• Boby Beef (Continued from Pag® 8) Yunginger, Lane; Fred Candon Chester HEREFORD Lightweight Susan Kay Hen - , Manlvn Jean Landis, Sylvia Mai tin, Riehaid Hess, Kathy Donough, Douglas Landis, all Lane; Maiy Gusler Dauphin; Dennis Landis, Thom as Houser, Gregoiy Greider, all Lane. Mediumweight Linda Nissley, Roland Long enecker, Shawn Kreider, Judj L Wenger, Michael Obei, Peba Nissley, Shuley L Ciaig, Faye Brubaker, Larry Denlinger, all Lane, Gregg Guslei, Dauphin Light-Heavyweight Dennis Biubaker, Riehaid Yunginger, Ray Biubakci, Nan cy Zimmeiman, Dennis Rohier, Judy Drager, Janice Wenger, all Lane, June Watts, Dauphin, Dwight Housei, Dudley Rohiei, both Lane Heavyweight Carol Walter, Judy Thompson, Joe Wivell, Steven Donough, Gary Fony, Harry Watt, Daniel Herr, Jay W. Nissley, Tom Wi vell, all Lane SHORTHORN Marlene Hess, Cindy Lou Esh- ri, Kenneth Longeneckei, Lit leman, John D. Martin, John itz R 2, Gerald Hess, Mt Joy Rl; Long, Nancy Yungmger, Lucm- Harry Nissly, Millpoit Rd, da Hess, Dale Hershey, Carol L«nc, Marlin Bollinger, Denver R 2, Darlene Neff, Mt Joy R 2; Gaul Owners of steers from Lan- Nancy Herr, Penn Grant Rd, caster County going to the Farm Lane , Mike Hosier, Ronald Krei- Show are as follows der, both Manheim R 3, Mauan ANGUS - Glenn Fhckmger, Reiff, Lititz R 4, Donna Walter, Ephrata R 2; Mike Longenecker, n Piov Rl, Clark Stauffer, Eph- Lititz R 2, Marvin Nissley, Mt rata Rl, Debbie Denlmgei, Yel- Joy Rl; Gary Neff, Mt Joy R 2; low Goose Rd, Lane; Cheryl Karen High, Larry High, both Brubaker, Rohrerstown Rd, Leola; Ida Mae ‘Reiff, Lititz R 4, Lane Suzanne Obeiholtzer, Mt Joy SHORTHORN - Donna Hess, R 2; Sheiyl Weaver, N Holland SUasburg Rl, Dale Enck, Holt- El; Jeffrey Greider, Columbia wood R 2, Lany Landis, Quarry- R 2; Ronald Zimmerman, Ephia- ville Rl; Lairy Heir, Penn Grant ta Rl; Sharon Weaver, N Hoi- Rd ; Lane; Eugene Bolhngei, land Rl; Barry Longenecker, Denvei R 2 Lititz R 2; Elaine Herr, Penn Grant Rd, Lane , Kevin Rohiei, lg many qualities united in JVlanneim it . the same person, rather than HEREFORD - James Greider, just one quality, that lead to Columbia R 2, David Enck, Holt- success Vi r / ' ' *s* SOME HORSES KICK BUT this one just stands tall and quiet keeping watch for the Ephrata Rural Delivery Post man. His tail was Mowing quite briskly in the Monday afternoon ivind when Lancas ter Farming Editor, Everett NeAvswanger s n a p p e d his photograph. L. F. Photo wood R 2, Randy Hess, Strasburg USDA Employee Shows Heroism Nathaniel F Fine, a member of the U S Department of Ag nculture’s Vietnam Agricultur al Advisoiy Corps, was honored at a Depaitment of State ceie mony heie today foi an act of heroism beyond the call of duty The Heroism Awaid, one of 14 presented, was foi Fine’s actions as a member of a volunteer pal ly to rescue a Free Woild Medi cal Team (Chinese) on Feb 18, 1963, from an aiea of Phan Thiet city which was undei en emy attack The honor awaid ceitificate cites him, “For actions during a dnngeious lescue of a fiee woild medical team Although wound ed by a gienade he continued to cover the medical team, moving to a more exposed position to assist and protect a severely wounded membei of the rescue party foi foui hom s while under fire and completely surrounded by the enemy His courageous acts weie instrumental in the success of the lescue ” The ceitificate will be pre sented to Fine in Vietnam The entire rescue team already has received individual plaques from the Chinese Militaiy Command- Vietnam in recognition of its efforts. The other members of the res cue paity weie Gerald J. Mar cotte and James R Smith of the A.gency for International Devel opment (AID) mission in Viet nam Fine is one of 33 membeis of USDA’s Federal Extension Ser vice under a contract with AID who are helping Vietnamese farmers raise their ciop produc tion and incomes. Twenty more members of several other USDA agencies are advising the Gov e'nment of South Vietnam m the development of farm ciedit, cooperatives, crop research for estry, agricultural economics and statistics programs Fine arrived at his duty post in Bmh Thuan Province on July 8, 1.967 He is presently assigned • to Bmh Dmh Pi ovince. Before volunteeung for Vietnam agu- Icultiual service, he was a Co |opeiative Extension county (agent m Colorado Spimgs, Colo. 1 Mamed and the father of two Idcughteis, Fine will return to We have four on the floor Four Weekend Freedom Machines by John Deere ... 6-, 8-, 10- and 14 horsepower And a special offer that makes now the time to buy. Buy now and save. Pay as Terms up to 30 months. Full little as 15 percent down. No jj ne of easy-on, easy-off interest until March 1, 1969. equipment. See your dealer No payments on balance un- SO on. til April 1, 1969. LANDIS BROS. INC. 1305 Manheim Pike, Lancaster Ph: 393-3906 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 — Farm Show Theme Is Quality & Efficiency Proof of the theme “Quality and Efficiency in Pennsylvania’s Agriculture” will be visible on every side at the 53rd Pennsyl vania State Farm Show, sched uled to open heie Januaiy 13 Those visitois lequiung proof beyond an examination of the finest pioduce exhibited at Farm Show need only review a few Kevstone State agucuituial statistics Pennsylvania’s faimeis now pioduce more food and fibei than evei before and on ciop land acreage that is shrinking in s'ze almost daily Not only do we now have less faimland within the Common- the U S eaily next year and as sume the duties of Cooperative Extension county agent in Los Animas County, Colo. The USDA/AID program to help Vietnam faimeis was con ceived m early 1966 following a visit to South Vietnam by Sec retary of Agriculture Oiville L Freeman The agricultural ad visors help South Vietnamese farmers increase food pioduc tion in secured provinces of that country. They help farmeis ob tain supplies and services, pro vide liaison with local Vietna mese piograms, train and advise piovmcial personnel, and serve as a source of technical agricul tural information The first USDA advisors ar rived at their duty posts in Feb maiy of 1967. Some of then ma jor accomplishments include the introduction of IR-8 rice which has increased yields by three to four times over traditional va rieties, significant improvements in irrigation techniques and equipment, and major increases in fish production Both rice and fish are staples in the diets of the Vietnamese people During 1968, moie than 400 specialists of 15 USDA agencies worked on dgtieultiual impiove ment progiams in nearly 40 de veloping nations in Latin Amei ica, Afuca, and Asia under joint USDA/AID piograms wealth than ever before, but fewer farmers. Despite the downward trend in cropland and farmers, Penn sylvania’s agriculture is expect ed to top the $9OO million mark in cash income this year for the thud year in a row This cash income is an excel lent yaidstrck, measuring the ac ceptance of the state's agucul tuial produce by consumeis The demand at the marketplace is foi quality products, and Penn sylvania faimeis aie delivering Premiums awarded at Faim Show are nol a measure of mon etary gain, but are symbolic of quality and efficiency the fac tois stressed in the 1969 Faim Show theme and a familial sub let to Pennsylvania’s faimeis Insurance Careers NEW YORK The Insuiance Infoirnation Institute iepoits that the 1,310,000 peisons em ployed in the insurance busi ness in the United States include hundieds of persons tiained in numerous other fields, such as doctors and nurses, lawyeis and accountants, and safety engi neers and computer expeits 12 73POC S 3 39 [I! 2 m ?s 2 s ~ oa F«5«2« _o S . Mfa gc*»v* nri gisgla m pLSIi % W B®*“^ dd ft. _>< E>|cc»2 o n 2 o z i/J S '■a c t '' ) o rn -7- !-35>Z>Z —« 0 2° I 2c° o nn ddgtdogg |■ | sld § I m h°o|£S rW n Effinrs) 1 -* H NHSWj |S”g°S - ffl 2 i_, *4 ■ , hrt OO td I— l T’SzZt- 1 ' 4 I I tds>o a><° 2> cs Sc d >§cd Cr 1 Cd c°w ® 0 - c m h d=g d«> 2c a °>~?o 1a ' d * 1“ HI 5 73 9