Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1969, Image 17

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    Pennsylvania Turkey men Meet
Eighty Pennsylvania turkey big turkeys on a year round
nen met at the Hershey Motor basis He pointed out that, un-
Lodge for an educational meet- fortunately, total turkey con
ing last week The giowers sumption has not increased with
present represented over 1.300,- the rapid increase in production,
000 tuikeys, which is approxi- and stated that as of Januaiy
matel> 70 per cent of Pennsyl- 1, 1969 there were 322 million
vama’s production Di D D pounds in storage He said the
Moyer, Virginia Polytechnic In- turkey industiy is challenged
stitute Tuikey Specialist, was with learning how to sell tui
the featmed speaked Dr Moyer keys on a yeai round basis or go
reminisced, calling the growers back to seasonal pioduction
attention to the days when the Further processing for utilizing
turkej was the festive bud for one-third of the turkey pioduc
the Holiday Season However, turn has not increased, and that
the industry has started produc- there was a reduction in the
sale of whole birds in 1968
Consumption dropped one
pound per capita over the pie
\ious year
Tuesday, February 18
Southeastern Dairy
Conference Set For
The 4th annual Southeastern ke y health problems, Dr Moyer
Dairy Conference will be held stated that 48 per cent of the
again at the Guernsey Barn, losses are due to managerial
East of Lancaster on Route 30. problems. Cholera has taken a
The date and time is February teirific toll in the south and
18 from 9:30 a.m to 3 - 30 pm. mid-west. Some flocks have ex-
The snow date is February 19. porienced losses up to 50 per
The theme for this year s con- cent He stated that cholera can
ference iS '‘Dairy Management”, be controlled by following strict
Door Prizes, refreshments and sanitation standards, and point
displays will also be featured. e d out that where farms have a
Tne conference is sponsored by continuing brooding operation
Allis-Chalmers, Curtis Breeding of many ages, they never have
Service Inc.; John W. Eshelman an opportunity to depopulate to
& Sons and New Holland Supply break the cycle. Vaccination
£°- * nc - - , t - crews and sales people have
17th thru 21st
K.inzers, Pa.
In discussing some of the tur-
See what's new in our equipment this year. Factory and company personnel will be pre
sent from 10:00 A.M. until 8:30 P.M.
Door Prizes will be awarded Special Drawing for Children.
Your Equipment Center in Lancaster County
New Idea ARPS Case ph onc 442-413 f
PANEL TURKEY MEETING (left to Hoover, Moderator, Quaker Oats, Repre
right), Paul S. Konhaus, Mechamcsburg; sentative, Andrew Ludwig, Ephrata; Ira
Donald Turnll, Laughlintown; James Gottshall, Birdsboro.
been known to carry the disease
fiom one farm to anothei
Dr. Moyer concluded his pres
entation by showing slides of
some of the model turkey in
slallaions in Virginia including
some of the breeding flocks and
tom houses.
A panel consisting of Donald
Turrill (Laughlintown), Paul
S. Konhaus (Mechanicsburg),
Ira Gotshall (Birdsboro), and
Andrew Ludwig (Ephrata) dis-
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. February 15,1969
cussed the topic, “How Pennsyl
vania Turkey Producers Can
Compete In Today’s Market ”
Mi. Turrill feels that the Penn
sylvania grower has a very good
opportunity to move birds into
the industrial gift market and
to sell to the small retailer who
is interested in premium quality
and willing to pay a premium
price. The Turrill operation was
started 31 years ago with 75
birds and has grown to a 28,000
10% OFF
bird operation, with all of the
birds being processed and sold
in Western Pennsylvania. Due
to high standards only top qual
ity birds are offered as whole
and the others used in
further processing operation.
Paul Konhaus, who grows 30,-
000 birds, told the group that
birds can be marketed profit
ably if the quality is right. He
markets his entire flock in the
(Continued on Page 27)
930 Row Crop