for slaughter market °in f the Larson To Address State head on January 1, about 1,000 Horticultural Association head or 1 percent less than a _ _ „_ T year ago. Expected marketings Russell E. Larson, Dean for the January-March quarter The Pennsylvania State Uni are 25,000 head and, if realized, versity’s College of Agriculture would equal those of the com- be one H l ™,/ 63 * 111 ec ! parable period in 1968. speakers at the 110th annual * . meeting of the State Horticul- The baking industry is second tural Association of Pennsyl only to the beverage industry in y a ™ a Th ® meeting will be held use of sugar. in York - Pa February 10, 11, 12 FENCE HEADQUARTERS man to see is Leßoy High, Please al low us to quote on your needs. }&s , Our Selection is great. You will save money when you buy your fence at Stauffers. tut !e Locust Line Post Split Rails TAUFFER'S OF KISSEL HILL JTITZ Rt. 501, Vz Mi.'S. of Lititz atop Kissel Hill Phone 626-2028 Now 5 engines to choose from with the Allis-Chalmers One-Ninety tractor! Kck the foel, pick {he power you mt Sot 5-bottom work! Gasoline or in the One-Ninety—or get 15 $0 SO extra hones in the new One- SOnety XT, diesel, gasoline or LP AM, No matte which one you pick. Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment Nissley Farm Service - Washington Boro, Pa. N. G. Myers & Son Rheems, Fa. cr We install reg. $2.85 $2.49 reg. $1.95 s| s 49 New Holland L. H. Brubaker Grumelli Farm Service Lititz, Pa. Quarryvillej Pa. The membership of the Asso ciation is composed mainly of fiuit glowers who produce large and small fruits, commercial icpresenlatives of agricultural industries, and professional workers m federal, state, insti tutional and private organiza tions. Dean Lai son is scheduled to speak Monday afternoon, Febru ary 10 His subject will be, “Penn State’s College of Agri culture is on Your Team.” He has served The Pennsyl vania State University in num erous capacities since his first appointment as assistant profes sor of plant breeding in 1944 In 1952 he became head of the De partment of Horticulture, and in 1961 was selected chaiiman of the Division of Plant Science and Industry. He was dnector of the Cooperative Extension Service from 1962 until his ap pointment as dean. SALE Dean Larson earned hi s bachelor of science, master of science and doctor of philoso phy degrees from the Univer sity of Minnesota. He is a member of numerous professional and scientific so cieties and is recognized inter nationally as a research scien tist and the author of many pub lished scientific articles. you’ll be getting the work!n’est« earnest-operating 5-plow tractor you ever saw! You have to experience m One-Ninety to know how great it is, We’ll be glad to provide the expert ence. Drop in and see usl L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. Roy H. Buck, Inc. Ephrata, R. D. 2 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 8,1969 OFFICIALS HEADING THE PENNSYLVANIA PLANT FOOD EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY for 1969 are, seated from left: John C. Hoffman, of the Lancaster Bone and Fertilizer Co., Inc., Quarryville, president, and W. Wayne Himsh, pro fessor of agronomy Extension at The Pennsylvania State University, vice president. Standing from left: Robert J. Thomas, director of the Penn State Soils and Forage Testing Laboratory, secretary-treasurer, and Walter I. Thomas, head of the Penn State Department of Agronomy, imme diate past president. STATE ONE ACRE CORN CHAMPION Jesse L. Balmer (center) Lititz R. D. 4, receives trophy and congratulations for winning State One Acre Corn Contest from Ray W. Snyder, President of East ern State Distributing Company. Charles W. Moerder, area sales representative for Eastern State looks on. Jesse, a member of the Warwick FFA Chapter, won the championship of Maturity Group 4 with a yield of 217 bushels per acre growing YW 804 Single Cross (fonner Griffith SX 666). The yield was the highest in all state groups for the current contests. YW Hybrids offers a complete line of top-yielding single crosses. Send for FREE corn booklet Clip and mail this coupon Eastern State Distributing Co. R. D. 2, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Name Address □ Check here if interested in becoming a dealer j for YW Hybrids. Eastern State Distributing Co. Lititz R. D. 2 i 7 Phone 626-8909