Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1969, Image 5
BALANCED FEED NO. 701 GREEN PIG STARTER How To Use: — Start Creep feeding No. 701 when pigs weigh 5 ios. or are 7 days old and feed through 6th week v-hen pigs should weigh about 35 lbs. Amount Required 15 to 20 lbs. per pig. Fe,ed Per Lbs. Of Gain During This Period 1 25 to 1.50 lbs MOST If we can help you design a profitable pro gram for your swine enterprise or aid you in problems relating to swine management or nu trition see your MILLER & BUSHONG SER VICE Representative or call us direct at Lancaster 392-2145. s mm READY FOR just m rm for us PIGLETS TO GROW ON! PALATABLE FEED WE "Sweet as a good muffin " PASTURES PELLETS! Field Tests Indicate:— More uniformity in pigs, fewer runts More economical gains. Heavier pigs at 8 weeks Pigs may be weaned at six weeks This gives more time for proper conditioning of sow before re-breedmg. Easier to maintain farrowing schedule. MILLER & BUSHONG, Inc. ROHRERSTOWN, PA. “Finest Service Anywhere ” Phone 392-2145 HAVE • Farm Calendar (Continued fiom Page 1) County Adult Farmci pio giam. (poik pi eduction and feedei pig pioduclion) Lin- Independent School coln Building 7 30 pm—Faun Recoids Woik chop Ft tin and Home Centei C CO p m —Soil &. Watei Consei vation Distuct meet, Faim and Home Centei Thursday, Februaiy 20 10 am Poultiy Educational meeting, Faim and Home Cen- 7pm Atlantic Breeders Noithem Lancastei County District Meeting, Blue Ball Fire Hall 730 p m Ephrata Young Farmer meet, Vo-Ag Room. Iriday, February 21 1 pm—Governoi’s Committee Meeting with farmers (Ag Land Preseivation) New Hol land Fue Hall Ipm Niagaia Alfalfa and Tobacco meet. Intercom se Fire Hall The gravy train always seems to have a full load -nsSsi!, I 1 __! cc I i—«Ehwh 1 o*3 . H?S I Kj!S> &< ' •I E I I * I SofBS ' J-SKa> MM sE--t 8 > H 3 tSSHgzS! ■ I sli"®| 5 63 C Mp 3 , rv Sgi°"i 3 Ssgiißl 3B nw>w^n2 Sls*i s i3aH z^?sg?z^S —I fl OG§l3§«S^_ 3m"D3L ■■ ■ zgfgl I S ■ ■ 0 | m^> r §§“ ■■■ 3«S>>E? j j"w H o§^ s rw n Etsntr- i ?oi-* HNRa>s §M?s|§a i^°§ |h£c« W « ‘gOOHS ?Szzr , <i • | gdSN,^ 1 I s>-° S> ~ otSO Hr 1 >Sfi 'zc* H£o go P ifr* 2h_ h ~|3 m B-g >-5 £ » H W F N m 73