Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 04, 1969, Image 12

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    .2—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 4,1969
Try A Classified Ad
Powerful 150,000 BTU
Reddy Heater
shut-off control for
unattended operation
The answer for farmers, build
ing tradesmen, businesses, out
side contractors—anyone who
needs high-volume portable
heat around the clock. Safety
control automatically slops
motor, fan and fuel supply if
operating conditions warrant.
Runs over 13 5 hours on one
tank of low-cost kerosene. Has
built-in thermostat. Mounted
on big rubber-tire wheels for
easy maneuvering. Ask us for
i peppy neareßl
Beat the cold rush and come
in for a free demonstration.
You can own this heater
for only
s ll 7B
per month
Sales and Service
1 Mile North of Terre Hill
on Route 897
r East Earl, R. D. 1, Penna.
A 2-foot diameter
impeller is
feed cattl
with a Van
silo unloa
pioneered by Van Dale back in 1957... the heftier
'Cast iron swinging V-paddies. They give the impeller
more unloading capacity. Each 61b. V-paddle is weighed,
matched, and balanced, then pre-run for more depend
able performance. And then there’s the solid-weld con
struction of the heavier gar impel!'
bousing for longer life in the:
the biggest impeller throat. ..
are many more reasons thai
bute to Van Dale's superior c;
and reliability in addition to tl
peller ... like the double aui
and the... But why not let us
you about them. We’ll be happ’
drop by to see you at your
ft-plmi. (Mp-mMcm wn> . -
R. D. 1. Drumore Center 548-2116 QUARRYVILLE, PA.
Rat Population
Equals Number
Of U.S. Humans
Rats are dangeious to man and
extiemely wasteful Not only do
lats eat a significant amount of
stored food and giam (ovei an
ounce and half a dav pei lat),
but they also make more gram
unfit for human consumption,
by fouling it
If they do not eat it or foul it,
they often gnaw holes in sacks
and stoiage containeis and cause
food grains to be lost by spill
Rats must gnaw to live Even
when not eating, a xat must con
tinually use his fiont teeth,
wearing them away as he grows
If not worn down, the front
teeth giow long and impair the
lat’s ability to eat, and he will
starve Much damage to doors,
walls, furniture, and household
appliances results from the rat’s
gnawing activities
Rats will eat anything a man
can eat, and a few things man
couldn’t and wouldn’t Our gar
bage for example provides a rat
with a dinner fit for a king.
Fires have been started by
rats by gnawing on live wires or
on matches.
Rats bite children and have oc
casionally caused their deaths
Over 14,000 people are bitten by
rats each year in the United
States. Small domestic animals,
particularly poultry, are often
attacked and killed by rats.
In the cities there is about
one rat for every two people
In small towns, there is a rat
per pei son and the rat popula
tion on farms' is doubly the hit
man population. The total num
ber of rats in the U S. is about'
eoiial to the human populatioh
—about 200 million rats. j ,
Losses in this country due to
rats are over one billion dollars
each year. ” '
American Heart Assn.
Gets Rapped For
Cholesterol Stand
The National Livestock Meat
Boaid President, David Stroud,
has taken Amencan Heait Assn
to task for its stand on diet-heart
disease Singled out especially
comments byDi Jeiemiah Stam
lei made at AHA meeting in
Miami lecently Dr Stamler, of
Chicago Boaid of Health, is lead
ing pioponent of substituting
vegetable oils and fats in diet
for animal fats Following is
summanzation of Stroud’s state
ment, issued to media
Di Stamlei has accused Food
and Diug Administration of be
ing “unscientific, unrealistic,
harsh and archaic” for not jump
ing on AHA bandwagon regard
ing dietary recommendations
Rather it is AHA which has tak
en an alarmingly unscientific
position Without valid research
data, other than much statistical
ly concluded information, Dr.
Stamler and Heart Assn, would
have the entire American pub
lic change its meat-eating habits.
DEUTZ’S New-series 06 tractors
are the ultimate in diesel tractor quality!
See a pilot model of the Mpdel D 6006
DEUTZ tractor at our shop r@it now! ,
';. j • <*?/' if i
STAUFFER Diesel Refrigeration, Inc
Hatville Road, Gordonville, Pa. 17529
I ’
Livestock Equipment
• 8 Models oil steel welded form and feedlot gates j
• 2 Models all steel welded head catch gate [
• All weather salt and mineral feeder/face fly control |
. i
• All steel hay and silage bunks {
• Grain troughs 4 models !
• Pickup stockracks 1
• Lifetime free stalls: "unequalled in quality" |
• Ritchie Woterers and Behien Steel Buildings f
For prices, contact: - Fred Frey, Mgr. .
786-2235 (7,7, gRQg
R. D. #2
Quarryyille, Penna. 17566
They have inadvertantly or in
tentionally encouraged some
manufactuiers to make unwai
ranted, misleading-health claims
foi food products containing
fljts/oils AHA
endangering its dtheiwise re
spected ieputa|ion as scientific
organization. hi/giving medical
advice basdd <?n
which are unprotflfi'"Quacks and
faddists follow the same pattern
Implausible as it seems, it ap
pears AHA is attempting an ex
perimental diet progiam using
the entire 200 million people of
the U S as its guinea pigs
Food and Drug Admmistia
tion demands-valid,-clinical and
laboratory evidence before mak
ing or approving diet recom
mendation for general pub
he This insistence dn adherence
to professional standards seems
to be a basis for Dr. Stamler’s
charge that FDA is “archaic and
unrealistic ” The FDA’s position
is based on recommendations of
‘ f
c * •' r «
the renowned Food and Nutria
tion Board of the NationalJtte
search Council of the' American
Academy of Sciences.. , '
The industry of animal lagri
culture shares the
physician in wanting Amejy£ an j*
to eat sound, basic, coir«||oiet|
We want the answers |)|jp-ises
ot heart disease every ak
much as does w |
can, thiough an|
pioeessing, bung public thi
pioduct it wants 4, as well a|
needs 1
Most medical me»» agree tha
in general American publi
overeats, has Plot
lems and poor eatm&pßits W
don’t get enough «r|gse an
smoke too much Many medica
authorities see these factors a
dearly i esponsible && heart di;
ease rather than the unprove:
“cholesterol theory”
His Full Name
Rudolph Valentino, pop;
lar screen idol whose funeral i
long, had a name alm'ost ! asionj
He was born RodoljJho Alfonzj
Raffaelo Pierre Filrbert Gugl
emi Di Valentina d ; Anotonguo
' • &
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