Weekly fcastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices unchanged, howevei occasional unconfirmed sales repoited as high as 9%c De mand good in most quaiteis Offerings spotty ranging baiely adequate to adequate Offeungs of heavy type hens limited and shoit for a fair buying interest Occasional sales repoited fiom 16-18 c Prices paid at farm Light type hens 7-9 J / 2 , Heavy Type hens TFEWR Eastern Shore Exchange Broiler and fryer live puces averaged 14 77 cents a pound this week Prices paid ranged from a high of 15 3 cents a pound on Monday to a low of 14 1 cents a pound on Thursday Total sales were 623,400 head up 54,800 head from last week Fogelsville December 10, 1368 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb., except where noted) Light Hens 8-10, mostly 8-9; Heavy Hens 10-17, mostly 11-12- %, Pullets 17-29, mostly 20-25, Boasters 10-27, mostly 20-24, Ducks 14-36, mostly 20-22; Drakes 20-44, mostly 38-44, Geese 10-33, mostly 30 33, Rab- CRIB FILLER 1969 W*" TflM id impnfomt For complete details on the profit potential from See your local Crib Filler dealer below; FARMERS SUPPLY CO. Lancaster MUSSER’S MILL The Buck KIRKWOOD FEED & GRAIN Kirkwood MARTIN’S FEED MILL, INC. R D. Ephrata GERMAN FEED MILL, INC. Denver Elm LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER CO., INC. Quan yville STANFORD SEED CO. Box 230, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462 Poultry Report bits 19Vz 48, mostly 35 45, Gum eas 35-70, Pigeons (per pair) 85- 210, mostly 85-110, Jumbo Squab 100 lotal coops sold 852 ® Vintage (Continued from Page 2) HOGS 386 gilts 25-50 c highei BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 200-220 lbs 20 50-20 85, US 2, 200-235 lbs 20 20 25, US 2-3 190-250 lbs 19 25-20 SOWS US 2-3 360-550 lbs 13 25-14 50 SHEEP 106 Wooled lambs $l-2 lowei WOOLED LAMBS Choice 70-100 lbs 27-28 50, Good 24-26 Animal Pests Most livestock is being placed into their winter quarters, their long hau coats will be getting thicker to protect them from the cold Now would be a good time to tieat these animals for body lice and for internal parasites Both of these pests will reduce the vitality of an animal and cost the owner money Efficient milk 01 meat production is a must on every farm if any profit is to be realized, this is hard to do with parasite-infested ani mals All farmers are urged to get rid of both lice and stomach worms before any more waste'of feed and effort. Crib Filler F. M. BROWN’S SONS, INC. Sinking Spring WEAVER’S FIX-IT SHOP R D New Holland E. H. KEEN & SON Parkesburg H. H. GOOD MILL Fivepointville DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. Mt. Airy BOMBERGER’S STORE Help Reduce Farm Accidents Weekly New York Egg Mkt. More than 600 people are killed jn farm tracloi upset ac cidents each year m the United States, reports Thomas H Wil- Lams, extension agucultural engineer at the Umveisity of Delawaie An additional 5,000 people are injured annually Barrows and Authorities estimate that thiee of every four people killed in tiactor upsets could be saved if tractors were equipped with pjbtective frames 01 ciush-ie sistant cabs and safety belts “Safety equipment is now available foi many ti actors,” says Williams “So if you’re thinking of buying a new trac toi, ask your dealer about these devices They could save youi life ” Tractoi operatois can also conti ibute a good deal to acci dent prevention if they will only follow basic safety inles Read and familiauze yourself with the instruction manuals for your equipment, suggests Wil liams Keep youiself in proper physical and mental condition by getting enough lest, dressing comfortably, woikmg within physical capabilities and taking frequent breaks to avoid fatigue Avoid operating on steep slopes and stay clear of ditches and embankments, he adds And drive slowly on lough ground or when visibility is poor Re duce speed when turning or working near ditches and avoid dropping wheels onto a soft shoulder or into ditches Finally, keep all guards and shields in place and shut off power before servicing or un clogging machinery And always keep children away from ma chinery. When on the road, always dis play a Slow-Moving Vehicle em blem, advises Williams This is becoming universally recognized as designating a vehicle travel ling less than 25 miles an hour in.. ilsille nllkln hr 24 mrs -ZPERFECTION , - < : — l—^ MWmMmmmWk mmmWk A clear improvement over other W » ojt JF milkers... Perfection's new “Full k JF Jp_ { View" milker lets you see the milk flow from every angle so you'll know when to switch to ' * jy2jaL the next cow. Perfection's "Full View" milker shells give you a constant check on the vacuum. You can see that in flations are properly installed and free from damage... You'll milk faster and do away with needless wear and tear on vour cows Let us lend you a "Full View" milker for a 24 hour free trial You will quickly see the many advantages of "Visible Milking". Sold and Serviced by: fAiwayl BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH. 717-397-4761 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 — (Fiom Monday, Dccembei 9th to Fuday, December 13th) Mon. Tues WHITE Fey Ex Large Fey Laige Fey Mediums Fey Pullets Fey Peewees 4614 4614 42 3912 27 BROWN Fey Lai ge Fey Mediums Fey Pullets Fey Peewees 50 42 3914 27 Standaids Checks 43 29 2914 Tiend Maiket in close clearance on laige white Very firm on Medium but Pullets aie megular. Copyught 1988 by Urner Bany Publications Meeting With Cattlemen Set On Chicken In Franks Issue The poultry industiy will meet with beef cattle intei ests in ear ly December in a move to woik out then differences ovei the use of chicken in fiankfurters and other sausage products, ac cording to the Poultrymen Here’s a quick iun down on The hope is that the 2 indus- wl * at happened tnes can go before the U S Ag- Instead ° f setting the machm rxculture Department with af7 m motion for the new regu plan which USDA will accept ldtlon by Publishing it USDA without a piolonged series of announced that it would not oe public hearings disclosed until late December or Poultry leaders fear that such early m JanUary ’ a long public discussion on the The announcement was made issue would end with so much by Administrator Rodney E. adverse publicity for the frank- Leonard of the Consumer and furter that both beef and chick- Marketing Service at a hurry up en producers would be hurt news conference At any rate, it seems almost Tbe Na^lona i Broiler Council sure now that the final decision an(J Southeastern p ou ltiy on the chicken-m-fiank uiter i - and Egg Association withdrew sue will be made by the Nixon x - tQ USDA for public administration, not the Johnson heaunCTS administration. ° This was the significance in a senes of fast-paced develop- Wed 47 14 47 47 42 J 4 3812 391/2 27 4714 43 38 39 27 50 43 38 39 27 50 42 1 4 38y 2 -39V 2 27 4314 29 43 1 2 29 ments w'hich added complica tions and the kind of political intrigue that seems somewhat mcongiuous in the case of something so piosaic as the hot dog The i equests had been sub mitted in hopes that it might get USDA moving on the issue. Other poultry organizations had opposed such hearings, claiming that they would scare the con sumer Whales Grow Bigger Whales grow bigger than any land animals because the water supports their bodies A land mammal can get only as heavy as its legs can cany; a bird’s body is limited by the weight its body can .suppoi t m the air. 3 Frl. Thins. 48 48 4414 45 3614-38 27 4414 3614 38 27 50 44 3614-38 27 50 44 3614 38 27