Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 28, 1968, Image 1
VOL. 14 NO. 5 PEANUTS and Tomey, two tame Pennsylvania Wfaite-tailed deer pose on the patio of Mr. and;Mrs. Adam Schaffer, Henkel Elected Chairman Pa. Pork Producers A, Lancaster County Swine Breeder has been elected chair man of the Pennsylvania Pork Producers Council according to Mark F. Nestleroth, Manheim -- R 3, Publicity Chairman for the state.organization. : John Hr Henkel, Willow Glen Farm, -Strasburg El, a York- breeder, was elected at a recent regular monthly meet- ing. He is to serve for 1969. -Vice - chairman is. Ronald .Trostle, 47 Lightner Rd., York and Secretary-Treasurer is Her bert Schick, Kutztown H 2. : Nestferoth also reported 6,511 hogs were checked off in Penn sylvania during'November to bring the total of 50,719 hogs * deducted for the first 11 months in the* “Nickels-for Profit” pro gram. Also, two new organizations have been accepted into the state council: Tri-County Pork producers with Charles H. Masser, Klingerstown Rl, as president; and Center Susque hanna Pork Producers with Wil liam Geiss, Northumberland Rl, as president. Mystery Farm Contest The Mystery Farm Contest continues this week in Lancas ter Fanning with the seventh In the series of eight County farm photographs to be published (Continued on Page 9) Macungie Rl. These "doe' along "with Smokey, the buck, are household pets. Tobacco Imports Gain The world’s biggest producer and exporter of tobacco, the U.S., is also the third largest importer. Imported tobacco will account for one-sixth of all to bacco consumed in the U.S. this year. Most of the imported tobacco is unmanufactured cigarette leaf and scrap tobaccos, which U.S. .cigarette makers blend with domestic tobaccos. The im portant feature of the. imports 5 s their low price. Imports of cigarette tobaccos rose 26 million pounds to 172 million pounds last year, and Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 28,1968 another large gain is expected in 1968, as cigarette makers at tempt to stabilize their prices. Smoking tobacco imports are increasing by one-third this year, and are expected to gain further in 1969. Imports of this kind have gained steadily for years. Totaling an estimated 5 million pounds for 1968, they are equal to about 7 percent of our domestic output of smoking tobaccos. Imports of manufactured ci gars are increasing by an esti mated one-third this year, but (Continued on Page 9) Peanuts, Tomey & Smokey Are World’s Tamest Deer by Everett Newswanger Lancaster Farming Editor A fire is crackling invitingly in the fireplace It’s the day be fore Christmas and you have just entered the beautifully dec orated family room of Mr and Mrs Adam Schaffer and are drawn to the wooded view through the picture window. A wide, fast-moving stream passes beneath the window and when you turn to make a comment about the lovely setting to your very gracious hosts, it happens l Out of the corner of your eye, through the glass patio doors, you see them A second look re veals two of the most splendid Pennsylvania White-tailed Deer you ever could see. This intro duction to “Peanuts” and “Tom ey”, lying on the doormat like any ordinary pets, is only the beginning of an experience not ebon to foe forgotten. started five years ago when Schaffer, a contractor -from - Macungie Rl r . bought - his buck as- a -fawn. Smokey,-as he is' affectionately, called, is now a huge 10 point buck who lumbers Elizabethtown FFA Purchases New Truck L. F. Photo The Elizabethtown FFA Chap ter recently purchased a 1969 Dodge Custom Sportsman. The new truck replaced the four year-old truck that traveled sev eral times to the west coast. Lo cal dealers placed bids for the new truck. Petticoffer Dodge won the contract. The new truck is equipped with air condition ing. The truck will be used for field trips. The seniors will take the truck out to the west coast this summer,/ Funds for the truck were raised from the bo logna campaigns the chapter has in November and March. by Paul Swanger Chapter Reporter $2.00-Per Year over his two-acre spread with his mates A year later Peanuts arrived and Tomey was acquired three years ago The deer population at the Schaffer home increased by four each of the last two years when both doe had twins The fawns are sold to other hobbiests who happen to have a pasture and a stream with a six foot high fence around it Schaeffer says you can keep a dber on one-half acre of ground and it costs about $3O a year for the dairy calf starter to feed him The deer also get ap ples each day and potatoes are a regular part of their diet. Deer regurgitate like a cow and have a six month gestation period. Fawns are generally born in May The real star of the house hold, proclaimed as the “tamest deer in the world,” is Peanuts. (Continued on. Pave 8) Tobacco Meeting ;Set At Maitindale - The second in a series of to bacco meetings will be held at the Lincoln Independent School Building near Martindale on Wednesday evening, January Bth at 7:30 P.M. as part of the Eastern Lancaster County Adult Farmer Program. Mr. Mark Hess, Manager of Tobacco Mar keting for Agway, Inc., and Mr. Richard Charles, Manager of the Bayuk Tocacco Company, will lead a discussion on the han dling and marketing of quality tobacco. A variety of topics of current interest to local tobacco farm ers will be discussed by the two specialists. Among them will be the pricing of tobacco before planting, the drop in local pro duction, the future of tobacco substitutes, foreign tobacco competition, the pricing of to bacco by grade, the orderly marketing of tobacco, a revi (Continued on Page 8)