciease the lambing late
of domestic sheep which is 1 to
2 Limbs each time My fust re
action is that if this gieatei
multiple bnth factoi is domin
ant in ci ossbi ceding some of
oui shepheicls aie going to
ha\e to deielop lamb feeding
mn senes because Mother Na
tme continues to put only two
“dinnei plates’ pei ewe
Eveivbody leads and vnites
histoiv attending to then own
Farmers Attend
Ortho Dinner
A dinner meeting for 80 laun
eis was held Monday evening
by Oitho Chemical Company at
the Meadow Hills Dining Hall
The featmed speaker was Di
Geoige Hawk, Ortho’s Assistant
National Agionomist fiom San
Francisco, who spoke on Feiti
hzer Technology Hawk em
phasized the need to use ferti
lizer at the right time, in the
right amounts and applied at
the right place
The company agronomist also
announced that Willis Rohier.
Smoketown, is one of only 9
dealers in the United States
selected to attend the Ortho
Golden Dealer Advisory Pio
gram to be held Monday and
Tuesday of next week in San
Francisco Rohrer and Geoige
Geissler, the East Central Area
Branch Manager are scheduled
to leave Sunday to fly non-stop
to the West Coast.
depends on the size of the eggs,
the quality of the eggs, the price
level and the number of sur
plus eggs ”
“We hear a lot about market
power,” he said. But we hear
very little about market power
for consumer preference What
good is marketing if the con
sumer does not want your eggs
She may be willing to pay more
if you have what she wants,”
Birth said.
Dwight Schwartz, Extension
Poultry Veterinarian served as
chairman for the all-day meet
New features
and refinements
increase leadership
of John Deere 3020
and 4020 Tractors
Could they make them any better? Yes,
John Deere engineers reworked the 70-h.p.
3020 and 94-h.p. 4020 Tractors to increase
operating economy and reliability. New
pistons, new cylinder liners more tightly
fastened, alternators, oil coolers across the
board, a new 12-volt electric system evenly
charged—these and other features add
tr tra-vaiue for your
M. S. Yearsley & Sons
West Chester 609 2990
A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Shotzberger's
New Holland 354 4191 Elm 665 2141
Wenger implement, Inc. Landis Bros. Inc.
The Buck 284-4141 Lancaster 393-3906
• Report Shows
(Continued from Page 1)
step up the pace of coveinge
and leporting The Campaign
Steering Committee has e\-
piossed the hope that the dnvc
would be closed by March 7.
In the Faim Gifts Division
headed bv Fome.v F Longe
neckcr Rte 3 Lititz. and John
Heir. 1564 Millpoit Road. Lan
castei. the lepoits show the
Noitheast Area leading in con
tubutions with $4,801 00 repoit
ed The area is under the lead
ership of Noah W. Wenger and
Harry H Gring. with Jack Lee
serving as a campaign assistant
The high single “District” cen
ters aiound the Lititz area, with
Paul Kline as chairman. The
district has reported $1,885.
Other reports of the Farm
Gifts unit shown: Northwest
Area, Daniel H Rohrer, Jr,
chairman- $4,160 00, with the
Manheim District, headed by
Mervin Peifer, the high unit on
reports of $1,734, the Southwest
area, headed by Amos H. Funk
and John W. Sangrey, have re
ported $4,764.00, representing
an area in which the Millers
ville-Washington Boro district is
high unit reporting $1,860; and
the Southeran Area, with Glenn
D Myer, chairman, reported
$430.00 todate.
Contributions and pledges of
support received in the Farm
Gifts canvass represent the
largest portion of reports, up to
Friday, since the major and
special gifts division started
soliciting at a later date The
latter two divisions are seeking
contributions of businesses, in
dustries and selected indivi-
duals in the Lancaster City and purpose facility was erectedob
subburban sections. a cost of slightly over $500,000.*
Funds being raised, under a 00. of which amount aboud
two-year program of pledges 5350.000 lias been paid
mcl cash gifts, will bo applied
.0 reducing the indebtedness in- Tlicie are nearly 9.000 local
buried in building the widely- FFA chapteis in the United
ised new Center. The multi- Slates