• A View From (Continued from Page 21) Governor’s Citizens Advisory Committee on Natural Resourc es and Beautv to attain its goals. The new council also will work closely with the Conserva tion Coordinating Committee es tablished among involved State agencies a year ago to imple ment ouir new $5OO milliqn bond, issue Our experience- with that com mittee ' has -been' that there is-- still a need for- greater - lecal- Stat cooperation in the entire field of natural resources and beauty I am hopeful that .this new group will be the answer SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 W. High St., Manheim, Pa Phone 665-2258 Can You Afford Not To Be A LANCASTER CO. FARAiIiS ASSOCIATION MEMi 1? Can you afford to lose the Pennsylvania Milk Control Law? Can you afford to lose your farm to land-grab government schemes? Can you afford to lose your sales tax exemption on farm slumps and machinery used in production? Can you afford to pay double for your truck license fee? Can you afford to lose your farm to “open-space” schemes? Can you afford to let your farm be managed from Washing!!.,; y so-called “Agricultural Experts?” Can you afford another, year $l.lO per bushel wheat? Can you afford the threat of imitation milk products? Can you afford government regulations prohibiting your sons to work on your farm? Can you afford to employ union labor on your farm? These are just a few of the proposed legislation thj' Co. Farmers Assn, members were able to stop in I' 7 But many of these threat's still face us in the S;.. Assembly and Congress. AGAIN WE ASK: CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE A LCFA EC FA HAS A COMPLETE PROGRAM TO FU‘ FARMER-MEMBER NEEDS! ’ SERVICE TO MEMBER PROGRAMS INCLUDn,: • Legislative Program; • Full lineof insurance, • ,‘Marketing & Bargaining Programs; • $l,OOO Life & Dism- ’ • 'Farm Management Business Analysis with each membeis.v ' Service; • Information and E • * Tires, Batteries & Baler Twine Director, • Program: ' IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO FAR YOU CAN’T AFFORD NOT T A LCFA MEMBER! LANCASTER COUNTY DIRECTORS Pres. CLYDE £. WIVELL JAMES G. K'jEIDER R. D. 1 Columbia R. D 1, Qi.' > > t’le Vice Pres. ■ JAMES M. GARBER EARL E. Pi R D. 2. Mt Joy R D. 1, Eo’d 'ita Sec. - Treas - JAMES L. MARTIN ELLIS K. R. r V TZER 5,67 Delp Rd.. Lane R D 2 Nev "’tU'ind CLYDE M. BUCHEN DONALD • 'EY R. D 3, Manheim R D 1. ROBERT C. GROFF LEROY » • R D 3 Quarrvville R D 1, ROBERT G. HARNISH JAMES R D. 2, Conestoga R D 2, P 10% increase in Life & Dismemberment Policy with dues Lancaster County Farmers Assn Try light and refreshing salad eating this summer. Line a big salad bowl with head lettuce and romaine, fill it with good foods like avocado, lobster, grapefruit and tomatoes. Top U off with a smooth cottage cheese sour cream dressing. , c i, u c school win welding in the harden Spot M. ». vanous \ ■ ORS, on different Plans Welding Course kinds oi --1 welding cast Storting Jon. 16 non ha*d . ng, cutting, and b’azing i. i ate welder An evening arc welding school Evei vo* a attends will ie for farmers and other intei ested ceive ac >i cd diploma if they peisons will begin Thuisday attend all ' ve sessions A fee of evening, January 16 at 700at$5 00 will > charged for the the Garden Spot High School comse an ’’l materials needed Vocational Agriculture Depart- will be pi ed fiee of charge ment The school will be con- The co ■■ is based on in ducted one night a week for five structions 1M eloped by the consecutive Thursday nights It Lincoln EleiGic Company who is designed for beginners and makes arc welding equipment others interested in improving and has been conducting weld their are welding skills ing scho'-’i since 1917 The Donald Robinson, Vocational Farmersvil 1 e Equipment Co Agriculture Teacher at the high will sponer. Ihe course Lancaster ’ General 3£R? iTS , meat Policy iogiam -N 1969 1 "un T i n t v 1 tO Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 Fruits and Vegetables Star in Super Sloop Salad Everyone wins when you pre- SUPER SLOOP SALAD BOWL pare a Super Sloop Salad Bowl, 6 servings a meal in a bowl, which suits 2 cups torn head lettuce warm weather appetites. It’s 1 cup torn romaine quick and easy and contains y 2 cup thinly sliced celery all the makings for a balanced % cup sliced green onions meal. 1 can (5 oz.) lobster, drained There’s seafood, tangy citrus % cup halved cherry tomatoe* fruit, a vegetable or two, crisp 1 grapefruit, sectioned greens and creamy dressing 1 avocado, sliced made with two dairy foods, sour cream and cottage cheese. A substantial salad like this, CREAM DRESSING: served with crusty French iy 2 cups cottage cheese bread and tall glasses Of ice- y cup dairy sour cream cold milk, is an ideal choice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind for a mam dish on a warm Salt and pepper summer day. In a large salad bowl toss to- And it s colorful too. Cherry gether lettuce, romaine, celery tomatoes, green onions, avo- and onions. In separate groups cados, ripe olives, and chunks arrange lobster, tomatoes, of lobster vie for color atten- grapefruit sections, avocado tion. Chilled fresh lemon juice and olive slices on top of brings out the different flavors greens. Sprinkle lemon juice to provide a new experience in over all. Cover and chill, salad eating. Meanwhile, prepare Cream . The dressing is a treat in it- Dressing- In a small mixing self, one you’ll want to use on bowl beat cottage cheese at tossed salads and fruit bowls highest speed of mixer until all summer long. It’s so sim- fairly smooth. Beat m sour pie, you won’t believe it. Just cream and lemon rind. Add sour cream, cottage cheese, salt and pepper to taste, salt and pepper, combined in Yield: 1 3 A cups dressing, a mixer or if you want it extra Your summer galley will stay smooth, in a blender. This all- cool as this is a make-ahead in-one Super Sloop Bowl is a meal Only the burgers have to meal in itself, perfect for pare- be broiled, the salad and milk free outdoor luncheons or sup- comes right from the refrig - pers. ator. • Have You Heard? of time "W be wasting money (Continued from Page 19) ? n operation costs and on the food itself if it is kept frozen Use Freezer Efficiently longer than recommended foi To be economical, you should optimum flavor and texture, use your freezer space at a mini mum operation cost Keep a freezer storage chart Serving foods that you have f° r time limit on storage of frozen on a regular basis cuts foods frozen and to know what freezer operation costs 011 bave stored at a quick Taking advantage of freezer s ; space by buying sale items you Keeping a freezer almost full don’t need is not efficient use of most 0 f the time with rapid your freezer. turnover lowers the cost per Foods stored for long periods unit of food stored sloppy manure See how New Idea spreaders offer 3 low-cost ways to handle it SIWP .r-rXKy ~ '-A Ek ] W^, HYDRAULIC END- PAN ATTACH- MECHANICAL GATE h«s finger-tip MENT fits any New ENDGATE fits any control, uses stand- Idea Single Beater New Idea Cylinder/ ard S* Single <w spreader,Lowest cost Paddle or Flail double acting cylin- way to handle semi- Spreader. Closes noth der. Hand crank liquid manure. Rub- hand crank, opens available. Fits all ber flap seals pan in from tractor seat. Naw Idea FTO closed position. Fits snug for loading •preaderu. and hauling. And doni mit* eeeinp tk* tough New Idea PTO SuperSpseadcr* her&nowl FM, Cyßncfer/Paddle and Single Beater in 135,-165- and 195 bushel sizes Wilbur H. Graybill Lttltz, R. D. Z Chas. J. McComsey Longenecker & Sons Farm Supply Hickory Hill, Pa. Rheems Roy H. Buck, Inc. Allen H. Matz Ephrata, R. D. 2 Denver A. B. C. Groff, Inc. A, L. Herr & Bro. New Holland Quarryville 5 pitted ripe olives, sliced % cup fresh lemon juice Landis Bros. Lancaster 25
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