-Lancaster Forming. Saturday. January 25.1969 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review January 20, 1969 CATTLE 2300 Compared to CATTLE 619 Compared to last weeks dose, Slaughter Monday Slaughter Steers un- Steers 25-50 highei, instances 75 even, weights under 1200 lbs. higher on weights under 1200 steady to 50 higher, weights over lbs; Cows 25-75 highei, Good 1200 lbs about steady; Cows 25- and Choice Bulls steady. Utility 75 higher; Bulls steady to 50 and Commeicial 50 lower Sup- lower. Supply included 65 pei ph included an estimated 55 cent Slaughter Steeis pei cent Slaughtei Steei s, 25 pei- SLAUGHTER STEERS cent Cows and Bulls, with the Choice 950-1250 lbs 29 00-30 60, balance mainly Feeder Steei s few mixed-Choice and Prime SLAUGHTER STEERS —3O 25-30.60; Choice 1250-1400 lbs Mixed-Choice and Prime 1100- (Continued on Page 3) 1250 lbs 3025-3060, Choice 950- 1200 lbs. 29 00 30 50, 1250-1400 lbs 2810-30 10: high-Good and low-Choice 27 50-28 60; Good 25 - 50-28 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Cnoice 750-800 lbs 26 50 26 75; Good 750-950 lbs 23 50 2510 COWS Utility and high di essmg Cutter 18 50-19 75, few 20 00-2010; Cutter 16 50-18 75, p . Hrnarv Canner and low-Cutter 15 00- y 16 75 BULLS Choice 25 50-26 60, several on Monday 26 75-27 50, April Good 23 25-25 75; Utility and Commercial 23 00 25 50, few Ma y mainly on Monday 25 75-27 00 T CALVES 400— Vealers steady to 100 higher VEALERS Choice 47 00- 49 00, couple 50 00, Good 43 00- October 47 00, Standard 37 50-44 00; Util ity 32 50-38 50; Cull 90-120 lbs 28 00-32 00, 70-90 lbs 25 00 28 00 HOGS 1100-Barrows and gilts stiong to 50 highei, sows scarce (Continued on Page 3) BUY NOW earn a cash dividend through «r This special pre-season program pays you cash for buying early. The amount you get depends on the machine you buy—and when you buy it The earlier you buy, the bigger your dividend. Program starts November 1, 1968, and goes through February 28, 1969, Eligible machines include: Auto matic Bale Wagons and Stack Re trievers • Balers • Combines • Crop-Choppers • Forage Blowers# Forage Boxes and Crop-Carriers.# Forage Harvesters • Hay Condi tioners • Mower-Conditmers • Mowers • Rakes • Self-Propelled Wmdrowers. Program applies to new machines only. Stop in soon for complete details. 4 YJ=W HOLLAND DIVISION OF SPERRY RANO .H. BRUBAKER R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa. 350 Strasburg Pike, tanc Phone: Lane. 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-77G6 MARKET NEWS REPORT March August November December Trend Cattle are stronger; Hogs are stronger; Potatoes are lower. AUCTIONS makes Hie difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2.30 P M. FAT STEERS. BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL—THURSDAY at 12.30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, Penna Abram W Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2194 •HRSi* | ■ ... I INSIST on a WINPOWER DEMONSTRATI' at YOUR Farm Before You Buy ANY Tractor ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE & SALES Auction Only January 22, 1969 FUTURES TRADING Closing bids as of Thursday, January 23,1969 Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago 28.42 27.47 26.87 27.02 26.95 26.85 a-asked b-bid n-nominal \ Klft COMMUTATOR DC BRUSHES TO CREATE SERVICE PROBLEMS Driven Alternator DEMONSTRATED. INSTALLED ASD SERVICED K ELECTRIC MOTOR GENERATOR AND ROWER TOOL SPECIALISTS Mitt to CJciitor Shipping Ctntor EPHRATA, PA. mn Ar*« C*4i 717 733 7911 Vintage Auction January 21, 1969 CATTLE 695 Compared to CATTL e 2300 Compared U |ffo r funv e so t 0 last Thursday - Slaughter 25-50 higher, Cows 25 to fully 50 gteers and Cows 35.50 hlgher; h.gher Bulls mostly steady Sup- n t d ms t a nces 50 high ply included 32 percent Cows. o„nniv inrii.riprf SLAUGHTER STEERS -% ®" f UPply included High-Choice and low-Prime 1050- 4 ctwr<? _ 1325 lbs 30 50-3135; Choice STEERS 1000-1350 lbs. 28 85-30.75; high- Choice 900-1300 lbs 28 75 30 SU, Good and low-Choice 27 50-2910; ‘„i P ‘? Ko?2 0 ?0 8 0 5 2°5 50 tandald and K 28 00.' COWS “ Sr and h.sh- 241 “°' 2550 - dressing Cutter 17 50-19 85, sev- COWS Utility and high (Continued on Page 3) dressing Ci tter 17 75-19 75. few 20 00-20 50: Cutter 17 25-18 75, Canner and low-Cutter 15 50-17- 10. Maine Potatoes New York Live Hogs Chicago 20.00 19.00 20.50 TRACTOR DRIVEN ALTERNATORS * Superior Motor Storting Ability * Close Voltage Regulation * Instantaneous Recovery To Rated Voltage With Sudden Load Application * Electronic Rectification mm 1800 BPM LOW SPEED HEAVY DUTY BULLS Choice 25 50-26- 50. few head 27.50-27 85, Good 23 75-25 75; Utility rnd Commer cial 23 50-25 50, several 25 60- 26 75 FEEDER STEERS Choice 700-830 lbs. 26 50-27 60, Good 660-970 lbs 24 25-24 75 CALVES 307 Vealers 1 00- 3 00 higher. VEALERS Choice 50 00- 54 00, Good 46 00-50 50; Stand ard 40 00 45 50; Utility 34 00-40- 00; Cull 90-120 lbs 29 00-34 00, 70-90 lbs. 27 00-3100. FEEDER CALVES Good & Choice 260-320 lbs Steers 28 00- 23 60; Good and Choice 270 lbs Heifers 23 75. SHEEP 4 No market test. 2.73 2.92 3.44 2.43 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager New Holland Auction January 23, 1969 COWS January 22, 1969 Receipts of 80 cows and two bulls sold stronger on fresh cows. Holstein 425-590; Guern (. Continued on Page 5) Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers and heifers mostly steady, cows 50-75 higher, bulls unchanged. Local receipts consisted of near 73 percent slaughter steers, 23 percent heifers and the balance (Continued on Page 5) SELL + Y °UR BUTCHER (} HOGS J) DIRECT TO ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT 376-2941. Evenings 779-3847
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