Li orary gciio ol of Agricultu Patterson Bldg. , University Park^Pa Annua / Farm Show Issue : peasg|j |\f JAN 151969 1 t3\L- PERIODICALS SECTION UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY VOL. 14 NO. 7 TOBACCO SHOW WINNERS. Donald E. Shank, Pequea Rl, (left) showed the Ist place long fillers and the grand champion hand of fillers and Eugene M. Rohrer showed the Ist place short hand of fillers for his father Witmer J. Rohrer. Strasburg Rl, at the Lancaster County Tobacco Show held Thursday at the Farm and Home Center. Large Number Of Lancaster Co. Tobacco Entries Going To F. Show More than 235 hands of Lan caster County tobacco will be going to the Harrisburg Farm Show next week as a result of the local tobacco shows held Thursday and Dec 27 at the Faim and Home Center This number includes open show, FFA and 4H entries Open Show Robert Leed, 2421 Fruitville L. F. Photo Pike, won championships m both the Wrappei and Binder classes in the Lancaster County Tobacco Show Leed’s winning entries came from the “long” hands in each category In the Filler class, Donald E Shank, Pequea Rl, had the champion, also from the long hand section (Continued on Page 14) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 11,1969 Quality And Efficiency In Pennsylvania's Agriculture T obacco Buying Started The Lancaster County Tobac co buying session started this week with a top opening bid of 32 cents a pound for wrappers and 20 cents for fillers The American Tobacco Co was re ported first in the field Monday and spokesmen said the price was what they paid last year However, buyers and farmers alike agree the quality of this crop is inferior to the last Mark Hess, Manager of Agway Tobacco Marketing told Lan caster Farming Thursday that we short changed om selves last year We should have had a few cents more for that finest ci op of tobacco in years That would have given us a bettei (Continued on Page 8) Stauffer Wins First FFA Co. Corn Contest Clark Stauffer, 15-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Aaron Stauffer, Ephrata R 1 won the grand champron nbbon at the First Annual FFA Corn Show held Thursday at the Farm and Home Center Stauffer is a sophomore at Ephrata High School and had a four acre corn project at home from which to pick the winning 10 ears (Continued on Page 12) “Quality and Efficiency in Pennsylvania’s Agriculture” may be the theme of the 1969 Penn sylvania Farm Show, but quali fied efficiency better describes the precision which enables of ficials to iudge thousands of entues, nearly 40 organizations to hold programs and meetings and the continuous variety of demonstrations and exhibitions in a mere week’s time The complete schedule of all these activities is found on Page 24 and 25 Visitors to the Harrisburg aiea will appreciate pointers listed in the program such as the one outlining “Farm Show” di lectional markers located stra tegically throughout the city. Information pertaining to the special afternoon and evening programs may aid one-day visi tors in their selection of a par ticular day to attend the show Monday evening is termed “Secretary of Agncultuie’s Night,” with an exhibition by the Pennsylvania State Police highlighting the program Tuesday night’s feature is a folk dance festival and contest, while Wednesday night high lights include hoise pulling con tests Thursday afternoon is set INDEX Page Farm Show Schedule 24 & 25 DHIA Report 6 Weather 4 & 29 Editorial 4 Women’s 10 & 11 Keystone Farmers 17 Classified 15 Markets 2 & 3 $2.00 Per Year aside for the 4-H and FFA trac tor driving contest and a 4-H sheep blocking and grooming contest with evening activity in cluding a livestock parade and a 4-H Club light hoise demonstra tion Judging and other traditional activity begins each day at 3 am according to the progiaia (Continued on Page S'* First- Since 1963 Local Corn Growers Top State Contest Two Lancaster County Farm ers were named top winners m the State Five Acre Corn Pro duction Contest this week ac cording to Arnold Lueck, Asso ciate County Agent They are Glenn B Thomas, Lititz R 3 with 208 bushels per acre m the Ma chine Harvested Class and Clar ence Keener, Jr., Manheim RI with 187 bushels per acre, in the Hand Harvested Class This is the first time since 1963 that Lancaster Farmers topped the State Contest At that time Fred Frey. Quarryville R 2 was top in the Hand Harvested Class Both fanners will be recog nized for their achievement at the Coin Growers Banquet to be held next week in conjunction with the State Faim Show Lancastei County also had a third place winner in the Hand. Harvested Class He was Clyde K Eshelman, Washington Boro R 1 A total of 14 local farmers entered the contest sponsored by the Pennsylvania Agriculture Extension Seivice and the Penn sylvania Ciop Improvement As sociation,
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