Weekly Pcmltry Report - * r - Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey No repprU given due to Christmas Holiday. * Eastern Shore _ Exchange Broiler fryer Uye prices mated 61025,000 head up 4 averaged 1 14.14 cents a pound percent from - a year earlier, this week Prices paid ranged Breeding hogs totaled 9,570,000, _ & "high ,of 15 4 ’cents a an increase of 4 percent from pound on Thursday to a low of 1967. Hogs and pigs for market 13 cents a pound on Monday totaled 51,455,000, also up 4 per cales totaled 45J3600 head in cent from a year earher. this three-day Christmas week. down 131,300 head from last B y weight group classification, week. - the number of market hogs and —— pigs on hand December 1, 1968 _ «■ . and the percentage change from vIUCCgO the previous year are: less than (Continued from Page 2) ’ 60 .pounds, 18,517,000 head, up 3 On Tuesday, Prime 1200-1440 pounds, 13,976,- Ibs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 30.25- percent; 120-179 32.90, latter the highest since P oun( ls, 10,576,000 head, up 7 March, 1966, Mixed High Choice percent, and 180 pounds and and Prime 1100-1375 lbs. 30.00- heavier, 8,386,000 head up 1 per -31.50, Choice 050-1350 lbs. Yield cent prade 2 to 4 29.00-30-00, Mixed Good and Choice 2800-29.00, • Vintage Good 26.5d-28.00, Standard and (Continued from Page 2) Low Good 24.50-26.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Utility 32-37; Cull 95-120 lbs. 23- Gn Tuesday Mixed High Choice 27 50. 7 °-90 lbs. 20-24. • . and Prime 900-1050 lbs. Yield HOGS 260 Barrows and Grade 3 jujd 4 28.75-29.50, latter gilts $l-150 higher, the Tiighest since March, 1966,' BARROWS & GILTS US 1-2 (Choice 800-10251b5. Yield Grade 190-345 lbs. 22 75-22.85. US 2, 2 to 4 Mixed Good 190-240 lbs. 22-22.60; US 2-3 200- ajxd Choice 27.00-27.75, Gpftd 25.- 270 lbs. 2150-21 85. JM-?,7.00, Standard and Low SHEEP 8 Insufficient vol- Good 22.50-25.00. - ume for a market test. A short demonstration tells the big story of safe . .. sasyhandling ... comfort-designing and quality con struction. A Allen H. Metz Farm Equipment New Holland L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. «UIS-CHAUMWS Grumelli Farm Service ®* Myers & Son - ftuarryville. Pa. Kheems, Pa. Nissley Farm Service B°y Buch, fnc. Washington Boro. Pa. * Ephrata,'K. D. 2 Fogelsvillc No sale this week because of Christmas Holiday. Hogs & Pigs ou U.S. Farms Up 4 Percent The number of hogs and pigs on farms December 1 is an esti- ' a 7 £ V', ** s '**£ * “ v *r c. v i" y ” A ** 4 Power Picture of the Yea LIS-CHALMERS E-NINETY an ONE-NINETY X leading performers for any farming scene Put the ONE-NINETY or ONE-NINE TY XT in your funning picture, and you’ve got the beat.actionenthe ecene. Every feature,'from,.engine feints, assurer - Pig Crop Report Pa. F4II Pig Crap Up 7% The 1968 fall pig crop in Pennsylvania totaled 375,000 an increase of 7 percent from June-November production in 1967. The number of sows far rowed, 50,000, was up' sharply from the 45,000 for a year earli er but pigs per litter declined from 7 8 for the 1967 fall crop to 7.5 for June-November 1968 The spring pig crop at 408,000 head was the same as in 1967. Pigs produced in 1968 totaled 783,000 or 3 percent more than in 1967. Hogs and pigs on Pennsylva nia farms on December 1 are estimated at 547,000, an increase of 10 percent from a year earli er. Hogs kept for breeding to taled 71,000 and 476,000 were classified as market hogs. Sows to farrow during Decem ber 1968 through May 1969 are set at 54,000 —an increase of 2 percent from a year earlier. Sows farrowing during June- June-November 1968 was 7.35 November 1968 totaled 6,156,000 Pigs compared with the record head, up 4. percent from a year high for this period 1 year ago T earlier Fariowings were up 8 ol 7.38. June-November Pig Crop up 4% percen t m the North Atlantic The June-November 1968 pig ci op is an estimated 45,270,000 head, an increase of 4 percent from a year earlier. The West ern Corn Belt States led all re gions with a 7 pereenht increase, followed by the North Atlantic at 6 percent; South Atlantic and West, 4 percent; and Eastern a :: VfJf/J/S/fl w 9 f ia&yH , « L. H. Brubaker Lititz. Pa. .# *' v , -4 3WJ ft* Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 28,1968 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. (From Monday, December 23rd to Friday, December 27th) Mon. WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 49% Fey. Large 49% Fey. Mediums 47% Fey. Pullets 32 Fey. Peewees 26 BROWN Fey. Large 50 50 Fey. Mediums 46% 46% Fey. Pullets 32 35 Fey. Peewees 26 27 Standaids 46 46 Checks 29 29 Trend - All grades continue to clear with offeiings where available readily moved. Copyright 1968 by Urner Barry Publications West, and unchanged in the Corn Belt, 1 peicent A decline of 2 percent occuned in the South Central States South Central States States, 7 percent in the Western A mind reader looking for Corn Belt, 2 percent in the East- work around most offices would ern Corn Belt, 5 percent in the be seeking part-time employ- South Atlantic, 3 percent in the ment. Mastitis Treatment is Easy, Effective New Wayne Mast-Aid provides, Greater Effectiveness with 3 antibiotics and 2 sulfa d rugs pi us hyd rocortisone to red uce swell!ng, sea rring. Easier Treatment with convenient bellows syringe. -Larger Dosage: 24cc (25gm) for better dispersion In larger quartered cows. More Medication at the site of infection because oil base clings to cistern walls. Try this New working partner with Wayne Feeds. J Zmal I Wayne Mast-Aid I HEALTH I I AIDS | ROBBER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph- 964-3444 FOWS FEED SERVICE “ffi? 08, R D. 1, Quarrwille R. D. 2. Peach Bottom MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Millersville MOUNTVBLLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia Tues Wed. 49% 49% 47% 35 27 Average litter size WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim PARADISE SUPPLY - Paradise C. E. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, Ea*st Earl GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. 3 Thurs. FrL 49% 49% 49% 49% 47% 47% 35 35 27 ,27 50 50 46% 46% 35 35 27 27 46 46 29% 29% during
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