Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 15, 1969, Image 14
— LancasliM' Fanning. Saturday. February 15. 1%9 14 CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 TO PLACE YOUR Sewing Machines 1968 SINGER ZIGZAG Monogiams, sews on buttons, blind hems, makes buttonholes Sewing Machine, slightly used No attachments needed 5-year Paits & Seivice Guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $52.50 pay payments of $5 25 per mo Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr, ’til 9 P.M. If toll, call collect. Lancaster 392-4341 UNCLAIMED LAY AWAY A NEW 1968 ZIGZAG Sewing Machine —mus* be sold. Built-m controls, does every thing. 5-Year Parts & Service Guarantee. UNPAID BALANCE $32 30 or pay payments of $4.60 per mo. Call Capitol Sewing Credit Mgr. ’til 9 P M. If toll, call collect. Lancaster 392-4341 Buildings and Supplies YOUR BEST BARN BUY! . . . for quality and economy is . . . THE CECO CLEARSPAN PACKET BUILDING covered with weathertight corrugated steel CECOROLL with galvaniz ed or baked-on vinyl colors Write or phone for full informa tion and the name of the dealer in your area GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 210 Sassafras Street Selinsgrove, Penna. 17870 (717) 374-8157 Tree Service Custom chain sawing, trees, logs, poles, etc. J LANDIS BOWERS Columbia Rl, Pa. Phone 717-285-5649 Plants 600 Asserted Sweet Onion Plants with free planting guide $3 60 postpaid TONCO, “home of the sweet onion, - ’ Farmersville, Tex as 75031. Mail Box Market For Sale —340 Farmall tractor with cultivator, power steering and fast hitch, good condition 12 5 KW generator, fits on 400 Farmall tractor Phone 898-7061 For Rent—Va of farm house on the Biunnerville and Lincoln Road, 2 bedrooms Phone 626- 5146 For Sale—Lard by the can or by the pound Provide own con tainer Phone 687 6037. For Sale Good Locust posts Christ S Miller, Rl, Paradise, Pa For Sale Approximately 50 tons mixed hay, mostly Alfalfa, some Timothy Phone 548-2169 For Sale 20 x 30 wooden Silo with loof and outside Ladder Pn 215 593-6434 SELL ★ YOUR BUTCHER ( juT/^ r f) HOGS *A] DIRECT ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you CALL AL SHAFFER AT 376-2941. Evenings 779-3847 I'oi Sale—l manure loadci for I’oi Sale Coin cub, single F inull M. Also 10 Clav cow tobacco ladders, hammcimill stalls, lexer type Phone 872- foi pails. Saidcn Dractoi ; 1010- tiller Phone 656 6644. $60,000.00 WORTH OF INVENTORY TO BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES EVER Choose from John Deere Tractors 'SfiP Harvesters Hoy Conditioners Wagons Rakes "TEW HOLLAND Balers Harvesters Wagons Plus Many Other Items To eliminate confusion with Groff’s Harwdare our store hours are 7 to 5:30 Daily. Thursday and Friday till 9 P.M. A. B. C. GROFF, Inc. 110-112 SOUTH RAILROAD AVENUE NEW HOLLAND, PA. Phone 354-4191 FIRE CRATER PISTON-SLEEVE SET Boost Up To 38% H. P. FROM $ 49 21 UP This Month’s Special SKILL HEDGE TRIMMERS l/ 2 PRICE - $ 22 00 25 lb. BUCKET GREASE Reg. Price $6.25 NOW ONLY *5.95 SPECIAL OFFER WIND BREAKER TRACTOR HEATERS FROM *38 75 AND UP C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Penna. Phone 768-8231 WENGER’S Farm Machinery, Inc. ''W , V ' v* TRACTORS JD 4020 power shift diesel, like new JD 4010, 3020, 720 Farmall 806, 706, 656 Oliver 1850,1800, 880, 88 Allis Chalmers XTI9O, Dl9, Dl7, Dl5 New Ford 4000, 5000 and 8000 Diesel MF 65, 85, Super 90 Allis Chalmers manure loader Ford and Kelley manure loader Used Starline tank spreader, right hand and left hand Dayton PTO 14,000 watt generators New Badger Barn Cleaner, very good price' New & Used snow plows and blowers New Holland PTO Spreader, 150 bu. John Deere PTO Spreader, 150 bu. Oliver and New Idea Spreaders, 150 bu, NEW TIRES 10x28-$47.81 12 x 38 $72.33 NEW —MANURE SPREADERS New John Deere 34 Manure Spreader New John Deere 70 Flail Spreader Brady 141 Flax] Spreader USED MANURE SPREADERS JD-R NI-130 bu. PTO NEW LOADERS New John Deere 37 Loader fits 2020 . USED LOADERS JD-45 Hydraulic bucket Ford for 900 Tractor Ferguson TRACTORS JD-3020G JD-4010 JD-3010 D & G JD-60 JD-50 JD-A Like New Bear Cat Grinder-Mixer with feeding anger and magnet Reduced to $1995. DIRECT FROM THE PA. FARM SHOW THE 1969 ALL NEW 4520 AND REVOLUTIONARY NEW 1240 PLATELESS PLANTER Just Received! Truck load of Brady 144 (12 ft.) Flail Shredders All set-up ready to go See us for an early Spring deal 1 MILLER'S SALES & SERVICE (formerly Miller Feed & Impl. Co.) Highway 851 York County’s Progressive Dealer John Deere Dahlman Potato & Brady HEW & USED MACHINERY South Race St., Myerstown, Pa. 717-866-2138 11 X 28 $53.66 Other Sizes JD-B JD-MT JD-H JD-LA AC-WC Fordson PMD Stewartstown, Harvesters Ph. 717-993-2470 $250. $450. Brillion & Lely