Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 04, 1969, Image 6

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. January 4,1909
Farmers Encoufcosd
To Participate "n
Ag Land Hearings
The Slate Council of Fain
Cigamzations todar encoruaged
f umei membeis to attend and
paiticipate in the pieseivation
of agucultuial land public heal
ings scheduled to be held state
vi ide beginning in January.
Meeting in annual session at
the State Agncultuie Building
here, the Council noted that the
12 healings will enable mem
beis fiom all aieas of Pennsyl
\ ania to present their views and
suggestions on a local level
The fn st heai mg is scheduled
to be held at Collegeville on
Januaiy 6, with subsequent
h--- - /^’ s y\' eW ftom Wayne Research
.Whatever your dairy feeding program, you can
use new Wayne 32% Dairy Krums to good ad
vantage. Just balance this blend of high quality
iproteins, vitamins and minerals with the nutrients
in your own farm grains. Se’ect the protein level
that is right for Pr.e rouqhage used. Each cow
will produce milk ai her full bred-in milking power.
And, the texture of ground and mixed ra lions is
improved. Ask us for details.
To Help Your D
prr , <
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pr'j’ r ”‘"v T>
R i' i
C F S\T*' T 7’ : S, iX:
R D 3 1 TX i
Lawn Ph 904 34*4
R D 1 Quamville
R D 2. Peach Bottom
R D 1 Ronks
Be Sure To Visit With Us At The Farm Show
healings slated foi Chamber s
buig Hainsbuig State College
Meadnlle, Butlei Sunbuiy,
Wrlhamspoit, Scianton Gieens
buig and Holhdaysbuig
T.he committee conducting
the heanngs has requested that
testimony be piovided in wrrt
ten foim if possible, since oral
piesentations may be limited to
10 minutes per witness
Council pointed out the need
for a united front by the state’s
farmers in matteis concerning
agriculture and adopted several
resolutions including
That a special committee be
appointed by the president to
study up dating the Council’s
by-laws, and,
That the Council vigorously
oppose any state bill to expand
plus your grain for
Top Dairy Nutrition
r: irij Herd
ra-» r ~j
!a J L a bLj H
hv uckiisj Pa
R D 4, Manhcim
Milloisi ille
R D 2, Columbia
Booth 449-451
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Potato Expncsttcn At
Farm Show 3 is?!! din a
Set For March 26 - 28
Pennsylvania potato mcl veg
elable gioweis me joining in a
cinque 15 state efloit to piomote
ail phases of business and in
dustiy dealing with these piod
nets, aceoiding to Leland Bull,
State Secietaiy of Agncultme
Focal point of the effoit is the
flist Eastein Potato Industiv Ex
position which will be held in
sales of alcoholic beverages on
the Sabbath
In, the annual election of of
ficers, Joseph W Hallowell,
Warminster, Bucks Countv, was
re-elected president, Harold
Ely, Montrose, Susquehanna
County, vice president, and J
Luther Snyder, Camp Hill. Cum
berland County, secretary-trea
Named to the executive com
mittee were John Pitzer, As
pers, Adams County, Reno H
Thomas, Beaveitown, Snyder
County, A Wayne Readmger,
Fleetwood, Berks County, Enos
B Heisey, Hershey, Dauphin
County, and Jay M Haugei, Ber
lin, Someiset County
' I|k. <'' S VfSfIS C»AIMEPS
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fa HitiUjrrtJj v^>
• The best performance p"ri
comfort features of the i ■ '
One Ninety XT, nowin me uni
platform One Eighty tracer l
• Hydrostatic power steering!
• Oil smooth power clutch!
• Power-shift rear wheels, roll
shift front axle!
® Triple hydraulics—3 hydraulic
See the ONE-EIGHTY at.
N. G. Myers & Son L. H. Brubaker Grumelli Farm Service
Rheems, Pa
L. H. Brtsboker
Lancaster, Pa
Roy H. Buoi*,
Ephiata, R D 2
tie Faun Show Building next
1\ ni h 28, 27 and 28
The is to bnn? to
gcthci all agenc’cs engaged oi
intei ested in the pioduetion,
hanspoitation, piocessing, inai
kcting and utilization ot pota
toes and vegetables The objec
tive is to piomote and advance
eveiy phase of the potato and
vegetable industiy
The theme of the Exposition—
‘Seed to Sale”—succinctly de
scribes the complete eoveiage
being planned foi all segments
of the industiy, from the stait
ol pioduetion to the ultimate
maiketmg of consumei prod
This is an important step for
ward in coordinating all aspects
of agriculture and agribusiness
with a common interest m a
specific product or products
The Exposition will featuie
three major areas of inteiest
One will be the commeicial
exhibits which will include ma
chinery, machine systems ma
tenals and material handling
plus sales and service piograms
available for the industiy The
emphasis will be on new and
modern equipment and methods
A second phase will be educa
1 r < ji
V*. j,,^"
canjns optional, to let you
■ 'on stweral hydraulic func
tuji s at once, without faomg.
® Wide, full protection fenders
with dual lights
o Automatic Traction Boos
ter acts like invisible wheel
weights to take you smoothly
through the tough spots.
0‘e e 9urr
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fu inr!E*H
'-r z m. = ifffl S W
'L.? ’d V2a kka Ea *i> 1 S M H
Lititz, Pa
Nissley Farm Service
Washington Boro, Pa
Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment
New Holland
t'onal exh'bils to focus attention
on latest knowledge and infor
mation or, Up pioduction, pioc
essing and utilization of potatoes
s nid vegetables
The tbiul is the technical pio
giam wlrch will include speak
eis and panel discussions to cov
ei a wide innge of topics These
will include haivest and hand
ling technology, economic
tiends, laboi needs and outlook,
piocessing, consumer awaieness
and methods
The Exposition is sponsored
by the Pennsylvania Coopeiative
Potato Growers, Inc, the Penn
sylvania Department of Agricul
ture and the Extension Service
of the Pennsylvania State Uni
versity College of Agriculture.
Cooperating agencies are The
Pennsylvania Vegetable Giowers
Association, the Farm Equip
ment Manufacturers Association
of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylva
nia Faim and Power Equipment
Association, the Pennsylvania
Plant Food Educational Society,
and the Pennsylvania Retaileis
Why’ ’ Regai dless of color of
a bar of soap, the lather is still
Quarryville, Pa