B—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, December 14,1963 Baby Beef Extravaganza (Continued fiom Page 1) County took the sweepstake snowmanship contest In the Tuos, Lancastei Coun ty was second to Chestei and iollowed bj Xoithampton A B Moigan, Directoi of Dealei Re lations New Holland Division :t Speuy Rand, made tiophy to the vunne.» THE S-VLE In the aftS'noon sale the and ch°npion sold fo' SI 19 a pound to Hashes Moto: Lodge. „ n .„ ro Wo „ 01 , ss ns sksa rr c f 1.01 lemessnted the Lodee and Vi-11 Ldn. Chas B Dil Hddebiand "penn Danes Inc Johnson S| J had S Cattle Co J C Snaiely & Sons Ch^Heie a foid ye champ went to Vault Packing Co. Kanz SOLD FOR $1 19 PER POUND The grand champion babv beet ot the 4-H District Show from Chester County was sold at auction Wednesday afternoon at the Lancaster Union Stock Yards In the L F Photo is Mark Hitz, manager of Hershey Abattior, who bought the steer tor Hershey Motor Lodge At the halter is Milton Howe, 4-H youth. Allen Packing for 35 cents a pound and the leseive Heiefoid was bought by Watt and Shand ioi 32 cents a pound Hamil’on Watch bought the chain’ion Shoithoin for 02 cents and W’ggins bought the leseive Shoithoin foi ??0 50 In ail 121 steeis sold foi a to al of S3B 771 55 with an av o! age p ice of 33 79 cents a pound indud ng the chamr’or" o‘hei fi'ms pu chasing steeic SHOWMANSHIP FORM: Marvin The youth and the steer were also selected Nissley, Mt. Joy R 2, shows “Homer” the to go on to the Farm Show in January, way he did Tuesday afternoon to win the L. F. Photo Lancaster County Showmanship contest. ler & Co , A B Hollmger & Son Mack Trucks, Tanglewood Golf Coutse, Nestle Inc, Moigan town, E W Mai tin & Co., Raub Supply Co, Darmstaettei’s Stoie Reynolds and Co, Anchor Seium Co, Conestoga National Bank, Frey Bros, Marietta, Rob ert W Fetter, Eagle, Pa, Lan caster County Farmer’s National Bank, Quanyville Concrete Pioducts Melvin Kolb, Union Stock Yaid Co John J Hoober Feed Mill, Fied F Gioff, Inc, First National Bank of Honey Biook, A and B Meat Co, Allentown A K Mann, Jr, Ship Inn, Ex *on. Pa , John W Eshelman and Sons, Black Angus Inn, Lud wig’s Corner, Pa, Agway Inc. Leisuie Lanes, Harvestoie, A 0 Smith Co, Flowing Spung Inn, First National Bank of Stiasbuig S L Heilbion and Sons, John Baitiam, West Chestei, Aim stxong Cork Co , Poitei & Paint er Realtors, Exton, Bunting Oil Co , Fulton Nat Bank Exton Pharmacy, Exton Har iv Rice, S’lver Spnng Market, S'lvei Spimgs Noith Lancastei KiwamsClub, Manor Plaza Restauiant, Hei shey Estates T S Sensemg, Eagle Gram & linger, Keny Boyd, all of Lane.; Supply Co, Honey Btook. A H Daniel Watts, Dauphin Hoffman Seed Co, Landisville, wedimmveight Pinky’s Servicecenter. Rick Kreider, Glenn aiubaker Joe Myers Diner, Whitford j L , both of Lane, Glenn Neho- Sales, Exton Pa, Cross Bios d aj Northamnton, Gim Priest, A 1 Metals Inc, Elverson, C D Chester, Susan Graybill Robert Beef Co. Donough, both Lane Hugh Me- W M Dunlap & Sons, Bom Neill, David DeCoff both Ches berger’s Store, Elm ter; Kathy Ann Hershe\, Lane ; Allen Pkg Co, Martin’s Dany, Blair Hower, Noithairpton Pony & Hackei Pi inters, M & . . . G Cochrahaii, Frazer Ligh -Heavyweight New Holland Supply Co, ™ Ho ' ve ’ E 1 f n West Whiteland Business Men’s Holcombe Kenne h Lmville, Assoc, Exton, Bell Telephone Wylie, all Chester San- Co, Jeff Durkota, Biubaker Mo £ra Kifndsi , Lane -mbeit tors, Louis Lyons & Son, Old f ia ™ Jr - Chester Plultp Bix- Village Store, Bud-m-Hand er ; Lane: George Gull.k. Che* Placmgs in the District Show tci ’ Go< ? d ’ Lanc R held (and counties lepiesented) are Fackler ’ Dau P llin as follows » NGUS Lightweight Chailene Beam, Chester Kob Northampton James Lefever, eit Gi eider. Dale Bushong, Ed- Jeannette Shank both Lane.; die Hess, Curtis Hess, Ed Don- Esther Howe, Chestei, Audiey ough, Daniel Baum Donald 80l (Continued on Pa;e 9) nmnii xz__lj X___J ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE FARM A Qualified Staff Of Electricians Can Wive I © COMPLETE ENTRANCE SERVICE • ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ; 9 BARN or POULTRY HOUSE Ask for FREE esNnate MERCURY VAPOR YARD LIGHTS Tii nq itself on and oft Aefs as a nighttime iKf'dent pieventapye^ i roo 'IL 4> I YOUR LIGHTING 1 JOBS @l3 supply Center I 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH. 717-397-4751 Heavyweight Gary Dean, Lane Ri'h Ellen Baiham Kenneth Beam Janet Kowe, all Chestei, Lirch Guest,