A View From The Governor's Office Ey Gov. Raymond P. Shafer Pennsylvania emeus an abun d.nce of natmal and man-made beauty and ot natural resource.-, winch gieatly enhances the i.ves of the people of th.s Slate The preseivat.on. enhance ment and promotion of these natmal lesomces and of this beauty will contribute signifi eantlj to the enjoyment of the people who live and work in the State, as well as the millions of visitors who come heie each jeai. Currently, through both P ej ect 70 and our new $530 mill.on Land and Water Conseivation and Reclamation Fund, Pennsyl vania has become a leader among all states in all these ac tivit.es However, further efforts by IF YOU KNOW QUALITY YOU KNOW YOU SAVED AT BAUER'S CANCELLATION SHOES 1929 LINCOLN HIGHWAY EAST, M,Qyy Lancaster, pa. HpEM ■WV« PHONE; LANCASTER 397-2641 vrHl Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday and Friday : 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. What Are Cancellations? Why Can We Sell Them With A Saving Up To 60 % All First Class — No Seconds. - * s v A GOOD MAN TO HAVE on your side of the fence FOR AGRICULTURAL Meet Jack Peck ... our new Agricultural Relations Repre sentative A graduate of Pennsylvania State University, Jack has wide and practical experience in Most phases of farming and agriculture. When you require an Agricultural Loan ... for needed farm improvements, additional farming equipment, more acreage, enlargement of your herd or flock or for any other purpose . . discuss it with Jack Peck at Your Headquarters for Money Matters. Jack’s first hand knowledge of faim problems and financing requirements make him well qualified to talk your language He is a good man to have on youi side of the fence when arranging any type of Agricultural Loan. Conestoga—Bank momms imm mrms LANCASTER/CENTERVILLE/EAST/LANDISVILLE / LIT•’ z MANHEIM TOWNSHIP/MILLERSVILLE/ROHRERSTOWi'I MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORA! lon A Trustee for The Lancaster County Foundation S'me Government aie needed to cjoidinate and piomote p’o s’fms conti bating to the natm al and man nrae beauty, tne j :- dictous, efficient and effective orseivation of natmal lesouic es and to advise and assist local gov nnmeiffs in both conseiva tion planning and programming To fulfill these unmet needs, I have this week directed the fnimal establishment oi a Gov ernors Interdepartmental Coun cil on Natmal Resources and Beauty, f o be headed by the' Ssc letaiy of Community Affai.s Also seiving will be the Sec letanes of Agriculture Com merce, Forests and Waters, Health, Highways and Mines and Mineral Industries as well as the executive Directors of the •sri, * jy * s State Planning Boaid, the Coun cil toi the Aits, the Fish, Game and Historical and Museum Con.missions and the General Stale \uthouty Functions ol the new Council will be to 1 Develop policies and pio glams to p.esaive m.d enhance n„,tu al lesomces end beauty and cooidinsto the activities of State agencies m then niciitaLon 2 Adv.se, encouiage and as sist local governments in devel moment and implementation of such policies at the local level 3 Conduct and coordinate studies, suiveys and inventoues of the vast natuial and man made resources conti ibuting to the beauty of the State by value of their scenic, aesthetic oi cul tuial values 4 Designate scenic sites, areas and highways and develop pio giamc for their preservation and enhancement, including, but not limited to, progiams to discour- m * HI m LOANS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 age litteung, defacement and pieseivation and enhancement blighting of such a.eas of natuirl i°3oinccs and beauty 5 Piomote the application of a)l d develop Jr line legislation aesthetic consideiations m the which may be needed location, design, consti action 7 Cooneiate tu'iy with both and maintenance of Stale lands, the Joint Legishu'vc Au an.l pioiects and buildings Watei Pollution Conti ol an I 6 Seive as a dealing house Consen at ion Comn Alee and the foi infoiraation relating to the (Continued r m Page 25) imple LIKE FATHE JOHN DEERE SCALE MODELS MAKE “PLAY FARMING” MORE REALISTIC Tractor... hay baler... corn planter... spreader— John Deere Toys let boys and their dads follow the seasons together. Choose from our complete line . . . rugged, realistic, and they really work! See us. CHECK OUK COMPLETE SELECTION OF QUALITY JOHN DEERE TOYS M. S. Yearsley & Sons West Chester 609-2990 I nnJlc Rrnc Inr A. B. C. Groff, lllC. Lancaster 8 SSmOOB New Holland 3544191 SAMPLE COPIES FREE of LANCASTER FARMING to your fi lends or business associates Just write their names and addresses below Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends m? y not be acquainted with our weekly service. We’ll be glad to send, without chaige, several copies (You’ll be doing both them and us a favoi ’ > To Street Address & R D. City Street Address & R. D City Your Name Address Q Check here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 rssues) GIFT subscription for $2 each (S 3 each outside of Lan caster County) to your filends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: CIRCULATION DEPT LANCASTER FARMING Wenger Implement Co. Buck 284-4467 • (You aie not limited to two names Use sepaiate sheet for additional names ) 1 i i ra m CM ...LIKE SON Shotzberger's Elm 665-2141 State Zip State Zip 21 V Vl V If ml