Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 14, 1968, Image 7
!• Mrs. McSparran (Continued from Page 1) and chickens, feeding most of the crops grown Mrs MsSparr an has been living in Quarry- Ville almost 4 years but still has an active interest in farming and rural life. Mr. and Mrs McSparran have three married sons. Ray, 34 has two daughters, now living in Endicott, N.Y. He farmed for them 13 years then went to Pa. State Umv. and has a B S in Electrical Engineering and is employed by 1.8 M. John 28, has a BS in Civil Engineering from Penn State and a Master from University of Pittsburgh He is employed by the Pa Dept of Forest and Wa ters, Harrisburg They live in Elizabethtown. Lloyd 27, has a B S and Phd in Electrical Engineering from Penn State and works for Gen eral Electric in Erie, Pa. For the past 17 years she has been Secretary of Fulton Grange #66, which has a mem- “Merry Christmas, Mom!” Kerosene Lamps with Christmas Decorations Now Only 84c Reg. $1.39 It’s our way of saying “Merry Christmas”. Two real copper-colored metal lamps lend an old-fashion ed spirit of Christmas to your home! A $139 value. “Merry Christmas” Save $l.OO Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer Only SJ)SO Was $6.50 Great gift for weather watch* ers! Beautiful wood-grain case. In gift box. Don’t forget a CORD! an value 10' Multi-Outlet Exten sion Cord. It can’t kink! Green only. AGWAY INC. Manhexm Pike and Dillerville Road Lancaster, Pa. Phone; 394 0541 bership of 230 and meets twice a month. She has also served as Lecturer of this Grange and is now the Lecturer of Lancaster Co Pomona Grange #7l and is on the State Grange Lecturer’s committee As Pomona Lecturer she is in charge of their literary programs She has organized a Pomona Grange chorus of about 30 people. She also coordinates Lecturers’ work among county Granges and works with distuct Lecturers for one district meet ing a year Mrs McSparran is well known to Lancaster Farming readers for hei news reports for both Fulton and Pomona Grange. She served as a director of the Lancaster Co Extension Ass’n. for a three year term ending in 1967 and was one of the secretaries of the Southern Lancaster Co Community Fair Ass’n for several years and was relieved for a few years but filled in again the past year at fair time. Mrs McSparran is an active member of the Mount Zion “Merry Christmas, Dad!” s' Bernz Save 8% f Carry-AU S TORCH KIT was $8.55 Includes .attachments for sweating , joints, heavy . soldering, burning paint, repairing gutters and hun dreds of other jobs. Guar anteed for life by Bernz- O-MatiC Save up to Jkfc 20% M on wraps! 5-roll Gift Wrap &Foil M c 6-roll Gilt Wrap (| Q<t asl.24value 6-roll Foil Wrap QQr a $1.24 value Jumbo Roll Brick ■■ ■■ Design Wrap a 99cvalue Save over $2.00 -sf\ Complete Soldering Kit Only *7®* was $9.95 Dual-heat gun, 3 copper tips, wrench and solder in a convenient case. Helps him keep every thing in repair! NEW HOLLAND 354-2146 QUARRYVILLE 786-2126 United Methodist Church at Fairfield, being a member of the Administrative Board, Chairman of the Membership and Evangelism Commission, a member of the choir, Vice Pre sident of the Women’s Society of Christian Service and teacher of the Women’s Bible Class at Sunday School She has been chairman of the church’s Thanksgiving supper which serves around 500 people and is presently serving as chairman of a building fund campaign She enjoys housekeeping and office work but finds nothing more relaxing and entertaining than music, that is, to sing or play her electric organ She is not a TV fan. Mrs McSparran’s features of local farm women will be alter nating from time to time with the recipes of our long-time food editor, Mrs. Richard Spence. • Nixon (Continued from Page 1) played “unshakable patience and perseverance” in the past 14 years as chancellor of the Uni versity of Nebiaska Those are two traits that Washington ob servers say he will need in his new job as top man in the Ag ncultuie Depaitment A native of Kmghtstown, Ind , the plain-spoken Haidm attend ed Purdue University on a 4-H Club scholaiship He received his doctorate there in 1941, and was piofessor of agricultural ec onomics and dean at Michigan Slate before accepting the Ne braska post He has made several overseas trips in recent years, helping es tablish a university in Turkey and supervising agucultuial de velopment projects in South America Hardin has nevei been active in Nebraska politics, and appar ently did not take an active lole in Nixon’s campaign for the presidency He and his wife, the former Martha Wood, have three daugh ters and two sons Livestock Health Disorders May Be Open House Linked With Soil new YORK The insurance Magnesium Levels Infoimation Institute says that UNIVERSITY PARE Many 1P 1967 ' Ameilcan homes and health problems occurring m businesses were burglanzed at a livestock may be associated with late of three eveiy minute for a low level of magnesium in a loss of 5438 million Meiely the soil, declaied an Extension locking windows and doois agronomist at The Pennsylvania would cut that cost consideiably State Univeisity 3 SO WHAT’S A H 3 YIELD WARRANTY? JP IiWWPfWWWM YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE WHAT YW HYBRIDS CAN DO RIGHT ON YOUR OWN FARM If you’ve never heard of a Yield Warranty you’ve not had a chance to use YW Hybrids yet, because no other seed producers dares to make such an offer. Here is a method of comparing brands and varieties of hybrid seed corn without risking one penny of your seed investment. With higher population and nar row row planting it takes a hybrid you can .trust to yield properly on your farm and under your management. Ask about the YW Hybrids’ Yield Warranty Program. PROTECT YOUR SEED INVESTMENT ASK ABOUT OUR QUANTITY DISCOUNT AND THE ♦ NEW TOP-YIELDING SINGLE CROSSES JUST RELEASED BY YW HYBRIDS. DISTRIBUTED BY Eastern State Distributing Co. R. D. #2 Lititz, Pa. 17543 Phone 626-8909 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 —7 Yesterday, This Ctrl Bought Seventy-two Winter Suits... Sound like a husband’s nightmare? Not really. She’s a buyer for a Pennsylvania department store. It’s a delightful job, but not the easiest one in die world. Pennsylvania consumers are accustomed to having the best variety of goods available in the outstanding stores and shopping malls that are everywhere in the Commonwealth. Now, if you're a husband, you may not ever want your wife to see a Pennsylvania store. But if you’re a wife, there’s this store in Pennsylvania where they have some great-looking winter suits ~. r i j *lOO,OOO PENNSYLVANIANS’ } P.O. Box 3365, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101 j Send information about Pennsylvania, the Opportunity { State. I Naim I Addresi | City. ———.a Commonwealth of Pennsylvania RAYMOND P. SHAFER, Governor One of a series sponsored by the Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation and presented as a public service as part of this newspaper's participation m the program of ‘lOO,OOO Pennsylvanians’ for the Promotion of Economic Growth, a non-partisan, privately financed citizens’ group. ■W" WT7W.IH -r rrrri-m •» r n * ipR M- j I > " % n .Stab Milford R. Heddleson, speak ing at the ninth annual Foiage Confeienee heie last week, said pai alytic-type health pi oblems in livestock “seem to crop up veiy frequently wheie soils aie known to be low in magnesium content ” The agiononnst pointed out that the Penn State Soils and Forage Testing Laboiatoiy has compiled sufficient data on nutuent levels of the vanous Commonwealth soils to show is lationships between livestock disordeis and low soil levels of magnesium “The most seveie heid pi ob lems appeal to be on fauns v/heie high pioduction is achieved along with an inten sive ciopping piogiam ” Heddle son emphasized “When laiae amounts of nitiogen aie apphed to the soil, this tends to supiess magnesium uptake in the foiage plants ” In seme aieas of the state, the agiononnst said magne sium soil levels aie much lov'er than in othei sections In soils wheie magnesium is low and potassium levels aie high ;he plants generally contain Jaige amounts of potassium which cieates pioblems in achievmg balanced lations foi livestock Heddleson pointed out that soil testing and the application of magnesium accoiding to test recommendations may prove valuable in areas wheie soils are low in the element “Racketeer” The term racketeei tiaces its ongin to England in the 17th centuiy, where pick-pockets would stait a racket or noise on the street in order to attract a ciowd of victims Nothing’s beautiful except food to a man who’s hungry.