Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 01, 1969, Image 17

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    Tips from a Pro
Wray Mundy
at the Caernsey Barn, Rente 30 East, Lancaster, Pa.
Allis - Chalmers
Ciuths Breeding Service, Inc. New Holland Supply Co., Inc.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1969 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
(Snow Date February 19, 1969)
Theme: “Dairy Management”
This Dairy
Milwaukee, Wis.
Cary, Illinois
Less Wrinkling
Is Result Of
Tumble Drying
Heat-controlled tumble dry
ing is ideal for durable-pi ess
fabrics However, clothing or
household linens of duiablc
pi ess fabrics can be line-dried
but usually will need some
touch-up pressing, says Mis
Ruth Ann Wilson, extension
clothing specialist of The Penn
sylvania State University.
Durable-press fabrics contain
man-made fibeis which aie
softened by heat or cotton fi
bers treated to perform in a
similar way To get a permanent
shape or crease, the garments
are processed with heat and
pressure. This sets the fibers
and they return to their ouginal
shape time and again aftei
Tumbling in a heat-conti oiled
automatic dryer heat-softens the
fibeis, relaxes the wi inkles
foimed by wealing, and lets the
gaiment letuin to its onginal
shape and cieases, according to
Mis Wilson.
Drying in small loads, about
half the diyer capacity, and le-
movmg ai tides as soon as the
dryer stops, will result in less
wrinkling. Whenever touch-up
Conference is sponsored by
John W. Eshelman & Sons
Lancaster, Pa.
New Holland, Pa.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, February 1, 1969—-
PENB Follows Up
With Right Answers
When the Poultry and Egg
National Boaid secs inaccuiale
statements about eggs in pnnt,
it doesn’t get all cracked up
about it Instead it follows
thiough back to the source,
supplying the conect infoi mo
PENB’s coireclions aie gen
erally well icceived, icpoits Dr
L. A. Wilhelm, piesident, and
the publications usually pi ml
them That way the consumei
is the real winner
Recently, for instance, “To
Your Good Health,” a syndicat
ed medical column by Dr
George C. Thosteson, appealing
m newwspapeis across the na
tion, contained a question about
blood in egg yolks In his ans
wei the doctor stated that blood
in a yolk means that the egg
has been feitilized, a populai
In a noncntical, mfoimative
pressing is needed, me tne non
at the low setting, advises Mis
Icltei to Dr Thosleson, Di Wit
helm pointed out that blood in
the yolk nonnally docs not
mean that an egg has been fer
tilized, that it is a natural oc
cuuence in about 2 peicent of
all eggs, and that the egg in
dustry does a highly ci editable
lob in lemoving these eggs flora
the maiket
Di Wilhem also noted that
the chances of a consumer buy
ing fertile eggs is infinitesimal
ly slight, since less than 1/10 of
1 peicent of the 285 million
hens pioducing table eggs aic
mated to loosteis
In a letter thanking Di Wil
helm for his ‘ pleasant and ia
tional account of the matter,”
Di Thosteson indicated that
collected copy has been uishcd
to the syndicate and an aiticle
quoting Di Wilhelm will be ap
pealing in the column in the
neai futute
Form Records Session
Set For Mortindcle
The foiuth in a senes of
farmer education meetings is
scheduled foi 7 30 Wednesday
evening, Febiuaiy sth at the
Lincoln Independent School
building neai Maitmdale The
session is part of a series of
seven of the Eastern Lancaster
County Adult Faimei program
Robeit Herr, chairman of the
Agriculture Department of the
r Eastern Lancaster County
School District, will conduct a
workshop on farm record keep
ing for tax purpose and intro
duce the Pennsylvania Farm
Account Book as a means of
keeping records for- today’s
fanning operation Included in
the discussion will be changes
in the tax laws affecting the
| farmer and how good records
can help meet these changes
The thiee preceding meetings
have pioved to be popular with
aiea faimeis as an average
nightly attendance of 47 turned
out to hear vauous speakers at
each of the meetings sponsoied
bv the Eastern Lancaster Coun
tv Adult Farmer Piogiam
mm ¥£siis
Carroll Hunt, York Co.
Muncy-Chief SXBBO
213 BU.
per acre