—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 2 At Lancaster Yards Vintage Auction Weekly Review Auction Only December 10, 1968 t. . CATTLE 786 Compared to 12 Comnaied to December 11, 1968 last Tuesday, slaughter steers CATTLE 2725 Compaied to CATTLE 742 Compared to steady to strong, cows steady to last weeks close, slaughtei steeis Monday, slaughter steers strong 25c higher; small supply of steady to 25c higher, cows to 2 5 C higher, cows steady; bulls bulls strong Supply included 35 steady to 25c higher , bulls steady to weak; Supply mainly percent cows steady; Supply included 40 pei- slaug htev steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS S mws®Md bulls S ’whh toe SLAUGHTER STEERS _ Choice 925-1300 lbs 28 35-29 75, Sauce mainly feeder steers Pnme 9504275 lbs 29 60-29 85, high-Choice and Prime 29 60-30 - Da ™ c ® ™‘ n ‘ y _ High-Choice and Prime 950-1250 75; High-Good and low-Choice Pnme 950-1275 lbs 29 60-29 85, j bs 2 9 50 ' 29 75 ’ Choic ® 900 1275 27 7 52 a 5 ?’ 1 load earlv histo-Choice and lbs 28 25 -29 50; high-Good and aid and low-Good 23 50-25 50 Prime 1430 lbs 29 50 late sales low - Ch