Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 28, 1968, Image 2
J 1 2 —Lancaster Farming, December 28,1968 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review December 23, 1968 ' CATTLE 684 Compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers steady on small supply; cows steady with last weeks advance; small supply bulls steady; few sales of feeder steers steady. Supply includes an estimated 45 percent slaughter steers, 25 per cent cows and bulls with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS Load mixed Choice and Prime 1180 lbs. $3O; Choice 1075-1285 27.50-29.50. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 19 25-20; Cutter Prolific Sheep- Breed Introduced Into The United States A shipment of Finnish Land race sheep has arrived in the United States from Ireland and is now in quarantine at Clifton, N.J., the U.S. Department of Ag riculture announces. Quarantine is a minimum of 30 days. In its native Finland, this breed typically produces 2 to 4 lambs per pregnancy. By con tiast, domestic American breeds usually produce 1 to 2 lambs per pregnancy. Some- Landraee sheep were sent from Finland in 1966 for testing at the Agricultural In stitute of Ireland. The Institute, in turn, made descendants of its imported flock available to US DA’s Agricultural Research Ser vice. Direct imports from, Fin land, to the United States are not permitted, due to the danger of introducing foot-and-mouth dis ease to this country. When the quarantine at Clif ton is over, the Landrace sheep will be distributed to AES re search stations at Beltsville, Md., Clay Center, Nebr., and Dubois, Idaho, for crossbreeding experi ments designed to raise the lambing rate of domestic sheep. This type of work was not pos sible previously, because there is no record of previous US imports of Finnish Landrace sheep. The University of Min nesota is participating with AES in this importation project. Robert K.Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Safer & Service Bam Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeder* Quarryville, R. D. I Hensel 548-2559 Farm Show Space P 3 & 4 * v ' y MARKET NEWS 17.75-19.25; Canner and low-Cut- ter 16 50-17.75. BULLS—Few Good & Choice last Tuesday, slaughter- steers 24-25.50; Utility &. Commercial 50-75 c higher; cows 25-75 c high -23 50-25, few 25.50. er; small supply bulls fully FEEDER STEERS Load steady; Supply included an esti- Choice 845 lbs. 28.25; Choice mated 23 percent cows. 900-1100 lbs. 26.50-27.25. SLAUGHTER STEERS VEALERS 244-Steady to $2 High . Choice & Prime 1075-1350 4^ 6 ’ J fe^^ e , a , d lbs. 30.50-31.25; Choice 9751350 lbs - 28.75-30.50; high-Good to ™L 9 „» 2 ° lbs - 26 ‘ low-Choice 28-29.25; Good 26- 31 tr^i 9 c o!?n 22 -| o ' 26- 0 ... 28.50; Standard and low-Good HOGS 849 Barrows & gilts 23 50.26 10 50-$l higher. BARROWS & GILTS —US COWS Utility arid high -1-2 195-245 lbs. 21.50-22; US 1, dressing Cutter 19-20.60, few 200-240 lbs. 22-23; US 2-3 180-255 20.75-21; Cutter 17.75-19;25; Can lbs. 20.50-21.50; US 2-3 250-270 ner and low-Cutter 16.25-17.75. lbs. 19.50-20.50. BULLS Couple Choice 27- SHEEP 238 Wooiefl lambs 85-28.75; couple Good 25-25.25; 50-$l higher. Ewes steady. Utility 23.50-25.10. WOOLED LAMBS Choice VEALERS 271 Uneven, 65-95 lbs. 27-28.50, few head at Good and Choice 3-5 higher; $29; Good 24 50-27; Utility 21- Utility and Standard steady; 24.50. Cull $2-3 lower; Choice 48-50; SLAUGHTER EWES Util- Good 4346 50; Standard 3640; ity and Good $4-7 50. (Continued on Page 3) February 28.20 March April May June August October November Trend; Cattle are steady; Hogs are steady; and Potatoes are lower. WA/A VAW AW>V II- /AW VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT i 0 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 80 Kenneth. ILHershey, Sale&Manager AUCTIONS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN MARKETING LIVESTOCK NEW HOLLAND MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IN AUCTIONS Monday—lo: 00 A.M. Horse Sale 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2: 30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows and Veal ’ Wednesday —12:30 P.M, Dairy Safe Thursday —12:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows and Veal- New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-35^2194' Abe W. Diffenbacb, Sales Manager - FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, December 26,1968) Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago' 27.45 26.92 27.00 26.90 b-bid n-nominal a-asked Vintage Auction December 24, 1968 CATTLE 496 Compared to Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago New York 19113 18*75 20.00 19.85 REPORT steady.''Retail 22-23.50; Whole \ sale 21-22; Heavyweight 19.50- CATTLE 647 Compared to 20.50; Sows 12-14.25. - last Thursday, slaughter steers 50-$l higher; cows 50-1.50 high- CALVES er; bulls 25-$l higher. Supply-in- December 23, 1968 eluded 39 percent cows. Receipts of 125 calves sold SLAUGHTER STEERS _ steady. Choice and Prime 41.50- High-Choice & Prime 1000-1250 46; 6ood 311(1 L - Choice' 3641; lbs. 30.50-31, couple 31.25-31.50; Standard 35.50-37.50; CommoUL. Choice- 950-1325 lbs. 28-.60-30.50, 20 ’ 35 - December 26, 1968 high-Good and low-Choice 28- 29.25; Good 26-28.60; Standard CKIC»9O Cattle and low-Good 24-26. V^lllCrtgU GGWS Utility and High*- dressing Cutter 19'.75-21.'75, few 21.85-22.60; Cutter 18-20; Gan- Compared with las# weeks; ner and low-Cutter 16.5048.25. doge, slaughter steers 591.00 BULLS Choice 26-26.75, higher, slaughter heifers) 5979 couple 27.25-27 50; flood; 25-26; higher, cows 50' higher; hulls Utility and Commercial 23175- fully steady. 25 50, several 25.60-26.50, three', Reduced' receipts during the head 26.85-27.75. holiday shortened week and- VEALERS 367 Standard to rather sharp price Up turns- in. Choice $3-6 higher-* Cull and tTr e wholesale dressed Beef Utility $l-2 higher. Choice 48 50- trade appeared to be bullish 43.50; Good 44.50-50; Standard factors contributing to the price 39.50-45; Utility 32.50-38.50; Cull advances in the live trade. Local' 95-120 lbs. 28-33, 70-90 lbs. 24- receipts consisted of 78 per cent 28 50 slaughter steers, 18 per Cent ’ ‘ to,* .heifers with the balance*mainly. cows. -Overall finish of slaugfr' ? f TitTi w-nnilri ter steers was the same aslast One !ot Uhhty 50 lbs Wooled weekg n per cent p r i m - and , l fBW Utrhty SlaUg&ter 80 per cent Choice; compared. Ewes-. 7,50. . with 12 per cent Primeand 79 HORSES per cent Choice at year- ago. * December 23, 1968 Average cost- and weight of' Receipts of 225 horses sold slaughter steers; estimated at steady. Work horses (single) 29-25, highest since March,. 1966*. 1145-2® (pair) 450660; Rtcbug ll4 ®, with horses 8&230; Driving horses. 90- * te - > •^ 300-; Peny Mares-10!-15; Geldings. * 15-20 r KHfers £& a S a HeiTer supply larg-ftr a»ra-- age Good td average Prime* BOGS weigMhgSte-ia® IBs £5O 2F.75 December 23,1953 - Receipts Of 798 hogs - sold FoUowdurAlMfaFSvgßdßi 2.40 0-18-36 Can include Boron and Chick or weed control at your desired 0-26-26 rate of application. Use our Truck-Spreader Service or rental-Trailer Spreaders ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. GROFFTOWN RD., NEXT TO WATERWORKS Ph. 392-4963 or 392-0374 New Holland Auction YOUR FULL SERVICE DEALER ” 1 * Weekfy Review SLAUGHfiER, S’f.EBRS . (tUoidliniaed da; PSgeM *- ~ s_ * Ar! , ..6 1) X