t , i.. Meeting Minutes Pa. Egg Marketing Assn. i * »’«■ V 4 * l‘ U. 4 * * •»**' * * -«*)• ,*i 4 PV ” I to *. It Z) *.•’ : MU t jimer. D’~ V\. * " P.'U ’r* I tC Ilf .I*.* iiiUDliir I £ o K T T*-ruiuo r CYjwl Tu uk* v Tns mem Mi - Mpo o i, '“Wii ro -< i ir run:.- - om h* dm nt cion*- or ir.*.’ - - CU t. z<\o o: \j. wet .r or or^r.r PRODLCTION PER COW IJELOW JVS 1%: LEVEL P 0 r ilk Dc*’ CO* 1 9 \\d. k V\el^ JiHLic % : ’mt c \ei' e-iLf bu' 'or .-,.ciri tielcm DI octLicuor am y l c 1 ction tht* n onth nt /io pouPas w.= „.p SU pounds I'ot - 7 bnuai> last c.-’ but 13 pounds the- Jan.d'. 1967 level Muk cow nunbeis ate esti j ated at 1 peicent below a \eai c-dliei and unchanged kom tiecembei Total milk produc (ion foi the month was 563 mil lion pounds up 3 peicent fiom last \eai but about one peicent below' last month Januaic was a rathei pleasant month Temperatures weie mostly below freezing but quite 1 sieadc Precipitation was much less than normal There was little snow coter for fall grains and forage seedmgs but the critical period is still to come • * .4 0’ “ JJ 4 .’1 4 1 r 4 i 4 *C c> - \ V\ k . 4 M cn ”u \i fc n*. .r C» *V =?!*•£.' V *■ F. t iui’m»nr presented . r t' ucruJ nlheuc *e r t; aewiciec Peoa- copv ol c wnteup on ji,- p'eser afor .e being mailed to eacr meir.be .nd \ PEN N A EGG PRODUCTION VP 2G FROM MONTH AGO SUIT'D r ( * The Commonwealths laving flock produced 284 million eggs in Jam.c.n an increase ol 2 per cent iiom Decerrbei and 4 per cent 1 orj a vear earlier Rate ol lav i‘ 3 percent above Decern be. and 3 peicent above one veai do The Commonwealths Hock siz“ deueased I peicent foi Januaiv but is slightly laiger HELPS IMPROVE DAIRY RATIONS Add variety and bulk to your dairy rations and improve paiat ability with WAYNE SWEET BULKY. Rich In beef pulp, molasses and minerals, WAYNE SWEET BULKY greatly improves rations fed to dry, fresh and milking cows. Good for growing heifers, tool ' P 37113 FARM SERVICE Ldw n Ph 964 3444 DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS. INC EDI Steiens MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Millei s\ ills MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE E D 2 Columbia FOWL S FEED SERVICE EDI Quarrvulle E D 2. Peach Bottom H. M. STAUFFER & SONS. E'v'C. Wilrner GRUBB SUPPLY CO. C. E SAUDER k SL Elizabethtown EDI East Ee . r i s • * \ k * » 1 '\: * - < » * : *.4 I L j 11 t ru “ t * » ‘ TU * t*v Itl* Ti 'V Ouht 1 ‘ Lt* iiu J l -»rn c ' 1\ an**, i* J'tr: unu iruend' c t v . toopeiaie pi esemed 4 o cio so 15^3 <522®. HEISEY • Miller m mice i ore I*.n ' 1 his 1 i i '> ' 1 i i v > ■ 1.,.! ; ' h 1 1 * I ll( s . i i'. i < ( v •" (>u \<. \ , t li' Jo’iow.m. . M’ L' (I .I’V < \O - ..ii< r K' -i call' ’ I ..I' I V , V i.L.-nM’'. C i unn i K 2 be.-*. C< J L H< 84f l‘i r r '-it-rr Hoaa Lire* •*’ .Lik Soutnein A.mo‘ Hu; Quai m iLt H 2 Dui.n?. the busmen senior, minutes of the last annual meet ire weie lead b> Mi = Edna E Buckwaltei Melt in G Rohrei lend the treasuiei ; report Hat lar !s Keener read the auditor r leport and John N Thomas Ji headed the nominating commit tee Mrs Dons Thomas extension home economist and Arnold G Lueck associate count - , agent leported extension staff actm Ges Miss Ellen Garber assistant slate home economics leader and Manon R Deppen assis tant slate extension director Pennsjhania State Unnersitv .Jso addressed the rneetmg than oui flock a \ear ago This is the first month of deciease in flock si/e since July 1968 WAYNE SWEET BULKY FEED See >s today for WAYNE SWEET BULKY FEED* H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse. Pa. HERSHEY BROS. Eemholds ROHRER'S MILL R D 1 Ronks PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise WHITE OAK MILL R B 4 Mdnhejm Accurate Records Needed In Modern Dairy Business ‘..mu ’Ui{ ( ’ < ' 1 1 11 \ r i’iv\hol'iM O I ' 1 I' 11 '' to M.iH VMI f I h> ! 0 t I l.il t'ti •' I,> |< f’l oi f. ( u 1 1 f i* v b h:A i ru ollm 'I i'l ><■ ' 1 t r >'J cl the Jnbi sUU< VV) I ufi " modem ddinoidn rnubl keep ie cojd- m much the wine nuinnei da af. hubinebbrnen do oi hib thanteb ol butteba die wtitme h low The conference sponsored In the Coopeiative Extension Ser Mce of The Pennsylvania State Lnneisit;. was pnmaiily de signed foi dairymen who work with large numbers of milk Jesse L Balmer. Lititz R. D. 4, won the championship of ’ i*unt\ Group 4 with a \ield of 217 bushels per acre gn>\ !- a YW 804 Single Cross (former Griffith SX 666). The >ie. i was the highest in all state groups for the current cen ter - T .'sse is a member of the Warwick FFA Chapter. -WK ABOUT OUR QUANTITY DISCOUNT AND THE YW .'if'-V (ELDERS FOR NARROW ROWS, HIGH POPULATION! AND HIGH FERTILITY SX .95-105 days SX 47.. 110 days ' N t 0 maturity to raaturrty // SX 42A • 1 0 5 ' 110 days SX 67 110-11« davs / *° maturity to tuatuntv STATE ONE ACRE CORN CHAMPION ALL YW HYBRIDS ARE YIELD WARRANTS Send for FREE corn booklet t lip and mail lids coupon State Distributing Co. t ■» Mil it /.Pi! nr>« . lock here if interested in becoming a dealer " \ W Hybrids Brn Stale Distributing Co. ", O fu j ' i/t >, n 10 IW * i f Ihi i f ( i ril -//I ' oli j k>o ( OIhIMOfI A I I' l If iJjJI will I !>*.!- 111/>;.l < '1 I ' 1 tLI J* ttXJII J(i li 1; 11/ pe • I■ •■liO'lid O' null d la< n da. ,1) I‘jl ' i//JI Wi. a Jallllt takev ijii i do i l )' ham and j i io iho"' Jli,di . 'aid hxi;i-i -e/He has 'hOAfl that the OoJI>- mi'Ji v wil< ian (>•' a \a)-citju ts set in tin' depaitment he cod ed >, re 'J’hi hanking ollicial faus-uon i'd those attending the f heck the lai m opeiation hi'Jo'e attempting to secuie a loan to expand the business Mam limes he said nnpiovement' in feeding and management piogiam will jule out the need Joi additional funds to inciease total income. Phone 62(i