—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 21,1968 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review December 19, 1968 CATTLE 2100 Compared to last weeks close, slaughtei steers mostly steady, instances 25c lower on high-Good and Low- Choice; cows $l-2 highei; bulls steady; feeder steei s steady Supply includes an estimated 55 percent slaughter steers 20 per cent cows and bulls with the balance mainly feeder steeis. SLAUGHTER STEERS ~ High-Choice and Fume 1100- 1350 lbs 29 50-30, Choice 925- 1300 lbs 28-29 50, few 1300-1500 lbs 27 35-28, high-Good and low- Choice 1000-1375 lbs 27 25-28.60: Good 950-1325 lbs 25 85-27.50 Standard and low-Good 22 75- 25 60 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS ~ Choice 750-930 lbs 25 75 26.50; Good 2185 24. Standard 20 10- 22 10 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 19 25-21, few 2110-21 60, Cuttei 17 75-19.25, low-Cutter 17-17 75 BULLS Choice 25 10-26 50 Good 23 25-25, Utility and Com mercial 22 85-25, few 25-25 75, Cutter and low-Utility 20.60- 22 85 VEALERS 500 Closed the week steady, with Monday’s $2 advance on Standard to Choice feeing erased on Wednesday Choice 42 50 45, several on Mon day 4547, Good 38 50-43, Stand ard 35-40, Utility 31-35, Cull 95- 120 lbs. 26-31, 70-90 lbs 22 50-25 HOGS 1150 Bairows and gilts steady to 50c higher, least advance on US 1-2 US 1-2 185- 240 lbs 21-2150; 11 head US 1, 215-225 lbs 22; US 2-3 200-260 lbs 20-20.50 SHEEP 150 Wooled lambs strong to 50c higher Ewes fully steady. WOOLED LAMBS Choice 65-95 lbs 26-28, Good 23 26. Util ity 21-23 SLAUGHTER EWES Util ity and Good $4-8 Warm Quarters Swine and sheep breeders should prepare for cold weather by providing warm quarters for lambing and farrowing, many of Trend Cattle are stionger; Hogs are steady and Potatoes are the modem fanowing houses wea^er have heat so this is not a prob lem; but many others and many ft sheep produceis do not have heated barns Remember that about 30% of the pigs farrowed die before they reach market weight; many of these pigs die because of cold, damp, farrow ing quarters the fust few days Buildings should be diaft free, have as much sunlight as possi ble, and have some type of heat lamps or heat foi areas where the pigs or lambs aie to be bom Also, special care of the sow or ewe at the time of giving bnth is very impoitant Farm Show Space P 3 & 4 MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 717 Compared to Monday, slaughter steers mostly sieady, instances 25c lower on high-Good and low-Choice; cows $l-2 higher; bulls steady on available supply. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1100- 1350 lbs 29 50-30, Choice 925- 1300 lbs 28-29 50, few 1300-1500 lbs 27 35 28; high-Good and low- Choice 1000-1375 lbs 27 25-28 60, Good 950-1325 lbs 25 85-27 50, Standaid and low-Good 22 75- 25 60 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750-875 lbs .25 75 26, Good 218523 85, Standaid 2010 22 10 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 19 25-21. few 2110-21 60. Cutter 17 75-19 25. low-Cutter 17-17 75 BULLS Good 23 25-24 85 couple Choice 25 10-25 60, Util ity and Commercial 22 85-25 50 individual 27 35, Cutter and low Utility 20 60-22 85 VEALERS 142 $l-2 lower, with Cull steady Choice 42 50- 44 50; Good 38 50-43: Standard 35-40; Utility 31-35, Cull 95-120 lbs 26 50-31 70-90 lbs 22 50-26 HOGS 446 Barrows and gilts steady to 50c lower, most decline on US 1-2 February 38.00 March April May June August Auction Only December 18, 1968 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, December 19, 1968) Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago 27.07 26.75 26.97 a-asked b-bid n-nominal e Auction Vinta: December 17, 1968 CATTLE 698 Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers strong to 25c higher, with Good at the full advance; cows 25-$l higher; bulls fully steady on small supply. Supply included 26 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1000- 1325 lbs. 29 75-30 50, six head 30 60-31; Choice 950-1400 lbs 28 35-29 85; high-Good and low- Choice 27 50-28 50; Good 26-28- 25; Standard and low-Good 24- 10-25 50 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 17 85-20 25, few 20 35-2110. Cutter 16 75-19, Can ner and low-Cutter 15 50-16 75 BULLS Good 23 85-25 35; Utility and Commercial 23 75- 24 75. couple 27 60-28, Cutter & low-Utility 2175-22 60 VEALERS 533 Steady to S 2 higher. Choice 43-45 50; Good 40-43: Standaid 35-40. Utility 31 50-35, Cull 95-120 lbs 27 50- 31. 70-90 lbs 25-29 HOGS 416 Barrows & gilts (Continued on Page 3) BARROWS & GILTS US 1-2 185-240 lbs 21-2150, 11 head US 1. 215-225 lbs 22; US 2-3 200-260 lbs 20-20 50; US 2-3 100- 200 lbs 19 50-19 85. SHEEP None Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago New York 18.95 18.50 19.90 19.85 December 19, 1968 CATTLE 782 Compared to last Thursday, slaughter steers steady, instances 25c lower on high-Good and low-Choice: cows $l-150 higher; Bulls mostly steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1175- 1425 lbs 29 60-30 75; Choice 900- 1300 lbs 27 85-29 75, high-Good and low-Choice 27-28, Good 25- 50-27 50; Standard and low-Good 22 75-25.50. COWS Utility and high di essmg Cutter 18 50-20 50, sev eral 20 60-2135; Cutter 17 50- 19 25, Canner and low-Cutter 16- 18. BULLS Choice 25-26 60; Good 23 35-25 25, Utility and Commercial 23 50-25 60, couple 26 35-26.50 VEALERS 437 Standard to Choice steady to $1 lower; Cull steady Choice 43 50-46 Good 40-44, Standard 36-40. Utility 31- 36; Cull 95-120 lbs 27-31, 70-90 23-27 SHEEP 9 Insufficient vol ume for a market test cows December 18, 1968 Receipts of 147 cows and 6 heifers sold stronger Holstein 425-835; Guernseys 260 360; Oth er breeds 350-400; Heifers 200- 355. HORSES December 16, 1968 Receipts of 272 head sold steady. Mules (pair) 460-900; (single) 150-240; Work horses (pair) 510-720; Riding horses 85- 265; Driving horses 85-290; Pony mares 20-30; Geldings 15-20; Killers 4-5 HOGS | December 16, 1968 Receipts of 706 hogs sold steady. Retail 2125-22 25; Whole sale 20-2125; Heavyweights 18- 20; Sows 13 50-1525 2.56 2.68 CALVES December 16, 1968 3.25 Receipts of 117 calves sold steady. Choice and Prime 41-46; 2.38 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager AUCTIONS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN MARKETING LIVESTOCK NEW HOLLAND MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IN AUCTIONS Monday —10:00 A.M. Horse Sale 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows and Veal Wednesday —12:30 P.M. Dairy Sale Thursday —12:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows and Veal New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna, 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager New Holla id Auction NOTICE The New Holland Sales Stables will cancel their Dairy Cow Auction, Decem ber 25th The Vintage Sales Stables will start their sales 1 hour earlier, 12 30 p.m., Decem ber 24th and 31st. The Lancaster Stock Yards will hold special livestock auctions Friday, December 27th and Friday, January 3rd, small stock at 11:00 a m ; Bulls, Cows and Steers 12.00 Noon. Good and L Choice 38-40 50; Standard 33-37 50, Common 25' 32 50, Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with the previous Friday, slaughter steers steady to 25 lower, with most downturn on weights over 1150 lbs. Heifers generally 25 higher Commercial cowi steady, other grades 25-50 high er. Bulls strong to 50 higher Demand was good throughout the period However on Wed nesday, the outlet for weighty cattle for Eastern slaughter nar rowed noticable. Slaughter steers made up 77 percent of the supply with heifers 19 per cent, the balance mainly cows. Overall finish of slaughter steers about like last week and last year, at 10 percent Prime and 80 percent Choice, overall finish of slaughter heifers most ly average Good to Average Prime 850-1050 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, Prime 1200-1400 lbs. Yield Grade R and 4 30 25- 30.75, load 1328 lbs. 31.00. Mix ed High Choice and Prime 1100- 1375 lbs. 29.25-30.25. Choice 950- 1350 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 (Continued on Page 3)
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