Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 18, 1969, Image 1
VOL. :i NO. 8 THAT GOOSE IS RATHER LARGE and e\ en if the tags pinned on little Elaine and Eddie Engle,tell everyone to “Smile,” they are not sure they want to do it with that big fellow just inside the cage. The A HUG FOR THE RESERVE CHAM PION. Seven-year-old Christian Herr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herr, Narvon R 2, holds the soft bundle of wool that was re serve grand champion of the Dorset Sheep Lancaster Farming. Saturday, January 18,1969 children atfe fnnr and two alnnsf with cnuaren, age tour ana two, along with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Engle, were among the many visitors to the 53rd Pennsylvania State Farm Show in Harrisburg Thursday.* L Photo, Show in Harn<shiir<* this week for fho Horr bhow in Harrisburg this week tor the Herr family. The champ was also a member of the second place three Ewe lambs owne'd by exhibitor. L. F. Photo Local Youth Start Well But End Disappointingly In Baby Beef Competition What started as a wild dis play of Lancaster County supei lority in the State 4-H Baby Beef Show Thursday morning, ! ended that afternoon in a man ner that might conservatively i be called a little disappointing To start things off, Lany < Herr, 840 Penn Grant Road, captured the Shorthorn breed championship giving the local club one steer in the champion ship circle when it came time to select the grand champion of the show Then came the Herefords David Enck, Holtwood Rl, start ed the contest with a first place win in the Light Weight class The next class Medium Weight was again topped by a Lancaster entry shown by Mai hr. Bollinger, Denver R 2. Then came the Light-Heavy Weight County Stars In Tobacco At Farm Show Lancaster County tobacco < pioducers walked off with all ( championships in filler and wiappei classes in judging at - the 53id Pennsylvania Farm Show ' Roy M Rohrer, of Strasburg, ' R 1, won the grand champion ship in filler classes, and Ira C Shank, of Pequea, R 1, was ( winner in wrapper classes * Steven Stehman, of Cones- j toga, R 2, showed the champion , wrapper and Donald Thomas, ( of Millersville, R 1, the Cham- ] pion filler in the 4-H division , In vocational competition, ( Gary R. Neff, of Millersville, 1 E 1, exhibited the champion x wrapper and Rachel W. Martin, of New Holland, R 1, the cham \ pion filler > Class 76 A. Wrapper B’s f 1. Ira C. Shank, Peqaea, RD i 1; 2 Susan R. Shank, Pequea, 1 RD 1, 3 Harold H Greider, < Millersville, RD. 1. 4 Jay Hos- < tetter, Manheim, R.D 1; 5 Tom ] Bollinger, Lititz, RD 4, 6 - (Continued on Page 10) i Co. Holstein Breeders Shut Out Of Farm Show Championships Lancaster County Holstem breeders were shut out of all championship honors Tuesday at the Farm Show And onlv one county entiv managed to place first in class Penn Springs Bill Nancy, the home-bied two-year old heifei of Robeit Kauffman, Elizabeth town R1 ’ was fnst in her cIaSS and fr there on no i oC al entry t above 2n d Judge Clyde K Chappell, Univeisitv of Tennessee, called the show'of 173 entries one of $2.00 Per Year class where the fust six places were filled by Lancastei County' 4-Heis When Judge Harlan Ritchie, Michigan State Univer sity, finished, Nancy Herr, also 840 Penn Grant Road, was first 1 leaving only the Heavy Weight class of Herefords to be topped by Helen Lehman from York County However, as the event (Continued on Page 8) 4-H Lamb Club Members Do Well At Farm Show Lancaster County 4-H mem bers shared the majority of breed championships in market , lamb classes at the 53rd Penn ; sylvania Farm Show, winning ■ top awards in Cheviot, Dorset, Hampshire, Southdown, and Shropshire classes The grand champion individ ual lamb was exhibited by Ted Bushong, of Columbia, RD 2, Lancaster County, and reserve champion by William Bland, of 435 E livm Ave , State College, Centie County The Bushong (Continued on Page 9) Countians Win In Hay Show Harrisburg Mahlon H Shenk, Holtwood R 2, placed first in two classes in Hay Judg ing Contest here at the Farm Show this week but the show championships went to Gordon Isenber, Huntingdon County and Jay McCarrell, Washington County Shenk’s wins were in the Alfalfa (later cutting) and Alfalfa-Grass (mixed) classes. Galen W Crouse, Stevens Rl, placed Ist in Sudangrass and 3rd in Grass (later cutting) Other county placings includ ed Mixed Hay, 2, Alfred Wan ner, Jr., Narvon R 2; 3, John S Yost, Narvon R 2, Alfalfa (first cutting part field, part heat dried) 2, Roy Mentzer, New Holland, Alfalfa (first cutting field cuied) 2, Fiank Yost, Naivon R 2 the best he has seen ‘You can tell the quality of a show b> the number of animals that come out for the gioup classes When you have the quality go mg so deep in the groups and so many gioups in a show of this size you know it’s a good show and the breeders are doing a go ° d I o **’” he S3ld „ „ Chappell’s favorite cow, F G - P Ivanhoe Regal Jan, a four year old owned by Allen Peffer. Cumberland County, took all (Continued on Page 12)