o Industry *> lifion Features )Sl Beet Factory The latest machines used ii of the larirost ovhilnis nf U will be pait of an extensive the pioduction, haivcstlng, . . display of modem potato and handling, stoi mg and packag.ng .i vesting equipment vegetable machinciy and equip- of potatoes and vegetables will lei HARVESTORE HOG MEETING For All Interested Hog Farmers WHEN March 4, 1969 12:30 to 3:30 P.M. WHERE Lancaster Stock Yards Pavilion SPEAKERS Bertin Knoblauch, Low Point, 111. Hog Farmer Robert Eichelberger Hog Consultant Earland Carlson Corn Consultant Hear about feeding high moisture corn to hogs. Sponsors Gay Murray Co. Penn-Jersey Harvestore Pennsylvania Harvestore Tunkhannock, Pa. New Holland, Pa. York, Pa CASHWAY co. fl /£ ik (look For This SigrT) *7 / // WHERE YOU ARE A CUSTOMER ... NOT A NUMBER 4xB PRE-FIHISHED PANELING Lauan -4xB $2.98 G. P. Vinyl Shield $3.98 Tawney Okoume $4.55 Champagne Okoume $4.95 Planked Okoume $4.95 Avocado Vinyl $5.89 We Carry 21 Styles BMDER LAYMEHT 1 /8 - 4 x 8 Reg. Hard Bd. 1 /4 - 4 x 8 Reg. Hard Bd. 1/4-4 x 4 Reg. - Hard Bd. . J. f i -w I , f*■ tt , } r plaster board 3/8-4xB $1.47 3/8-4xlo sl*B4 1/2 - 4 x 8 1/2-4xlo $2.20 1/2-4x 12 $2.64 AUL YOUR OWN AN’; will feature the Eastern Potato merit that will cover more than Indusliy Exposition to be held two acres of the spacious Faim al the Farm Show Building in Show exhibition area llamsburg Maich 20, 27 and 28 » OPEN 7:30 to 5;. Local!' 5 . We stock quality, name brand building ma terials. it is not necessary to wait for a "Sale" to receive a good value at CASH WAY. Our prices ore low . . . everyday the year around. C. D. SHEETING PLYWOOD 5/16 - 4xB Exterior $3.84 3/8 - 4x 8 Exterior $4.66 1/2 - 4xB Exterior $5.38 5/8 -4 x 8 Exterior $6.62 3/4 - 4xB Exterior $7.80 5/8 Under Layment $7.47 We Hove Plenty In Stock i ROCK LATH 3/8-32' 'Bundle $l.lB l/2-jl^ / Bundle $ .99 READY MIX DRYWALI COMPOUND 1 gal. $1.95 5 gal. $5.35 Y thru SATURDAY 9 Pli^- Compare at CASHWAY .. DELIVERY AVAILABLE caster, Pa Lancaster Farming. Saturday. February 15, 1969 be on display and demolish ated Also to be exhibited will be a new 4wheel dnvc tiactoi Eastern officials said eaily le polls indicate 15 potato hat vest cib, peihaps moic, will be ex hibited by majoi manufactui ers In addition, a new hai vcstci bung mlioriueed by a majoi manufactmei of faim equip ment will be unveiled at the Exposition. Among commercial exldbitois will be 14 chemical companies who will be displacing a full line of chemicals used in the production of potatoes and vege tables Sprayer and irugation equipment also will be on dis play An unusual featuie will be a scale model display of a com plete sugar beet factory and its operations Exposition am to 5 p m hours will be 9 March 26 and 27, 4pm Mai ch 28 sponsoied by the Cooperative Pota and 9 am to The event js Pennsylvania ..... $1.48 ..... $2.48 .... $1.20 to (iiowois Inc. tin* Intension Sen ice of the Pennsylvania Stale Umvcisilv College ol Agiicultuie and the Pennsyl vania Derailment of Agncul lin e • Attention (Continued fiom Page 1) off and tianspoits the manuio out to the spicader A scope pulled by a 10 hoisepower tiac toi i mining on the walk-ways, pulls the mamne in the gutteis undoi the cages to the auger It takes a day to clean the pen Ambiose figmes pioduction cost at 28 cents pei dozen •It I can get 35 cents per dozen acioss the boaid, I can make money,” he said “But you can’t make money at 28 cents ” Hanks repoited that if large eggs aie 40 cents on the Uiner Barry re poit, you can figure average eggs aioss the boaid at 35 cents. The buds aie receiving 19' 2 houis of light Aitificial lighto ai e tui ned on at 12 30 a m Anothei phase of the Hanks' 1 faun opei alien is a herd of 48 Jeisev dauv cows These aie in. pailneiship with Paul Tumble, his heidsm in Paul takes care o£ the cows completely Jusc aie a bleed of cow 'ou can 1 ’I in love with,” Paul -aid Vs a went to Jeiseys be cau-o oa> stalls vveie too small foi the ungei bi eeds ” The held vai pm chased as a unit in 1967 fioin Spungfield, Vt. The heid has line type, two c incc,f, e( j a t 89 points with beau tiful uddeis and pioduction re coids to 861 pounds of butter fat Ti imble feeds about 40 pounds of silage a day per head. Shoit-feed is given at a 3 to 1 ialio Hanks and Trimble aie enjoying an §8 Jeisey milk mar ket from Turkey Hill Dairy hav ing close to a 90 peicent class most of the year. The 81 acie poul try and daily faim is located in Dmmoie Township at Fan field SEE IT TODAY! tymuigton, (BMP) GERMAN BROS. We specialize in chain saws SALES & SERVICE 1 Mi Noith of Tene Hill on Rt 897 East Eail R D 1 Phone 445 6272 7