Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1969, Image 19
FARM WOMEN NEWS SOCIETY 7 Mrs. Garber led devotions. | „ The gioup will entertain at Em- 1 Society of Faim Women 7 bieeville State Hospital and hold , met at the home of Mrs Jacob a rummage sa i e f Ki eider, Kmzers Rl, last Sat- . , „ . t uiday. Mrs Harold Eby, piesi- . ™ e f " ex * meet ! n ° w i u b ® t dent was in charge. held at the home of Mrs Joseph , Gieiner, 15 Forest Hill Rd, I State convention reports were Leola, on Feb 26 at 7 30 given by Mis Paul Skiles and Mis Chester Clark. A vocal solo was given by Jacqueline Ki eid er During the program, members displayed and talked on their hobbies. The next meeting will be March 8 at the Leacock Pi esbyterian Church social room Members of Society 10 will be enteitamed SOCIETY 24 Society of Farm Women 24 met at the home of Mrs Jacob Garber, New Holland, with Mrs C. Leo Snader, new president, in charge. Reports were given on the State Farm Women’s Com ention in Harrisburg by Mrs Landis Myer, Mrs Morris Sautler and Mrs. Snader So/GERUKATES /oOfDffOSIT You've been taking care of your money long enough . . . now it's time it started taking care of you. Put it to work in a Certificate of Deposit from your Headquarters for Money Matters. As little as $5OO will get you started on an invest ment that will give you an excellent return, mature in six months, automatically renew itself and give you absolute safety of principal Come in today and let us help you make your money work harder. Conestoga- Bank rnmmim Minn umms LANCASTER/CENTERVILLE/EAST/LANDISVILLE/LITITZ MANHEIMTOWNSHIP/MILLERSVIUE/ROHRERSTOWN Ii"EM»ER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A Trustee for The Lancaster County Foundation SOCIETY 16 Society of Faim Women 16 held an all day meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs Roland Mendenhall, Nine Points. Mrs William Horner assist ed Mrs Mendenhall in entertain ing The members enjoyed a covered dish luncheon and made 13 dozen cancer pads during the course of the day. The afternoon speaker was Mrs Martin Greenleaf, secre tary of the State Farm Women Associartion who reported on the recent convention. On March 8, Society 16 will be entertained by Society 13 at the Lampeter-Strasburg School SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite market 743 S BROAD ST. LITITZ, PENNA. THIS CUNNING LITTLE DOLL sleeps the day away. She is a wise choice for a child’s first doll be cause she is soft to cuddle and has a gentle embroidered face. Her pink body is made of rug yarn, with a mop of brown hair. She is dressed in rick rack trim med pajamas and sleeps in a fleece bunting. Free instructions are available by sending a self addressed, stamped envelope to the Needlework Editor of this newspaper along with your re quest for Leaflet PPE 1381. SOCIETY 12 Society of Faun Women 12 met at the home of Mrs John Kendig, Conestoga HI, last Tuesday afteinoon with 27 mem bers sewing a total of 910 can cel pads Mrs Kahe Brenner was in chaige of devotions Miss Eth el Kendig, president, was in chaige of the business meeting. It was voted to donate $lOO to the Farm and Home Center and to support the County Project, the Halfway House Plants were sent to two mem bers in the hospital iecentl> (Continued on Page 21) »'/ ' X I T' /■ ' x / * v r'-’x '< 5 l -S yv»vs j w$ v ' Have You Heard?.,. By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Place the chicken breast skin side down on cutting board With a sharp knife cut through the white gristle at the neck of the keel bone (the daik bone in the centei of the breast) y Bend back and press flat to expose the keel bone, then loosen the bone by i unning the tip of your index finger around both sides of the bone and remove it either in one or two pieces Working on one side of the breast, insert the tip of the knife under the long rib bone, working it underneath the bone and cutting free from the meat Separate the meat from the rib cage by cutting around the outer edge of the breast up to and through the shoulder joint, thus remov ing the entire rib cage Turn the breast around and repeat the method on the other side Working from the ends of Tips On Washing the wishbone, scrape the meat Durable-Press Garments away from each piece of the Wash and diy durable-press bone, then cut out the wishbone and wash-and wear garments in ci- ii. i -j, , small loads Slip the knife underneath the wash whites separately white tendons on either side of If oSSlble , use laundry equip the breast to loosen and pull mei / wlth special cycles for out- these new garment finishes You can remove the skin if check appliance instruction you want and use it with thi (Continued on Page 20) bones as stock for soup L “Look For This Sign” MiLORGANITE “fs orsamc STS' Niagara Vegetable Seeds * Servin 0 The Pairner ? a Se M plSducte ySta S • Gai ’ ddeern ° er & Home Owner Intercourse, Penna. 17534 Phone (717) 768-8451 THE STALEY DAY-ONE SYSTEM For Baby Pig Management; Oral Iron, Antibiotic and Vitamins medicated for use in drinking water from the first day of life. For the prevention and Treatment of Nutritional Iron Deficiency Anemia, Bacterial Enter itis (Scours). No more iron shot. MORE PIGS SAVED PER LITTER, HEAVIER WEANING WEIGHTS AND IMPROVED PROFITS! Many satisfied customers. For more Information send for Free Folder and Prices. ALSO HAVE IN STOCK BLACK AND CLEAR PLASTIC FILM FOR BUILDINGS & SILAGE PILES ZIMMERMAN'S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY DISTRIBUTORS OF VETERINARY PRODUCTS AND FARM SUPPLIES Wood Corner Road, Lititz R 4, Penna 17543 Store Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY STARTING MARCH Ist Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 15,1969 — Ladies, How To Debone Chicken Breasts PUNT FOQD\ WSTQRE^ V THOMAS PEANUT HULLS By the Ton or by the Carload 19