Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 14, 1968, Image 4
— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 4 From Where We Stand ... Some Balance Needed The growing population of the United States makes it imperative that shortsight ed, piece-meal and often times irrational approaches to the use of the nation’s land resources not be allowed to distort long range de\ elopment of national land-use policies. Many conservation groups apparently do not realize that modern timber manage ment techniques based on multiple use of the land combine harvesting of mature trees with reforestation and availability of the land for all the recreational activities hiking, camping, fishing, hunting and plain unadulterated enjoyment of the out of-doors. Some exceptional areas should be left untouched but locking up vast chunks of the nation's forest lands in wilderness areas is not the whole answer to conserva tion. As a timber industry spokesman put it, the forest products industry today practices “more sound conservation m the public interest through multiple use of forest lands than any other element in American socie ty." The impression often gn en is that plant ing. growing, har\esting and comerting rorest resources exploits our national \ealth. damages our environment or de oases the quality of beauty in American life .s entirely erroneous The industry spokes man emphasized that millions of Americans in ail 50 states "derne their fundamental livelihoods from reforestation, timber man agement. timber harvesting and manufac ture. distribution and use of more tnan a,OOO products prot ided by wood " The forest industries today are not de stroying our forests but are replanting them across tne nation, and doing it with fuii rec ognition of the public's need for access to these lands for recreational enjoyment. Balanced land use with full recognition of the role of tne forest products industry in achieving it has become a national neces sity The public interest demands that it Pe recognized v Sickening To Contemplate Barron’s National Business and Finan cial Weeklv recently carried a feature article recounting the manner in which federal war on poverty funds have been used to maintain cnm.nal youth organiza tions Barron's allegations are too impor tant to be passed over lightly. One such poverty funa supported organization has been charged by a U. S Congressman with being deeply implicated m the pillage of Washington. D C last spring And m the opinion of Barron’s. “The war on poverty is really a war on society Taxpayers owe it no allegiance ” Tne words of the Congressman are even stronger. ” to vote funds for agencies and policymakers who lack basic moral and spiritual judgment, makes as much sense as giving the keys to the Treas ury to everj thug and footpad in the coun try.” At the present time, according to one authority, the average individual works all day Monday and half of Tuesday of each week just to pay the tax collector Even the possibility that part of this day-and-a-half of work contributed to government each week may be going for the support of militant gangsterism in the guise of war on poverty is sickening to contemplate. LANCASTER FARMING Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly P O Box 266 - Lititz, Pa 17543 Office. 22 E Mam St, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Phone Lancaster 394-3047 oi Lititz 626 2191 Everett R Newswanger, Editor Robert G Campbell, Advertising Director Subscription price. $2 per year in Lancaster County, $3 elsewhere Established November 4, 1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa, 17543 Member of Newspaper Farm E'ditois Assn, Oh, Well! A New York restaurant has celebrated its 100 years of operation by serving meals for one day at their 1868 prices Here is the 100-j-ear-old price list: corned beef and cab bage, 4 cents; veal cutlet, 5 cents; beef steak, 4 cents; roast chicken, 10 cents; pie, 2 cents, coffee, 1 cent. During its one-day centennial observance, the restaurant lost $5,000 for one very obvious reason. The meal that cost 12 cents a hundred years ago is now $9.50. Another indication of the decline in the value of the dollar is the cur rent “living wage” which is estimated at about $125 per week for an average Ameri can family. In 1904, a Committee of the Chi cago Bureau of Charities agreed that no family could live comfortably on less than one dollar a week per capita. Oh. well! The Coming Of Winter The changing of the seasons since time immemorial has lent its rhythm to the pat tern of human life Winter will come official ly on December 21. To much of the nation it will bring a time of icicles and snow, of whistling winds and frosty cheeks, of lamp light and the comfort of a warm fire on the hearth For most of us. these will be some of the experiences and pleasures of winter. For others who li\e in sections of the na tion where winter neier real! comes, this will be one of the busiest times of the year, v, ith millions of people visiting on w inter va cations m search of the sun On the shortest day of December this year. when winter arrives in the land, let us welcome it It brings its challenges and its joys, but most of all. it brings the change tuat lends the spark and the spice to life. Across The Fence Row Xctce the pm Its head keeps it from going too far Farm Calendar Ta,* .sda>, Decembei 1“ 7 oj p m—Garden Spot Young Faimer Meet, Vo-Ag Room, (E,ectncuv On The Farm) T 30 pm—Ephrata Young Faimei Meet, Vo .Hg Room (Wheie To Market) m—Faim and Home Eoaid Meets, Faim and Home Center 7 33 7 30 pm—Manheim Young Fanners meet. Vo-Ag Room (Hov, Repoiting of Agucultuie Ci ops and Livestock is Done) Vi “dnesdaj, December 18 7 j -Ij—Easiein Lancastei Count;. Adult Faimer Meet Lincoln Indepen dent School Bldg ‘ What s New In Tobacco Pioducnon Thursoaj, December iy 10 30 arn —Holstein Planning Meet Carnsxe 7 30 p m—Ephrata Young Faimei Meet, Vo Ag Room (Year enct Planning and Tax Management) Fnda>. December 20 12 00 -Yoon —Pa Young Fanners Inc meet Farm and Home Center Saluiduj, December 21 9 00 am —4-H Angus Calves distributed from New Holland Sales Barn Local Weather Forecast (From the U. S. Weather Bureau at the Harrisburg State Airport) The five-day forecast for the period Saturday through next Wednesday calls for temperatures to average below normal with daytime highs 35 to 40 and overnight lows in the low 20's Turning colder over the week-end and continuing cold through the remainder of the period Precipitation may total greater than one-half inch water equivalent occurring as ram Saturday and snow flurries over the in termr sections Sunday, and as snow or snow fc. :nes toward the end o' the period. THAI DAY! Lesson for December 15,1968 Background Scripture Revelobon 4 through 5 ( 7* Devotional Hooding Pevelohon4l II An American soldier who spent two and a half years as a prisoner of war in North Korea was asked how he kept going and what gave him the will to live when so many of his buddies were dying of despair. He replied that when things became difficult - which was almost always he forced himself to daydream into the future, a future that saw the war over and his return home to be with lus family. "When 1 got hungry,” he said, "I dreamed of the meals I’d have with my family when Igothome.” When he was cold in his cell, he looked ahead to the warmth of the house he planned to build. When he felt particularly lonely, he tried to envision both his wife and the child he hadn’t seen since his son’s first birthday. When there were long periods without any mail from home one of the tactics of his captors he would imagine conversations he would some day have with friends and loved ones. These daydreams were not idle wishes or hopes, he maintained for to him they were a foretaste of a future which would be his if he refused to give up and die Thy kingdom come The writer ol Revelation had y“to r y for G ° d ’ s kingdom. For a similar experience He too was that reason, the Christian, even facmg a time of danger and des in dl ®.l r V d , srea *. dar K, n ,l ss ! pair, and he too gained strength j an still behold the vision of that for the present by-looking to the and declare; a ,? d future. The future tc which he SW dnd wisdom and thanks looked was the final completion of God’s plan and purpose for the might be to our God for ever apd world For him also this future , ever! Amen - was no idle wisL or hope* it was «n outim** c«pynshtMi by 4h« Division something which he believed had •' cwan w.hl m •» *» •i „ i_ + , r. v„ Church** •( Christ m th* USA bw been revealed tc him by God. cmmun.ty p r «, s.™.) There is one important dif- 1 ference between his experience and that of the American soldier re ferred to above: the writer of evelanon sew the future in poetic For Full Market Reports Read LANCASTER FARMING To Control Muskrats Farm Pond owners will find that muskrats can do consider able damage to the bank struc ture of a faim pond if left un controlled foi several years This would be the best time of the year to trap these rodents in order to reces\ e some income from their pelts Muskrats will dig into the banks of the pond and over a period of years will drain the water from the pond. Invite the youth of your family or of neighbors to trap these muskrats if the owner does not desire to do so To Control Interna! Parasites All types of livestock are likely to possess stomach worms that will reduce their vitality; this is usually more severe in young animals, under a year of and symbolic images rather than the real-life daydreams of the soldier. Secondly, while the soldier’s daydreams were of help to him alone, the writer of Revela tion believed these things were given to him by God to share with others. When we read Revelation, therefore, we must notgetbogged down in the literal details of the visions, but must constantly seek to get behind the visions to the messages they bear. Too many people get lost in this book, failing to "see the forest for the trees.” Multitudes! "After this I looked, and be hold, a great multitude . . .* (Revelation 7:9) John’s attention shifts from the discouraging scene about him to the vision of the future. Here he sees, not the churches bending under the bur den of persecution, but the great gathering in heaven of those who have been redeemed by Christ. It is not the present that occupies him, but the "last days” when God will fulfill his plan for his creation, he sees multitudes, people so numerous that they cannot be counted. This vision brings him hope, a hope he must share with other Christians who need encourage ment. These small communities of Christians scattered here and there often feel isolated and impotent, but in his vision he catches a glimpse of the in numberable company of Chris tians who will stand with him in that great "day.” Promise of victory There is another reason for encouragement. His world - like ours is a divided world. Yet, on that day which his vision for sees, there will be no more barriers betweenmen. People from all nations and races willbe there. Different cultures, languages, and customs may separate us today, but these barriers will not survive that "day.” Greatest of all, however, is the encouragement that comes with the vision of Christ’s ultimate NOW IS THE TIME... B> Max Smith Lancaster County Agent age. than in more mature live stock Samples of the feces from the animal submitted to your local veterinarian will de termine the amount of infec tion Don’t expect high produc tion or efficient gains fiom worm-infested animals. To Evaluate Farm Records This would be a good time of the year to spend some time an alyzing farm records; not only to determine the extent of pro fit or loss, but as a means of planning future enterprises. Ex pansion programs should be founded on accurate records of the particular line of produc tion over the past several years. Good farm records are very im portant and should be evaluated in order to do better farm planning for the future.