Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 25, 1969, Image 20
20-Lancaster Farming, Saturday. January 25.1969 LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS RECEIVING their State 5-Acre Corn Club Awards at the annual corn growers ban quet at Harrisburg last week, (left to right) Glenn B. Thomas, Lititz R 3, cham pion in the machine harvested class with 206 bushels of shelled corn per acre; Sweet Corn Meeting To Be Held In York Corn ear worm and com borer damage to sweet corn grown for processing and fresh market was more serious last year than growers have experienced in re cent years. A special one-day conference Correspondence Courses iSi STUDY WOODLOT FORESTRY BY MAIL Take a good look at your woodlot this wintei Do mature trees dominate certain areas, preventing the giowth of sap lings beneath’ Can more de suable tree species be planted in some aieas’ Are shrubs and giams needed for wildlife covei and feed’ Accoidmg to "a Pennsylvania State University conespon dence course on woodlot foi estry, good management re quires that trees grow close to gether. Competition for space and light causes trees to crowd their tops as they grow making long, straight tiunks free of side blanches Long boards, clear of knots, are cut from such logs But, there may be too many trees in an area Oveiciowding results in spindly-stemmed trees Thin the stand by cutting out trees of low value To learn management of woodlots study Penn State’s correspondence course Send your name and addi ess with $2 25 to Woodlot Forestry, Box 5000, University Park, Pennsyl vania 16802 A couise copy will he sent by mail • Have You Heard (Continued from Page 15) or in large pieces you can slice yourself Cost is less if you slice it yourself Count on about five servings fiom each pound There's little shnnkage be cause it only lequires heating befoie seiving Theie is little waste in Cana- Joseph H. McGahen, Extension Agrono mist at Penn State, making the presenta tions; Clarence Keener, Jr., champion in the hand harvested class with 187 bushels per acre; Guy Eshelman, second in the hand harvested class and Arnold Lueck, Associate Lancaster Ag Agent. on growing high quality sweet corn and controlling pests will _ , , ~ , „ be held in York County, Tues- Go ° d de „" tal . day, January 28th. The meeting 51, . 0u . 1d ' n t .f ddho ° d ’ A r ®' is scheduled for 10:00 a.m at nimds Mrs. Ruttalee Carroll, the Avalon Farm Dairy restau- State extensum teds and lant, Whiteford .Road. York. nutnUon You he p your child to build Jiealthy teeth Speakers on the program in- when you serve him well-bal clude specialists from The Penn- aneednnd adequate meals, usmg t sylvama Department of Agricul- a variety of - &wdS; an d with spe ture, Perni State University and , . . the University of Maryland. Lan- cial em P hasls on raw fruits and caster County sweet corn grow- vegetables, and restricting sweet ers are urged to attend. snacks between meals. BEHLEN TowKeCouH&m VERSATILE ALL-STEEL BUILDING FOR ALL-AROUND USES Do you need a garage, equipment shelter, cattle Shelter, milking parlor, machine shop, office, meeting hall? The Town and Country will best fit your needs —and your pocketbook—now and in the future, it gives you clear span construction from 25' up to 60'. * . choice of 10' or 14' ceiling heights. If you need more space later you can add on easily-—without wasting building material* There’s no frame to buird. You just bolt together heavy-gauge, 3" corrugated steel panels to put up this general purpose building. Wide selection Of doors and window styles available. FREY BRC’S. FOR PRICES, CONTACT R. D. #2, Quarryville, Pa 1756(5 I WfSS/t Your authorized BEK’ Diet and Healthy Teeth GOES UP EASY ffii hie* i* Right of «,«» Fred Frey, Mgr 786-2235 (717) Poultry Products Go To Orphonoge What happens to the poultry products exhibited at the Penn sylvania Farm Show? This year’s products, 675 pounds, were donated to two orphanages, Sylvan Heights Home of Harrisburg, and the Methodist Home for Children at Mechanicsburg. State Agriculture Secretary Leland H. Bull, Gov. Raymond P Shafer, Sen. William B. Lentz, Sen. Clarence F. Man beck, and Henry C. Kennedy, Jr., manager of the Commercial Department of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, present ed the products to Charles Ratchford and Cynthia Wilson, children who represented Syl van Heights. Among the products which were donated by poultry pro cessors from various sections of Pennsylvania, were out-of-thc ordinary items such as phea sant, partridge and wild luikey. The products also included whole birds fresh and frozen cut-up friers, batter-dipped chicken, chicken and turkey rolls and chicken and turkey scrapple. Last Appearance . George Washington made his last military appearance in Cum berland, Md. As president, he here, in 1794, reviewed troops called out to suppress the Whis kj Rebellion.