—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 21,1968 18 Farm Women (Continued from Page 15) SOCIETY 2 Farm Women, Society 2, held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Mailm Hosier, Manheim R 4, on Saturday. Mrs Sadie Shenk lead Scnp ture and members expressed College stu dents in two-year Chnstmas J Sh "L„ (B ° „ Programs of agriculture and na health, peace, e ) tural resources increased 32 per swenng the roll ca . cent nationally this fall to an all- Mrs Bar! Petticoffer presided hQf 14 000 sa Jerome over the business meeting Dele- K Qf gates foi the Harnsbu e resident education in agriculture Convention m Januaiy aie Mrs Th Pennsylvania State Uni- Marlin Hosier, Mrs. Jay Witmer, .. Mrs Abner Brandt and alternate Mrs Alvm Graybill Growth of the two-year tech- The society voted donations n lca i programs is taking place at to the TB Society, a local family ma ny kinds of institutions, Dr and other gifts of groceries and p asto reports. In 1967, 181 com cookies The Sunshine Commit- munity colleges, institutes, and tee packed a fruit basket for a four-year colleges had 462 such shut-in ' programs. Each society member made a small angel with materials pur- The College of Agriculture at chased by Mrs Sara Kline Gifts Penn State has two-year pre fer children, secret sisters and grams in forest technology and the gift exchange were all dis- in agricultural business Enroll tnbuted ment went up 25 percent this Money gifts were presented to fall over last year in forest teeh- Mrs. Earl Petticoffer and Mrs. nology. Jay Witmer who have just com- Graduates of two . year pro . plcted two yearsgrams are finding increasing president and secieta y, p - amoun t s 0 f employment in posi tn'eiy- , tions sometimes held by gradu -1.969 yearbooks and g s a(;es of four . year curnculums were distributed ‘ This change has occurred grad ber Refreshments - ually as mcreas i n g numbers of made cookies contubuted by e £ our . year students go directly members. ______ into graduate school. In many «- -r. e \k!‘t instances the shortage of em -0 For The Form Wire ployees seems to be filled ade (Continued from Page 14) quately by two-year graduates, casionally. Makes about IVz Di. Pasto indicates cups He cites Bureau of Labor sta- Tmnnav r/VNDTFn tistics showing that an increase rir«ir« PFPi of 650,000 two-year technicians „ rlln c nppl piit into ™ all fields is occurring from fSJ 2. P ’ 1963 to 1975 He obtained his in -4 to 5 medium oranges, OR formation as a member of a b medium lemons OR committee appointed by the Na -2 rSm to iarge grape- tmnal Academy of Sciences to fruit, OR 8 to 9 large tan- study two-year college programs. gerlnes 12 cups cold water ZVz cups sugar Vi cup honey 1% cups boiling water To piepaie peel wash fiuit, tiaming beyond high school score peel into quarters Remove 13 the desued level. sections of peel with fingers; cut into uniform strips about % Myths About Mole inch wide Boil peel with 6 cups u '|. cold water uncovered for 10 mm- Mo,l y/ Mistletoe utes, drain and rinse Repeat youi nlant doesn’t process with 6 cups fresh water p lo duce berries, don’t be alarm- I£ you are preparing tangerine ed It - S pro bably a male holly peel, omit second boiling. In pi an t. large saucepan combine IVz cups sugar, honey and boiling Neither mak or mother na water; bring to a boil and boil ture can produce a holly plant 1 minute Add cooked, drained with both male and female flow peel and briskly simmer until ers. “Only female plants pro almost all of syrup has been ab- duce berries repeatedly,” says sorbed, about 30 to 40 minutes horticulturist Frank R Goum, In large bowl, toss drained peel University of Maryland Exten with remaining 1 cup sugar to sion Service. “Bernes are oc coat well Spread out on waxed casionally found on some male paper to dry Store in tightly plants, but these fiuits do not coveted container Makes 1 contain live seed” pound Mistletoe that holiday Cu „ v u ~ pid—is actually a parasite living • Have YOU Meardr on deciduous trees. (Continued from Page 15) Generally, it grows on tops satin, handle the fabric as of trees —as oaks —as small, though it had a nap Although tight bunches about one to three satin has no obvious pile or nap, feet across,” points out Mr light reflection on its surface Gouin. “As the trees become gives it a sheen This sheen is dormant in fall, mistletoe loses due to the weave which pro- its lush-green color and turns vides long lustrous threads on yellowish-green.” the surface. Because the sheen xip until the manufacturing of reflects light differently when p] astic mistletoe, much of the in different positions, place and mistletoe sold commercially was cut all pattern pieces in the picked in Oklahoma same direction just as you - would corduroy or velveteen. Home Sewing Canadian-Style Bacon Don’t overcook sliced Canadi- peak in 1967 with about 300 mil an-style bacon, cautions Mrs hen garments being made, twice Ruth J Buck, Penn State ex- as many as were made in 1960, tension foods and nutntion spe- according to a repoit from the cialist Add a little butter or Woman’s Program of the New margaiine to the pan you use York State Department of Com for heating this lean meat, and merce. It’s estimated that 40 cook carefully. Overcooking million women and teenagers makes the bacon too dry. did the sewing. B Correspondence Courses Predictions are, he adds, that more than 50 percent of all high school graduates will find their careeis in the “middle manpow ei ’ fields for which two years Home sewing leached a new Hurricane Tragedies canes in 1967, the Insurance In- 5,000 persons in the last 50 years, NEW YORK—Eighteen Amer- formation Institute reports. Hur- including 1,836 in 1928, the leans lost their lives in hum- ncanes have killed more than worst year on record. GET BETTER MILKING FOR YOUR COWS-WITH What’s So Different About Bou-Matic Milkers? The Answer Is RESULTS. ★ ★ DARI POSEY'S GARDEN CENTER Rear 49 North Broad Street, Lititz, Pa. Your Local John Deere Dealer Let us explain our system. Pipelines Parlors or Buckets We will make Money for you. DARI-KOOL BULK TANKS KOOL INFLATIONS for most milkers LAZARUS PRODUCTS Bouvadine Super San Dimate losan Dine Garden & Lawn Power Equipment Gravely Ariens Lawnboy SALES and SERVICE (Bob Posey) Phone: 626-2343 Area 717